The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1968 Federal Assistance

When the power of destruction sweeps across the federal star field again.

Facing the extremely heavy pressure of war and the crisis of civilization destruction, the Supreme Council of the Gallente Federation finally signed an unequal treaty with two alien civilization forces that were willing to provide support to the federation in exchange for each other's support.

This is the case in the star realm. Most of the time, only profit will drive people who are originally unrelated to join a war that has nothing to do with oneself.

One of the companies that signed a cooperation contract with the Gallente Federation is the Wanhua Tianzun World.

The world of Wanhua Tianzun is a tyrannical civilization that has stayed in the realm of large-scale world civilization for many years.

In its surrounding star field, many world civilizations believe that the world of Wanhua Tianzun has embarked on the road to impact the top civilization in the past 100,000 years.

In fact, the most powerful person in the world of Wanhua Tianzun, Lord Weiwu, has indeed reached the point where no one in the surrounding star field can rival him.

And in many fields, the world of Wanhua Tianzun does have the prototype of a top civilization and a certain scale.

For example, although the world of Wanhua Tianzun has not yet given birth to its first ninth-level powerhouse, due to the special nature of civilization, they have come up with special means in advance to help the dominant-level creatures and restore part of the omnipotent soul!

There is also the number of local masters of the Wanhua Tianzun world, which reached nine 20,000 years ago.

I heard that another tyrannical life form will soon join the ranks of "Venerable". (ps: In the world of Wanhua Tianzun, the dominant-level creature is also called "Venerable.")

This marks that the number of masters of the Wanhua Tianzun world will reach double digits!

This is no longer something that ordinary large-scale world civilizations can achieve.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the other party is about to reach the top level of civilization.

Many people speculate that the most powerful person in the world of Wanhua Tianzun, Venerable Weiwu, is the great being who leads the world of Wanhua Tianzun to usher in the new century and move to a new level.

Once Venerable Weiwu enters the ranks of the ninth level, he will give the world to Wanhua Tianzun.

Bringing "subversive power", that is, "the power to break the balance law of the star realm", then it will be a fait accompli that the world of Wanhua Tianzun enters the ranks of top civilizations.

And judging from the development history of many top civilizations in the star world.

Whenever a top-level civilization gives birth to a ninth-level creature of its own, although the ninth-level creature generally does not stay in the star world for too long, in this very short period of time, the strength of the top civilization will There will be an exponential surge!

The primitive capital accumulation stage of many top civilizations was completed during the period when the ninth-level biological protection mother civilization was in existence.

Wizard civilization is no exception.

At the same time, this is also the era when level nine creatures were born. This top civilization must be an existence that most world civilizations cannot dare to mess with in the surrounding star fields.

Level nine existences are beyond the understanding of astral creatures, and even the most basic laws of balance in the astral realm have been broken, indicating that this type of existence cannot be judged by the common sense of the astral realm.

Although the word "invincible" is an exaggeration, it is not an exaggeration to call them this.

Speaking of which, the Minghe Empire has been quite "tolerant" for nearly 100,000 years.

The arrogant and domineering arrogance of their civilization in the past has been suppressed a lot in the past hundred thousand years.

Although it has launched wars of conquest such as the Great World, the Minghe Empire has not rashly launched a war to destroy the top civilizations!

They are waiting!

Waiting for the first pharaoh of the Hades Empire to be promoted to level nine!

Once the first pharaoh of Mingha is promoted to the ninth level, with the self-sealing technique mastered by their civilization, he will definitely stay in the star realm for a long time.

By then, let alone the small world, it will include the civilization of the Kingdom of Light, the wizard civilization, the Gallente Federation, etc.

Top civilization, no one can escape! They are all targeted for destruction and annexation by the Minghe Empire!

During the meeting in the Pharaoh Temple, many pharaohs were initially unwilling to form an alliance with the Gallente Federation, because in the minds of many pharaohs, the Gallente Federation was already an inevitable target to be conquered and annexed by them.

Cooperate with a group of inevitable losers in the future?

Many pharaohs with conservative ideas were not used to it.

The biggest price paid by the Gallente Federation this time to win over the world of Wanhua Tianzun was to package and sell their energy block production technology, artificial planet transformation technology, part of the doomsday weapon system, etc., with an estimated value of several trillions. Federal coins, energy crystals and other resources from various systems.

The world of Wanhua Tianzun takes the highest-end resources and technological achievements of the Gallente Federation, but there is no way, the knife is put to the neck, and it must be given back.

A little trick played by the Federation is that these resources and technologies are not handed over to Wanhua Tianzun World in one go, but handed over bit by bit.

At least they have to see the legions of the Wanhua Tianzun world arrive on this battlefield, so that they can safely betray the interests of civilization, right?

And the reason why the Wanhua Tianzun World joined the Gallente Federation battlefield is because they had a rift with the wizard civilization in the past.

They do not want to see a more prosperous wizard civilization emerge after annexing and integrating the Gallente Federation.

This is undoubtedly a huge threat to the world of Wanhua Tianzun.

On the other hand, the fairyland forces that extended a helping hand to the Gallente Federation are not the Buddhist, Taoist, demon and other forces in the traditional sense of the fairyland, nor are they casual cultivators and small and medium-sized forces.

It was a special powerful man who once left such a great reputation in the history of the Immortal Realm, but soon disappeared - Taoist Mosquito, also known as the "Emperor Mosquito".

The mosquito Taoist has offended almost all the forces that can be offended in the Immortal Realm!

Buddhism and Jiejiao had the deepest hatred against him.

The tenth grade golden lotus of merit and virtue currently under the Tathagata Buddha's buttocks originally had twelve grades.

But he was sucked twice by the mosquito Taoist, and his grade plummeted.

Later, thanks to the Tathagata Buddha's intensive care and the blessing of the special environment and atmosphere of the Western Paradise, the Golden Lotus grew a lot.

In addition, among the two founding saints of Buddhism, the deceased Saint Jieyin is inseparable from some of the mosquito Taoist's actions back then.

Immortal Buddhism has been looking for this guy for a long time.

But he never caught up with this guy's true identity.

Only occasionally I was able to kill some big blood mosquito demons, and I learned that this guy was actually still hiding around the fairyland.

Being able to fight against the increasingly powerful Buddhist sect several times without being caught by the opponent, Taoist Mosquito has already proven his strength with his own record.

The reason why Jie Jiao was at odds with the Mosquito Taoist was because the junior sister of Duobao Tianzun and others, the Turtle Spirit Holy Mother, was sucked dry of blood by this guy and died.

There were also quite a few Jiejiao monks who were killed by the Mosquito Taoist. Judging from the extremely loyal attitude of the Jiejiao monks, they naturally hated the Mosquito Taoist to the extreme.

This guy is quite capable.

Being targeted by so many fairyland forces and powerful men, nothing happened for so many years. Instead, he secretly developed a certain force and even participated in the Gallente Federation War?

From the Mosquito Taoist's title of "Mosquito Heaven Emperor", we can know that this guy also followed the Taoist sect and established a heavenly court with his own subordinates.

Moreover, the Mosquito Taoist has absorbed so much blood essence and rare treasures from powerful people in its growth process. I really don’t know how far it has evolved and grown!

If it were an ordinary seventh-level person, I'm afraid it wouldn't make the two sects of Buddhism and Taoism in the Immortal Realm so disgraced and unable to catch each other, right?

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