The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1964 Divine Reinforcements

Marduk, the main god of the gods, does not have much sloppiness in his behavior.

After he decided to go to the Typhoon Plane, the power from the depths of the divine world soon followed him to this strategically important medium-sized world battlefield.

What a coincidence was that at the same time that the Goddess was personally going on the expedition, two groups of supporting legions were arriving on the border of the Gallente Federation in the other direction, approaching the Gods star field.

A wave of support troops came from the support troops subsequently assigned by the Gallente Federation.

The number of these support troops is not large.

After all, the landlords have no surplus food, and the Gallente Federation has been struggling to support itself in recent years. Being able to send a group of approximately 20 million support troops to the world of gods is already the result of gritting their teeth.

It is estimated that this is also the last batch of forces sent by the Gallente Federation to the God-born Star Territory.

Since the Immortal Dragon Clan entered the battlefield, the Gallente Federation has become increasingly overwhelmed.

In addition to this wave of support force, another wave of support legions arriving at the border of the Divine Star Territory came from this large world civilization.

This is a legion of divine envoys composed of a large number of gods above level 4. A few years ago, they were called by the Gallente Federation to go to the federal star field to participate in the war.

Now that their home star field has suffered a blow, these creatures of level 4 and above in the divine world have finally been able to return to their home star field to resist foreign enemies after applying.

It is estimated that the Gallente Federation thought that only by sending these indigenous gods back to their home star domain can they unleash their strongest combat power and full value.

And if they are just left on the federal battlefield, judging from their performance in recent years, the combat effectiveness of these exotic creatures is not very outstanding...

The Gallente Federation Legion also does not like to fight side by side with these alien legions who are embarking on the path of faith development.

The emergence of two groups of forces, one after the other, indeed made the Tianming Empire army in this star field battlefield feel a bit of pressure.

Tianming Emperor Gongsun Wuji personally rode the dragon beast under his crotch and went to the typhoon plane to confront Marduk.

Emperor Tianming's personal strength is slightly inferior to that of Marr

Duke some.

But he couldn't resist the fact that he had a master-level dragon beast as his mount companion, and he also had the special power of dragon energy.

Marduk can draw upon and borrow the power of believers and people throughout the Divine Star Territory to enhance his divine power. At the same time, Emperor Tianming can also mobilize the dragon energy contained in all the legions under his command.

And this time Emperor Tianming is said to have brought two world-class secret treasures, the Emperor's Sword and the Imperial Seal. They are both special props that can mobilize the fortune of the entire Tianming Empire.

The two are at odds with each other, neither one is convinced by the other, and neither one is at a disadvantage for a while.

Moreover, Tianming Emperor Gongsun Wuji led the Tianming Empire's most elite Xiaolong Army and Emperor Wu's Guards. The strength of these two armies was not necessarily inferior to those of the gods and believers who followed the god Mardur, the main god of the gods.

The Divine Star Territory has been tortured by Marduk for so many years. The lack of peak level six combat power is the biggest shortcoming of this large star territory.

Currently, the only level six peak combat capabilities that can be borrowed are the two war fleet groups sent by the Gallente Federation.

It is a pity that if we follow the normal development path, with the total amount of resources and cultural heritage of the Divine Star Territory, there is a chance that more Lord Gods will be born.

This will undoubtedly increase the overall strength of the divine world.

But in the end, no matter what the outcome was, it was Marduk's fault.

The frontline battlefield of the Goddess Star Territory finally entered a state of tension due to the appearance of the Goddess Lord Marduk.

Thain, who was in the middle and rear position of the battlefield, was not affected for a while.

The army of the Tianming Empire rushed too fast. Thain felt that he had just helped to manage the Baiyun Longzhang plane, and the vanguard army of the Tianming Empire had already collided with the main army of the Divine World in the typhoon plane several times.

And mixed in with that is dominating the melee.

Gongsun Wudi, whom Thain was more concerned about, was not in the Typhoon Plane at the moment. She had arrived in a medium-sized world called "Torre World" not long ago.

No matter how you look at it, the world of gods hastily responded to the challenge.

Facing the war front of the Tianming Empire, the world of gods can only gain a firm foothold on medium-sized battlefields.

Thanks to the vast territory of this star field, there are also a relatively large number of medium-sized planes.

If it were a large-scale star field with poor resources and only hundreds of planes with complete rules, I am afraid that the army of the Tianming Empire would have been beaten to the doorstep of the mother plane.

"In the latest battle report from Gongsun Wudi, the instructions given to us are that we hope that we can support the border star field battlefield in the rear and block the two groups of Gallente Federation reinforcements." Thain was in the main control room of the planetary fortress, facing the opposite direction. everyone said. 🅆

At this time, those who appeared in front of Thain were not only Youli, Bei Peng and others, but also Ximen Feixiao and other Tianming Empire generals stationed in the Baiyun Longzhang plane, as well as the God of Scorching Wind, who had just taken refuge in Thain not long ago. The Black Dog God and other exotic gods.

Although Thain is not the person with the highest life level present, everyone is willing to listen to Thain due to factors such as past war experience and Gongsun Wudi's trust.

"I decided to lead the garrison forces in the Baiyun Longzhang plane and some surrounding planes to fight against the two groups of Gallente Federation reinforcements."

"Of course, these planes have just been occupied by us, so we still need to leave some legions to intimidate them, especially if we cannot allow those fallen gods and the power of faith to resurrect."

"In addition to us and the Tianming Empire Legion in the rear star field, there will be other 'helpers' to support us in this battle," Thain said.

"Who is it? Are they the interstellar merchants from the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce?" Bei Peng, with a loud voice, asked in a loud voice.

Thain ignored this guy. After quickly arranging the combat mission, Thain informed everyone that they would set off soon.


The supporting force for the others is of course the Kada Star Thief Group, which is also located in the Divine Star Territory. The star thieves in this Star Territory are mainly demons.

In this process, the sixth-level creature Kidd acted as a qualified messenger.

In the process of going to the border of the God Star Territory to fight, Thane considered for a long time and gave up fighting the smaller Gallente Federation Legion, and instead chose to face the larger number of the God Star Territory Return Legion.

Thane said to the fourth- and fifth-level experts around him: "The God World Legion is huge and bloated, while the Gallente Federation Legion is smaller and more elite."

"Everyone should have seen what the fourth- and fifth-level gods of the Divine Star Domain are in the previous wars."

"Their lax will to fight is nothing to worry about."

"On the contrary, because of the larger number, we will gain more." Thain said with a confident smile.

"Besides, we are not fighting alone. There are quite a few Tianming Empire legions stationed near this area."

"And if something goes wrong, I think those money-grubbing Alibaba Chamber of Commerce Guards will also choose to take action." Thain said.

Thain's words received a burst of recognition from the powerful people around him.

The most lacking thing in the Divine Star Territory is level six peak combat power. Thinking about the group of Divine World Legions that have just returned to their home star territory, they don’t have enough opponents.

If you can't defeat everyone, there's still no problem in protecting yourself.

War is not just a process of grabbing resources.

There is essentially no big difference between everyone fighting at the front and fighting at the rear.

When Thain and others arrived, legions from the Tianming Empire stationed in other planes arrived at the border one after another.

It's funny to say that the "boundary sealing stone" was once a peripheral rule barrier in the world of gods. It blocked the world of gods from the outside world and was once one of their barriers.

But the current situation is that Thain and others are inside, and the reinforcements from the divine world are blocked from the outside.

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