The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1969 Supporting Justice

The conditions given by the Gallente Federation to the Mosquito Taoists are: star core extraction and utilization technology, domination flesh and blood supply, and acceptance of the Mosquito Taoists' request to launch raids on several specific masters on the civilized battlefield.

In terms of specific strength, the two forces attracted by the Gallente Federation are not very strong, at least not as strong as the help from the fairyland attracted by the wizard civilization.

But the final result was to make the wizarding civilization extremely disgusting.

Because the originally established general trend has become more twists and turns due to the addition of these two waves of external forces.

The world of Wanhua Tianzun.

Rich white clouds float in the vast sky of this world.

Between the clouds, huge archways stand.

These archways are the "House of the Supreme Being" in Wanhua Tianzun's world.

They stand in many directions in this world, among which the nine most majestic and majestic ones represent the nine masters of the Wanhua Tianzun world.

In addition to the nine "Venerable Halls", there are thousands of second-level archways in Wanhua Tianzun's world, which has almost reached the level of over 10,000.

From this point of view, it is not an exaggeration to say that the world of Wanhua Tianzun has the prototype of a top civilization.

As for the relationship between the high-altitude Venerable Palace and the ordinary palace buildings, it is a bit like the relationship between the Holy Tower of the Wizarding World and the major True Spirit Towers.

If the wizarding civilization can destroy the world of Wanhua Tianzun, I think those magicians can get a lot of inspiration from the many civilizational achievements of the world of Wanhua Tianzun.

On the matter of rushing to aid the Gallente Federation, opinions within the world of Wanhua Tianzun are not unified.

After all, the world of Wanhua Tianzun is a sound civilization, and the various masters within it also have a great say.

Unlike Emperor Mosquito, Taoist Mosquito himself is the full promoter of all plans, and the people below can only follow orders.

Questioning the plan of the Supreme Being

It is a newly grown seventh-level master named Yun Qizun.

He is the eighth master-level powerhouse born in the world of Wanhua Tianzun.

Although during his growth, he also received a lot of care from Venerable Weiwu.

But young people always have their own ideas and concepts.

Yun Qizun came to Lord Weiwu and asked respectfully: "According to the intelligence we collected, the Gallente Federation is already at an absolute disadvantage when fighting against the wizard civilization, and their battlefield has shifted to Gallente. Within the Commonwealth. Why do we still want to get involved in this quagmire of war?"

The appearance of Lord Weiwu is that of a middle-aged man wearing the special clothes of the Wanhua Tianzun world.

The first feeling he brings to others is majesty.

This is a strong man who carries the heavy burden of the world of Wanhua Tianzun in a critical historical period.

Although Lord Weiwu himself knows that he is still far from reaching the ninth level, he can only say that he has barely touched the threshold of the eighth level.

But I am the only one who is willing to give it a try and compete.

Facing the inquiries from rising stars like Yun Qizun, Lord Weiwu was not angry. He looked at the other person with a calm face and said slowly: "What do you think of our relationship with the wizard civilization?"

Yun Qizun knew some history. He shook his head and replied: "It's not very good, especially after Tianxing Zun in our world was killed by the powerful wizard civilization."

Lord Weiwu nodded, and then asked: "Do you think that a direct contact war will break out between us and the wizard civilization in the short term?"

Yun Qizun heard this, thought for a moment, then continued to shake his head and replied: "Probably not, the main enemy of wizard civilization is still the Gallente Federation.


"Given the long time and space distance between us and the wizard civilization, under normal circumstances, it is difficult to have a direct war conflict." Yun Qizun analyzed.

The straight-line distance between the world of Wanhua Tianzun and the wizard civilization is somewhat similar to the territorial distance between the Hades Empire and the wizard civilization.

Even the world of Wanhua Tianzun is further away!

Because there are powerful wizards and civilizations who travel to the Hades Empire, and even the Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce has expanded its business to the more distant civilization of the Kingdom of Light.

But I have never heard of any strong wizards and civilizations traveling around the world of Wanhua Tianzun, including the extremely well-informed Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce, and they have not found out where the star domain coordinates of the world of Wanhua Tianzun are.

With such a premise, it is obviously not an easy task for the wizard civilization to attempt to conquer the world of Wanhua Tianzun.

The current primary enemy of the wizard civilization is the Gallente Federation, followed by the Hades Empire.

As for the world of Wanhua Tianzun, which had a gap with the wizarding civilization in the early years, I don’t know where it has been ranked.

Even if the wizard civilization has learned that the world of Wanhua Tianzun has the prototype of a top-level civilization, it does not have the conditions for war, that is, it does not have the conditions for war.

At best, after finding out the specific star domain coordinates of the world of Wanhua Tianzun, just like the Minghe Empire, gather a group of top powerhouses and go to the world of Wanhua Tianzun to cause chaos. It is best to kill one or two more enemies. The ruler of the square.

But this way of fighting is unpalatable to both sides.

The wizarding civilization can do this, and so can the world of Wanhua Tianzun. Who can guarantee that there will not be a single master.

And the price to pay for such retaliatory actions is also huge.

Just a cross-star remote master teleportation and the possible risk of losing the master's omnipotent soul have hindered most powerful people.

Only my lord

His two simple questions actually made Yun Qizun freeze on the spot for a while.

After a moment, Lord Weiwu continued: "Since the Gallente Federation has borne all our costs, and many top civilization core technologies have been sold to us, why can't we take action?"

Yun Qizun said hesitantly: "But in this case, we will directly confront the wizard civilization..."

Venerable Weiwu shook his head and said: "We are already at odds with the wizard civilization, how can we be worse than this?"

"In the face of a civilization that is stronger than ours, it is impossible to retreat blindly."

“When benefits arise, seize the opportunity and you may benefit from it.”

"If we ignore the destruction of the Gallente Federation, it may be as painful as boiling a frog in warm water for our Wanhua Tianzun world." Venerable Weiwu said with a sigh.

Yun Qizun couldn't help but sigh after hearing this.

Everyone is fighting for interests and development space for their own civilization, and there is no telling who is right or wrong.

From the perspective of the Wanhua Tianzun world, the wizarding civilization is evil, and their aid to the Gallente Federation is an act of "supporting justice."

Is it necessary to retreat because the enemy is too powerful?

Yun Qizun is a passionate young man who has just been promoted to the master. After achieving the realm of master, he led his legion to fight in the north and south, conquering many worlds for the world of Wanhua Tianzun.

However, while Yun Qizun is passionate, he is also rational.

He is also the only strong person currently who dares to question the decision-making of Lord Weiwu.

Facing the views of Lord Weiwu, Yun Qizun gradually accepted it and said: "I am willing to lead my legion and be the first master to go to the federal battlefield."

Lord Weiwu nodded slowly and said nothing more.

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