The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1967 The Strongest Foreign Aid Force

This great ape of destruction did not come alone.

In addition to his extremely exaggerated and suppressed destructive energy, in the black hole behind this giant ape of destruction, a bull-horned master with arms folded and a head of loose red hair gradually walked out.

This Bull Demon Lord is not the Bull Demon King, because his face is much more handsome and his horns are more slender.

Unlike the Bull Demon King, the first impression given to people is that of wildness and rudeness.

Both of these two tyrannical masters possess extremely repressive legal energy.

After they arrived in this star field, the Gallente Federation legions that had been approaching began to retreat rapidly.

The Gallente Federation seems to have identified their strength and identity.

When the strength gap reaches an extremely huge level, staying where you are is no longer fighting for federal territory, it is a completely meaningless death.

However, this giant ape master of destruction and another red-haired bull demon master did not want to let them go.

A huge, pitch-black metal club suddenly appeared in the hands of the giant ape master of destruction.

This giant ape master of destruction is really rich.

There are several world-class secret treasures revealed at this time, and all of them are of extraordinary quality.

Whether it is the giant stick in the hand, the lotus platform under the feet, or the golden hoop worn on the forehead, they are all high-quality world-class secret treasures that even the average ruler would envy.

In addition, the dark gold armor, lotus silk walking shoes, phoenix-winged purple gold crown, and red lotus cloak on his body have also reached the level of world-class secret treasures!

Any tyrannical master really needs to be "packaged".

It's not enough for him to be powerful alone, he also needs to be supplemented by the blessing of various equipment.

In terms of personal strength, this terrifying and destructive giant ape that suddenly appeared on the battlefield of the Gallente Federation should temporarily reach the top of this civilized main battlefield.

When the Overlord of the Fountain of Destruction arrived, the Gallente Federation at least sent a fleet to intercept and attack.

But when the giant ape master of destruction arrived, the Gallente Federation's first reaction was to evade and flee.

The absolute strength gap can sometimes be seen through the opponent's performance.

The giant stick in his hand, wrapped in billowing black flames, was pointing in front of him.

The Gallente Federation fleet group that had not yet evaded and left immediately waved away.

The stick that destroyed the giant ape had not even gotten close to the federal fleet group. "Crackling" explosions and continuous law turbulence appeared between the federal war fleet group.

A large area of ​​flames exploded and destroyed the dark flames, instantly burning across the entire starry sky.

Even several surrounding demi-planes and artificial planets showed signs of shock or even collapse under the unparalleled power of this destructive black ape.

A Gallente Federation artificial planet with an extremely large diameter deviated uncontrollably from its original coordinate position and flew deep into the starry sky amid these shock waves.

A layer of dark red flame appeared on the surface of the artificial planet.

It is conceivable that when the flames ignited, more than 99% of the low-level creatures on the planet were turned into ashes.

It’s not just the Black Ape that takes action.

As the artificial planet flew away, a special red light suddenly appeared on its surface, and then the planet quickly flew in the direction of the red-haired bull demon.

During the flight, this artificial planet was affected by special space law factors, and its size continued to shrink, and finally fell into the hands of the red-haired bull demon and kept spinning.

The abnormal power of the red law, under the control of the bull demon master, covered a large battlefield in the surrounding star field.

I saw him just holding his right hand and pulling it around.

Affected by the special red law factor, a large number of Gallente Federation ships in the surrounding star field unexpectedly fell uncontrollably towards the starry sky area below.

In terms of impact and destructive power, the visual impact of this bull demon is not as strong as that of the giant ape, but the effect is impressive.

Many federal ship commanders probably didn't know what they were facing, and their consciousness fell into nothingness until they died completely.

A silver artificial planet was spinning in the hands of the red-haired bull demon. This was the planet just now.

The master-level powerhouse grasps the stars for the moon, and possesses the attitude of dominating and crushing lower creatures, which is clearly demonstrated at this time.

When the surrounding starry sky transformed into a gorgeous sea of ​​fire, the Legion of Destruction and the army of monsters behind the two masters followed suit.

But in fact, the two masters have already finished everything, and the legions of lower creatures are more like flag-waving characters at this time.

The so-called Legion of Destruction are mostly black-haired monkeys that look similar to the Great Ape of Destruction.

As for the demon army, they come in all shapes and sizes.

Many of these monster creatures are carrying big flags.

Among the rough fonts of dragons and phoenixes, the words "Monkey King" and "Monkey King" are extremely eye-catching.

"When will Lao Niu and the others come?" The giant ape asked the bull demon beside him, casually placing the stick burning with black flames of destruction on his shoulders.

The red-haired bull demon was still playing with the artificial planet in his hand. He saw this and replied: "They will come a little slower. After all, they are prepared later than us, and the demon army is also uneven."

Although the bull demon and the monkey most of the time speak for the demon clan, they also have the title of great sage.

But from a practical point of view, compared to the human race and the disciples of Buddhism and Taoism, the demon creatures of the fairyland civilization are indeed much more scattered and disordered.

The great saints are used to being unruly, so naturally they will not forcefully ask the little monsters under their command to do what they want.

Among the demon clan, the only one who can match the eliteness of the Taoist Immortal Court is Emperor Lu Ya, who reshaped the ancient demon court.

Holding a high-level world-class secret treasure, the Chaos Bell, as well as immortal-killing flying knives, nail-head Seven Arrows Book and other treasures, it also possesses the body of a three-legged golden crow.

Emperor Lu Ya was considered one of the few strong men in the entire Immortal Realm civilization.

However, among the demon clan, Emperor Lu Ya and the Monkey King and the others were not from the same group.

At the same time, the Great Sage and the others were not very good at dealing with the three demon kings of Shituoling.

Although several great sages have their own friendly forces and powerful people behind them, the Great Sage Qitian has always had a close relationship with Buddhism.

But in fact, Monkey King is usually more willing to deal with the Wa Palace.

Because Saint Nuwa never drives him to do anything because of profit.

Buddhism is also very kind to him, but most of the time, those bald donkeys are utilitarian.

There are still too few absolutely selfless good people in this world.

"Where should we go next?" After having enough fun with the artificial planet in his hand, the bull demon flattened it, and a strange red gas seeped out from the surface of the planet.

The giant ape of destruction lifted the metal stick on his shoulder and pointed in a random direction.

That is where the heart of the Gallente Federation is located.

The Destruction Giant Ape said: "Let's start from there. There is always a battle anyway."

As the controller of the power of destruction, this giant ape seems to have been born for fighting from the beginning.

Immortal Buddhism gave him the title of "Fighting Victory Buddha". Sage Nuwa of the Wa Palace sometimes called this monkey "Stubborn Stone" after it got into trouble.

In the past 100,000 years, the biggest disturbance caused by the Monkey King is that it has messed up the underworld of reincarnation in the prehistoric world.

It seems to be for a woman.

But in the end, we didn't see what the great saints from the reincarnation underworld and the immortal realm did to him.

Strength is indeed the prerequisite for everything.

Unlike Monkey King, who has a high desire to fight, Li Qingshan, known as the "Monkey King", is much more stable than Monkey in his behavior.

He has no roots and no deep connections with any of the great courts in the Immortal Realm.

But being able to reach this point one step at a time must be said to be his ability.

This trip with the monkey to the wizard civilization to participate in the war is to repay the cause and effect.

He and the monkey both owe great karma to the wizard's civilization.

To be precise, they are all disciples of ninth-level creatures from the previous generation of wizard civilization.

The two people who inherited the Way of Destruction and the Way of Emotion respectively are indeed the "strongest foreign aid" left behind by the ninth-level powerhouses of the previous generation of wizard civilization.

The red-haired bull demon Li Qingshan looked at the direction pointed by the monkey, then nodded and agreed: "Well, let's start from there."

"I have a heavy workload today and only have one update. I'm very sorry~

The chapters I owe will be replenished later for everyone’s QAQ~”

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