The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1966 Destroy the Giant Ape

Typhoon plane.

Just like the name of this world, this is a plane where the power of the wind element is extremely exciting.

A huge hurricane vortex appeared in the center of the typhoon plane.

Under this largest vortex is the temple of the hurricane god, the strongest person in the typhoon world.

But today, the Hurricane Temple welcomed another owner—Marduk.

In addition to this huge central vortex, there are hundreds or thousands of sub-level vortexes in the typhoon plane, large and small.

The entire world is an ocean of wind element energy.

But today, the chilling and oppressive atmosphere has replaced the free wind of this plane in the past.

The Emperor of the Tianming Empire did not treat his opponents politely, and at the same time, Marduk was not a main god who was particularly good at dealing with people.

Two powerful masters with no conflict of interest.

Because of the war between the Wizarding Civilization and the Gallente Federation, they appear here today as rivals, fighting to the death.

The first to take action was Emperor Tianming.

The failure to capture the Typhoon Plane in time and occupy this medium-sized world made Tianming Emperor Gongsun Wuji a little angry.

The world-class secret treasure, the Emperor's Sword, exudes a white-gold light in Gongsun Wuji's hands, showing his royal aura.

The sharp sword light slashed downwards directly from outside the plane, and the clouds rolled and storms gathered in the entire typhoon world.

The originally huge circling eye of the storm showed signs of being fragmented under the impact of Gongsun Wuji's domineering power.

The world is broken, this is the master!

Marduk, the main god of the gods, waved his fist to meet him.

The Emperor's Sword is a mid-level world-class secret treasure, and the secret treasure in Marduk's hand is of a higher grade than Gongsun Wuji.

A barrier of blue light appeared from between Marduk's fists.

Not only did it block Gongsun Wuji's sword light, but it also built a solid blue law barrier for the entire Typhoon Plane!

This barrier is very technological.

The light spot grid above is more like an energy network with a technological and civilized AT protective attitude.

But what is strange is that the source of power of this energy barrier seems to come from the divine power of Marduk's faith.

A series of golden threads of faith, connecting

Marduk and his subordinate gods below.

With this seventh-level peak god and the gods under his command, Gongsun Wuji was unable to do anything to him for a while.

Angry dragon roars came from Gongsun Wuji's side, and the seventh-level dragon beast master then joined the battlefield.

Few dragon knights can master the "human-dragon-one" technique in the wizarding world.

Since the last time he faced the attack of the Pharaoh of the Minghe Empire, Volta, the dominant dragon knight, showed this ability. Unexpectedly, Gongsun Wuji, the emperor of the Tianming Empire, also had such a method!

Gongsun Wuji, who is in the state of human and dragon integration, is strong enough to deal with the main god Marduk who is a little higher than him.

The fist filled with dragon energy and royal energy was swung down again and collided with Marduk's divine fist. The entire Typhoon Plane seemed to tremble for several minutes.

Including the azure blue light screen, which was full of elements of divine power and technological power, also shook hard twice.

Marduk snorted coldly, and blue light poured out from his arm again.

An extremely huge shadow of a ship appeared directly in the sky of the Typhoon Plane.

Faced with such a grand scene, many creatures in the divine world did not care about fighting. Instead, they knelt on their knees and continued to worship and admire the miracles.

What Marduk demonstrated was indeed a "miracle"!

He pointed upward with his right hand, and the huge ship disappeared, and its firepower system was actually activated.

Rows of energy cannons and various weapons were all aimed at Gongsun Wuji in the sky outside the plane.

Gongsun Wuji, who was standing on the neck of his mount partner, also felt nervous.

Not caring about continuing to fight, he hurriedly made evasive movements, and soon faced Marduk's saturated coverage.

"What on earth is that?" Tianming Emperor Gongsun Wuji couldn't help but cursed secretly.

As a mid-level world-class secret treasure, it is about to touch the ranks of high-level world-class secret treasures. The phantom of the ship in the sky is actually Marduk's proud treasure-the Ark.

The form of the Ark can be changed at will.

With divine power as the main driving force

Source, Marduk can perform any technological strike.

Marduk was truly a genius in using the power of technology with his own divine power.

After forcing Gongsun Wuji back, Marduk couldn't help but show a bit of complacency on his face.

One against two is not a difficult task for him now.

With Ark as an arm, Marduk could even suppress his opponent.

But then, a palpitating feeling suddenly appeared in Marduk's heart.

"Cang!" The deafening law trembled and appeared beside Marduk.

At some point, another dominator-level demon that seemed more difficult to deal with appeared behind Marduk.

This dominator-level demon was obviously attacking Marduk's godhood and heart at first.

Even if Marduk has an extremely abundant soul of domination, if these two places are hit, the amount of omnipotent soul that needs to be consumed is not a small amount.

The sharp magic sword has pierced the azure barrier formed by Marduk.

When Marduk turned around, what he saw was a purple vertical eye that was constantly rotating at the hilt of the sword.

The purple vertical pupils were filled with fierceness and bloodthirsty.

This magic sword seems to be eager to drink the blood of Marduk.

With a cold snort, Marduk, who clearly saw the appearance of the devil behind him, quickly left the place. He looked up to the sky, and in a very short time, he entered the shadow of the Ark in the sky.

The Overlord Demon Gustavo was also intercepted during this period, and he caused a lot of damage to Ark Phantom.

But after Marduk entered the ark, the originally virtual ark gradually became solid.

With one against two, Marduk was still a little confident, but with one against three... even with Ark as an arm, it was a bit difficult for Marduk.

The weapons in Gongsun Wuji's and Gustavo's hands are both extraordinary.

Especially when Gongsun Wuji took out a large jade seal from his arms and saw this traditional jade seal full of dragon energy, Marduk judged at a glance that this jade seal was the same as the magic sword in Gustavo's hand. , all belong to the "world-class secret treasures with growth potential".

Although the grades of these two secret treasures are now

Lower than Marduk's Ark.

But their potential cannot be underestimated!

"Could it be that these two world-class secret treasures have a certain boosting effect on my 'Ark'?" Marduk couldn't help but wonder, thinking of the premonition he had when he went on the expedition.

It's just that Gongsun Wuji and the Demon Lord in front of him are not opponents that Marduk can easily defeat.

Until other Gallente Federation master-level combat support arrives, Marduk can only defend himself.

The main battlefield of the Gallente Federation Star Territory is the Mortwegen Star Territory.

This is one of the heavy industrial star fields of the Gallente Federation, and it is not far from the Sivir star field where fierce battles are taking place.

A brilliant jet-black lotus flower was the first to appear in the starry sky.

When the energy fluctuations of the abnormal law appeared, the Gallente Federation Army rushed to this star field in time to investigate the situation.

This is an eighth-grade black lotus.

At first glance, it looks very similar to the Black Lotus of Destruction in the Fountain of Destruction in the Sivir Star Territory, but if you count it carefully, you will find that its number of lotuses is smaller.

Although they have also reached the level of world-class secret treasures, it is obvious that the owner of this eighth-grade black lotus is not as good at warming and cultivating treasures as the Fountain of Destruction.

When Black Lotus appears, the black hole of destruction appears.

A large number of Gallente Federation ships came here to explore and were sucked in uncontrollably towards the location of the black hole.

Not long after, the black hole of destruction expanded again!

I saw a terrifying lord wearing a golden hoop on his head, with jet black hair, and burning black flames of destruction around his body, suddenly descended!

There are still some crashed and burning federal ships in the hair on his neck.

Maybe it's because the surrounding black holes of destruction are still too small.

After letting out a low roar, the giant ape of destruction violently pulled the black hole to the left and right.

The already extremely turbulent jet-black vortex black hole is expanding again!

In addition to the successful arrival of this Lord of Destruction, it also revealed the densely packed army of destruction and demonic legions behind it.

It is also when this Lord of Destruction arrives that the alarm of the entire Gallente Federation is sounded again!

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