The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1962: One goes and the other goes up

As an eighth-level master, it is still very difficult to kill an eighth-level creature.

The third pharaoh, Mokarst, is indeed unparalleled in combat power, but it is still a bit unrealistic for him to forcibly leave several masters such as Aibadang, King of Star World, and Velvet Thorn Purple Star alone.

Compared to the Dark Knight, who even Mokarst was secretly interested in, it was obvious that the King of Star World hated this powerful man from the Hades Empire even more, and he wanted to kill him as soon as possible.

Soon, other powerful men from the Hades Empire went to pursue the Dark Knight.

But Mokarst has not set off yet. His main target is still the real leader of the world - the King of Stars.

Speaking of which, top civilizations like the Hades Empire and the Wizarding Civilization all have a certain purpose in their behavior.

Orders rarely change overnight.

The main target of the Mingha Empire's attack is the world of Huanyu, and the Pharaoh's Temple has not yet expressed its intention to attack the wizard civilization.

Therefore, the third pharaoh Mokarst did not say that he was chasing the Dark Knight forcefully, but first rubbed the King of the Star World who was relatively weak and seriously lacked the soul of domination.

As long as the King of Star World is killed again, this war of conquest of the Great World will be considered a complete success for the Minghe Empire.

In terms of the attitude of the wizard civilization towards the Great World, it did not say that it had to defend this large world civilization. Vivian, Ai Badang and others only needed to block the offensive momentum of the Minghe Empire.

There is an old saying that goes, "The lips are dead and the teeth are cold."

But is the world worthy of being compared with the wizarding civilization? Can they also be called "lips"?

If the civilization of the Kingdom of Light at the same level is about to be destroyed, and the wizard civilization does not have the prerequisite to face the war pressure of the Hades Empire alone for the time being.

Then the wizard civilization will definitely lend a helping hand to it, and it is not an exaggeration to even send the master to fight to the death.

But now for the war in the world, if the wizard civilization loses a few masters... it is really not worth it.

Furthermore, in order to walk the tightrope between several civilizations, the King of Star World did not explicitly join the Wizards Alliance.

Therefore from the alliance

Starting from the realm of rules, the wizarding civilization has not breached the contract...

Perhaps starting a long time ago... the wizarding civilization is not willing to let the world join the Wizards Alliance camp.

Because the wizard civilization is not willing to face the powerful Minghe Empire so early on.

The withdrawal of a large number of high-level master-level combat forces caused Huanyu to be defeated by the Minghe Empire in one fell swoop.

In this war, the low-level combat power displayed by the Minghe Empire was somewhat different from the low-level army led by Xiao Shi in the wizard civilization.

A large number of deadpool legions are under the command of Mokarst.

These Deadpools are the masters of the Hades Empire who play with the power of death and darkness. They are also the predecessors of the Pharaoh profession.

Before the third level, most of these creatures from the Hades Empire were Deadpool professionals.

Only after reaching level four can one be given the title of "Pharaoh" and transferred to the Pharaoh Temple.

In addition, the Minghe Empire also revealed the "Bone Construct" legion in this world-destroying war against the world.

At first glance, these bone construct legions look a bit similar to the Neisser civilization's construct golems or the Gallente Federation's mecha legions.

But actual observation shows that it is not the same thing at all!

It's an army of bones shaped by the power of pure death.

A large number of bone dragons roared past, and some giant skeleton giants moved slowly.

It seems that while the Minghe Empire has the tradition of tearing off other people's skin, it also does not waste the flesh, blood and bones of the defeated.

The Mingha Empire produces a large amount of flesh and blood essence and high-quality bone products every year.

If the resources are not produced by this civilization, most of them are produced and sold by themselves, and they are rarely disclosed to other civilizations.

Otherwise, the reputation of the Minghe Empire would be wider.


Indiscriminate killings began to take place all over the world.

Most of the native creatures in the world are not good at fighting.

The only ones who can really fight now are the star mercenaries hired by the Great World at high prices.

Dominator-level beings can simply tear up the contract and leave the battlefield.

But those hired creatures below level six obviously don't have this ability.

The price to pay for violating the rule contract from the master without the help of other masters is really too high. đź…†

If you look at the behavior of the creatures in the Mingha Empire, do they look like they will accept surrender and help you break the rules and contracts?

This collapse and war came earlier than expected.

When the Great World Legion in front began to collapse, and the so-called strong men began to scramble to escape with their own resources.

In the rear, the wizard civilization and the fairyland alliance have set up a solid defensive barrier.

What is worth pondering is that the direction in which the creatures of the world are fleeing is precisely the direction of the wizarding civilization that has just "betrayed" and "ignored" them and suffered heavy damage.

It is estimated that these creatures in the world know that there is an army of wizards and civilization stationed in this direction.

And in the past long time together, these powerful wizards and civilizations also had a good attitude.

It is better to deal with the indifferent wizard civilization than to face the cruel and violent Hades Empire.

Those creatures from the Hades Empire will really skin them and cramp them. Even if you want to surrender, you can't!

Looking at the world-destroying scene in front of him and the overwhelming demonic power of the Third Pharaoh King, the eighth-level Star World King secretly sighed: "It's over."


The battlefield of Huanyu is facing collapse.

The situation of wizard civilization on other battlefields is different.

The situation is good.

The addition of the Ten Thousand Fountains World Group legion led by Fountain of Destruction put great pressure on the Gallente Federation directly on the flank battlefield.

The dragon army led by several fairy domain master dragon beasts, after being reorganized, directly participated in the frontal battlefield between the wizard civilization and the Gallente Federation.

Further compressing the Gallente Federation’s living space.

Previously, the main focus of the Tyrannosaurus and other dragon beast masters was to hunt down the tenth pharaoh and his army of the Hades Empire, which took a lot of time.

After all these annoying guys are wiped out, the dragon clan can finally come to the battlefield of wizard civilization to make a fortune.

The Legion, including the wizard civilization itself, after another round of war mobilization, demonstrated war capabilities that far exceeded the limits of the Gallente Federation.

More and more talented people like Thane are springing up like mushrooms after a spring rain, emerging on the civilized battlefield.

Among them, there are even some outstanding individuals who have reached the peak of Level 6 and have the potential to dominate.

In addition to the outstanding performance of these younger generations of powerful men, in the recent civilized wars, the master of the wizarding civilization who has performed most brilliantly is a powerful man who has just returned from traveling in the extraterrestrial star world.

The seventh-level peak true spirit mage Nuo Bin!

He mastered thunder magic, and shortly after returning to the battlefield of wizard civilization, he severely damaged a Gallente Federation Orobas-class master fleet group.

And Master Nuobin is not alone. He actually has a dominant-level maned lion as his soul partner!

One person and one lion work together seamlessly. Because of the soul connection, Master Nobin even has the strength to deal with eighth-level creatures.

Unlike the Wizarding Civilization, whose power and war edge are increasing, the Gallente Federation is in decline by comparison.

The Gallente Federation's civilizational predicament has become increasingly apparent.

I don't know if they can find their own reinforcements in time under such a background.

Or, is there anyone still willing to help the Gallente Federation?

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