The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1970 Mechanical Legion

The border battlefield of the Divine Star Territory.

Fierce fighting raged here for several years.

The war zone that Thain and others are responsible for is mainly fighting against the local gods who have returned to the world of gods.

The acquisition of a total of seven godheads has allowed Thain to make a lot of money over the years, two of which are fifth-level biological godheads.

Being able to achieve such huge gains in a short period of time is naturally because these battles were not fought by Thain alone. đź…†

Fumila under him is a well-deserved hero.

In addition, the Flame driven by Yuri, as well as the God of Black Mist, God of Twilight, God of Scorching Wind, God of Black Dog, God of Dusk Saliva, and God of Rotting Soil, are all loyal horses of Thane. A boy and a thug.

A large part of the war profits they earn needs to be handed over to Thain, who then distributes the rewards.

Of course, as for the Tianming Empire, Thane has no way of meddling in other people's war gains.

Although Ximen Feixiao and others were nominally assigned by Thain, Thain was still not very good at taking advantage of other people's war gains.

On the other hand, Thain, as the leader of the local battlefield, could trade with them at equal value due to his close relationship with Gongsun Wudi, Ximen Feixiao and others.

Many warriors of the Tianming Empire do not value the rarity and researchability of trophies.

For example, some trophy materials with the power of strange laws are not necessarily valued by the fourth and fifth level experts in the Tianming Empire. Instead, they value more such things as energy crystals, body refining potions, and restorative props.

During this period of time, Thain had earned a lot of benefits from the warriors of the Tianming Empire by relying on the ordinary potions he usually refined.

The development of pharmacy in the Tianming Empire is not outstanding.

If Gongsun Wudi had not bothered to communicate with Thain recently, otherwise with her character, she might have asked Thain to teach them the "alchemist" of the Tianming Empire.

The alchemist is a unique profession in the Tianming Empire. He is responsible for refining medicine, weapon refining, formations and other miscellaneous subjects.

We manage.

The dragon roar that performed well on the battlefield before was created by the warlocks of the Tianming Empire.

Each civilization has its own characteristics, but for the group of alchemists... Thain can only say that they still have a lot to learn in the future.


The war that took place on the border of the Divine Star Territory did not last long.

The front line in front of Thane and others is really not easy to break through, but the God World Legion and the Gallente Federation Legion can break through from the gaps in other fronts. (ps: Especially the front that was hit by the Gallente Federation’s doomsday weapons.)

It is really unrealistic to completely surround a large star field.

If it were a top-level civilization like the wizard civilization, it would be possible to build an energy blockade with the help of master-level creatures and a huge war legion.

The beholder world has been destroyed, it can even be said to have been completely slaughtered, and this is the end of it.

But it is different here in the Divine Star Territory. The strength of the Tianming Empire is not as exaggerated as that of the wizard civilization.

Moreover, the current main army of the Tianming Empire is actually fighting in the star field with the indigenous pantheon led by Marduk.

The blocking army led by Thain and others can only be said to be a branch.

Being able to lead the legion to block the return legion in the Godborn Star Territory for several years, Thain and others have completed their mission well.

After the war at the border of the Goddess Star Territory ended, Thane and others took a short rest and then quickly led the army back to the depths of the Goddess Star Territory.

Because of the support of the ships of the Gallente Federation, the legions of the divine worlds who broke out and returned were able to escape quite quickly.

The Tianming Empire exists in the fields of ship manufacturing and large-scale legion operations.

Big shortcoming.

For a moment, I couldn't catch up...

"With the friendly diplomatic relations between the wizard civilization and the Tianming Empire, after this star war is over, you can write to your Tianming Emperor and order a batch of space fortresses from the wizard civilization as a war platform."

"I think the leaders of the wizarding civilization will give you a suitable price for the Tianming Empire." Thane touched his chin and said to Ximen Feixiao beside him.

Because Thane had a transformed planet-level war fortress at his feet, the legions he led were the fastest in pursuit.

Ximen Feixiao also felt the advantages of technological creation and magic power, and nodded firmly to Thain's suggestion.

Having been involved in the military for many years, Ximen Feixiao has a deeper understanding of this convenient warfare platform.

He looked at the planet-level war fortress under Thane's feet with some envy.

Ximen Feixiao wanted to capture such a trophy, but unfortunately his Tianming Empire Legion did not have the ability to control the federal fortress or spaceship.


As the offensive and defensive situation changes, the next war will most likely occur within the plane.

Moreover, Thain and others were on the offensive side, and the retreating God World Legion became the defensive side.

Although Thane's legion is the fastest in pursuit with its planetary war fortress, he is currently just chasing the God World Legion by the tail, and is not chasing too hard.

Let's wait until all the Tianming Empire's army follows up before launching a general attack.

Thain is still a stable person at his core.

During this period, Alibaba Chamber of Commerce supplied resources to the battlefield of the Divine Star Territory very smoothly without any problems.

It seems that the surrounding star civilizations that were originally swinging and neutral are now beginning to favor the wizard civilization.

Thain, who has always been in contact with Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce, has long asked Alibaba Chamber of Commerce to find a way to get himself a set of intelligent robot production lines from the Icarus Zaibatsu.

But it is a pity that after such a long time, the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce still failed to complete Thain's order.

In the end, only a batch of ordinary robot production lines were sent.

In the laboratory of the planet-level war fortress, Thane touched his chin and muttered: "The Rubik's Cube gives the robot wisdom, which will consume the energy of its internal laws. And the wisdom of ordinary robots will not be of much help to me."

"The ones that are truly valuable in unlocking wisdom are actually those angel-type robots with higher combat power, or the group of intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron."

"If it's an ordinary robot... just use it as cannon fodder." Thain sighed.

Later, he personally led the experiment of integrating the robot production line sent by Alibaba Chamber of Commerce with the internal mechanical space of the Rubik's Cube.

This experiment is a landmark experimental project for Thain.

Because from then on, it means that Thain also has the ability to "produce and sell" the bottom-level cannon fodder legions, and their manufacturing convenience is more convenient than the process of cultivating green source seeds by Thain's mentor Lu Lianman.

But for such a landmark experiment, the process is not complicated.

Because Thain has mastered almost all the core technologies and prerequisites for this experimental transformation.

The mechanical space is ready, the ability to integrate the Rubik's Cube with the robot production line is also ready, and the required legal energy and basic energy costs are all prepared in advance.

All Thain has to do is just put them together.

Therefore, before arriving at the low-level battlefield called the world of Forensa, Thain had already raised a batch of 800,000 robot legions and stored them in his Rubik's Cube.

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