The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1963 The Lord God takes action

A great situation is present not only on the main battlefield of the wizard civilization, but also on the battlefield of the God Star Territory as a local war zone.

After taking over the Baiyun Longzhang plane, Gongsun Wudi led his legion non-stop and continued to attack the deeper planes of the Goddess Star Territory.

What stands out is “efficiency”!

Not only Gongsun Wudi, but Thain learned that the Emperor of Tianming Empire and other generals were also attacking fiercely.

If we continue to fight at this speed.

I am afraid that in another two hundred years, the Tianming Empire's army will be able to directly reach the deepest large plane in this star field - the world of gods.

The war in a large-scale star field could proceed so quickly, which was beyond Thain's expectation.

Thain is not a war maniac, and the Baiyun Longzhang plane he has already occupied needs someone to manage and develop it in the future.

So under Thain's suggestion, he finally stayed in the Baiyun Longzhang plane to take charge of follow-up affairs.

Gongsun Wudi led the main station legion and continued to fight towards the deepest part of the Goddess Star Territory.

It is worth mentioning that before Gongsun Wudi left, he kept her new trophy, the White Jade Dragon King.

On the one hand, she wanted to serve as a level six living dragon specimen for Thain, and on the other hand, she also hoped that Thain could help her tame this dragon.

The word "king" cannot be used randomly in the Tianming Empire.

In some areas, the Tianming Empire is much more rigid and strict than the Wizarding World.

Therefore, this renamed sixth-level dragon beast is called "White Jade Dragon" and is a sixth-level female dragon.

After the war, Thane temporarily did not care about dealing with the female dragon that was beaten by Gongsun Wudi and was covered with bruises.

Instead, he first summoned the God of Scorching Wind and the God of Black Dog, one of the heroes of this medium-sized plane war, through the God of Black Mist.

These two fourth-level foreign gods are not dead! It seemed a bit surprising to Thane.

The God of Scorching Wind is a fourth-level creature whose appearance is very consistent with the characteristics of creatures in the Kells Star Domain. When he met Thain, he was still very seriously injured.

Divine blood continued to overflow from the corners of the mouth and body of the God of Burning Wind.

This guy wasn't pretending, he really almost died.

He was able to survive thanks to the loyalty of the Black Dog God, who gave him a hand at the critical moment.

Treating the God of Scorching Wind, Thane praised him and gave him a magic potion that he usually refined.


The potion refined by Thane is of course not as good as his mentor's level, but it is still pretty good and suitable for use by fourth-level creatures.

The God of Burning Wind hurriedly thanked him.

Thain turned his head and looked at the Black Dog God. Just like other indigenous gods in the Baiyun Longzhang plane, Thain also felt that the Black Dog God was ugly.

But this guy is a watchable type. After watching it for a long time, you will get used to it, and it is easy to impress people.

Thane also heard about the story of the God of Black Dog, who at a critical moment, pulled the God of Scorching Wind.

In this star world that is becoming more and more cunning and full of profit-seeking activities, it is rare to have such a kind friend as the Black Dog God.

Thain praised the two men for their outstanding contributions during the war on the Baiyun Longzhang plane.

Because they did provide an important role for the Tianming Empire's army to break down the barriers of this medium-sized world. After greeting Gongsun Wudi in advance, Thane took out two suitable weapons from the inventory of trophies collected by the Tianming Empire. For their fourth-level biological godhood, they were rewarded.

Wealth and wealth are found in danger.

Not only did they successfully survive this time, but they also received precious godhood. The God of Burning Wind and the God of Black Dog couldn't help but feel a lot after receiving the reward from Thane.

Especially the God of Scorching Wind. When he met Thain, he also saw the sixth-level female knight Bepen standing not far behind Thain.

Bei Pen obviously also remembers this little fourth-level exotic god.

At this time, the fourth-level Dragon Vein Warlock Mel was helping Bei Peng nurse the wound on her shoulder.

After seeing the God of Burning Wind, Bei Peng couldn't help but slap the table next to him, pointed at the God of Burning Wind and said: "So it's you, I remember you!"

It is an honor to be remembered by a powerful sixth-level knight. I wonder if it should be called the God of Scorching Wind.

He then looked at Thain with a wry smile, and the godhead in his hand was a little hot to the touch - it was a fire godhead.

Upon seeing this, Thane stepped forward and patted the God of Scorching Wind on the shoulder, signaling him to relax.

Facing the two fourth-level alien gods in front of him, Thain touched his chin and said: "You two

, just follow me from now on. "

"Like the God of Black Mist and others, after this war in the Gods' Star Territory is over, I will find a way to introduce you to join the Wizards Alliance." Thane promised.

The God of Burning Wind and the God of Black Mist looked at each other and hurriedly expressed their respect to Thain again.

When the sixth-level knight Bei Pen saw the scene in front of him, he couldn't help but make a mouth gesture, as if to say: "Cunning magician."

Mel, who was applying medicine to Beipeng at this time, suddenly couldn't laugh or cry. She lightly slapped Beipeng on the shoulder to signal her not to move.

If the powerful wizards and civilizations are familiar with each other, they will not have too strict hierarchical concepts.

You see, Mel, Thain, and Bepen are level 4, 5, and 6 powerhouses respectively, but they usually get along very easily.

After sending away the two alien fourth-level gods who had just performed meritorious services, Thain rubbed his magic wand and crystal ball, thinking about what to do next.

Various of his experiments now have research topics.

Especially in the battle that just ended, Thane had a new understanding of the combined transformation of the Rubik's Cube and the Planetary Fortress.

However, Thain did not choose to conduct mechanical experiments in the end, but went to his own element laboratory.

Some time ago, when Gongsun Wudi left this plane, he sent him a special law flame discovered by the Tianming Empire Legion in the medium-sized plane on the other side of the God-born star field.

Gongsun Wudi also knew that Thain was interested in various rare law flames.

According to Thain's established experimental arrangements, it was time for him to conduct research on fire-related magic. He could not have been stuck in the field of mechanics in recent times.

In terms of his personal development plan, Thain does not want to end up being "partial".

The Tianming Empire's army launched a comprehensive and rapid advance into the Goddess Star Territory.

The main god Marduk, who had been staying in the world of gods, finally came back to his senses one day from the research and improvement of the Ark.

Marduk is a madman, but I have to admit that this seventh-level peak god really has two skills.

Compared with more than a hundred years ago, perhaps due to the pressure of war, the unfinished world-class secret treasure "Ark" is one step closer to completion in this short period of time!

A world-class secret treasure that perfectly suits him is about to be completed, which makes Marduk very satisfied.

When he came out of this sense of satisfaction and asked the envoy under him where the wizard civilization army was currently attacking.

The answer he received from the divine messenger shocked Marduk.

"The great, knowledgeable and omnipotent Lord God, Lord of the Gods, the latest battle report received by your most loyal servant Sekati is that the vanguard of the Tianming Empire has reached as far as the typhoon plane of the medium-sized world."

"Standing there is your other servant, the hurricane god Tichak. Tichak will lead his pantheon to defend your god's territory."

"In addition to the elemental gods led by the God of Hurricane, our ally the Gallente Federation has also sent a large number of legions to station in the typhoon plane to strictly resist invading enemies." This divine servant with late-level six strength Replied respectfully.

The main god Marduk was silent for a long time.

He looked up at the direction of the typhoon plane, and then issued his oracle to the entire divine world: "People of God, follow me to conquer the typhoon plane!"

With the oracle issued by the main god Marduk, the war potential of the entire divine world was finally mobilized.

The mainstream forces in the world of gods, and even most of the gods, have a certain blood connection with Marduk.

With a main god like Marduk with an extreme personality, although the entire divine world has been tortured in recent hundreds of thousands of years, we have to admit that this world is firmly controlled by Marduk.

Even if there is a god who is distant from Marduk, he has been eliminated early, and he has no chance of growing up!

In a world of divine beings where the major gods are attacking endlessly, only Marduk, the main divine god, can gather the power of the entire world with his supreme divine power.

The armies of gods began to gather.

Marduk stretched his right hand forward, and the world-class secret treasure ark exuded the azure light of law and divine power, and finally merged with Marduk.

"Although it has not been completely completed, it can still be used." Lord God Marduk said solemnly.

Perhaps because of his prophetic priesthood, Marduk had a vague feeling that his world-class secret treasure ark would undergo a transformation and truly reach the advanced world-class secret treasure level. The opportunity to go even further was on the battlefield ahead!

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