The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1955 Baiyun Longzhang World

The rhythm of civilized war is always very tight. {What? You don’t know yet|Read COM, read the chapters without mistakes|Hurry up and Google them}

It is impossible for Thane to have enough time and space to fly freely and explore the truth like he did when he was at the rear.

Yuri's experiment on constructing a golem was almost at the end of the process, while Thain's body refining experiment and the "Essence of Life" experiment on increasing the fertility rate were at the end, but were not yet completely successful.

New combat instructions came from the Tianming Empire.

Thain could only temporarily stop the experiments at hand and lead his legion to rush to the target battlefield.

In just over twenty years, the Tianming Empire has completed the conquest of many outer planes of the Divine Star Territory.

This Star Territory Civilization brings a very strange feeling to the top officials of the Tianming Empire.

At least it was completely different from the opponents the Tianming Empire had come into contact with in the past.

How come we have reached the home star domain of the divine world, but the high-level combat power and elite legions of the other civilization have not yet appeared?

The high-level combat power mentioned here is the ruler of the divine world—Marduk.

Judging from the information given by the wizard civilization and the intelligence from the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce, it should be difficult to fight the god Marduk.

But this guy has now become a "little turtle".

The elite legion refers to the legion of direct servants of gods led by those sixth-level peak creatures in the world of gods.

Likewise, the Tianming Empire Legion has not been seen either!

This is really a weird plane.

The Alibaba Chamber of Commerce, which does not know much about the world of gods, said that they have not found out which sixth-level peak gods are in charge of the world of gods, which has more than 1,600 planes with complete rules.

There won’t be any, right?

The only valid information the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce has received recently is that it is rumored that the world of gods possesses a special world-class secret treasure, which was built with the help of the Gallente Federation and is called the "Ark."

The term "Ark" has appeared on the civilized battlefield before.

The name of the dominator-level fortress displayed by the Gallente Federation is "The Ark".

But this ark is obviously not that ark.

The information from the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce made the Tianming Empire also


Some can't figure out the opponent's situation.

However, it is not the character of the Tianming Empire to be stubborn.

After occupying nearly a hundred planes in one direction on the outer edge of this star field, the Tianming Empire Legion took a short rest and continued to advance towards the interior of the God-born star field according to the original plan.

The next plane that Thain needs to coordinate and participate in the attack is a medium-sized world - the Baiyun Longzhang plane.

This is a medium-sized world dominated by the air system, and the water element in this plane is also very abundant.

As the dominant creatures in this plane, there are some dragon creatures.

The Tianming Empire attaches great importance to this medium-sized world.

Because the dragon creatures and dragon-related resources that are unique to this world are the Tianming Empire's most enthusiastic targets for conquest.

Thain has long discovered that the Tianming Empire's application of "dragon power" has reached the forefront of many planes in the star world.

Just the Tianming Empire's dynasty luck and "dragon energy" cannot be achieved by ordinary plane civilizations.

The Dragon Vein Warlock family in the wizarding world also has a deep use of dragon creatures.

But the wizarding world mainly relies on magical power. Those dragon warlocks only stimulate the power of blood in dragon creatures and help them explore the truth.

Regarding the research on "dragons", the wizarding world may not be as profound as the Tianming Empire.

Because of the special value of the Baiyun Longzhang plane, the person participating in the attack on this plane this time was Princess Taiping of Zhenguo, Gongsun Wudi herself.

Thain was curious whether it was Gongsun Wudi himself who wanted to capture a dragon as a mount.

After investigation in the Baiyun Longzhang plane, there are two level six native creatures, namely the White Jade Dragon King and the Qingyun Dragon King.

The strength of the two level six dragons is not too high, they are: mid-level six and early level six.

However, considering that dragon-type creatures are inherently stronger than other bloodline creatures, and the opponent has the blessing power of the rules of the native mother plane, these two sixth-level

The true combat power of dragons should be comparable to late-level six and mid-level six creatures.

In addition to these two level six native dragons, there are also a large number of Gallente Federation garrison troops stationed inside and outside the Baiyun Longzhang plane.

Because of the "inaction" of the seventh-level Lord God Marduk, it is actually the Gallente Federation that has been mainly responsible for the peripheral warfare and defense work in the God Star Territory in recent years.

At this time, the Gallente Federation legions stationed inside and outside the Baiyun Longzhang plane were almost all the federal elites from nearly a hundred planes around this medium-sized world.

The Gallente Federation no longer has any extra legions. Now they can only give up ordinary small and micro worlds and gather more elite forces to defend the extremely important medium-sized plane.

In the current Baiyun Longzhang plane, there are stationed two federal level six war fleet groups and a mecha legion commanded by a level six mecha.

It is equivalent to a total of five sixth-level combatants, holding on to the medium-sized plane below. For Gongsun Wudi and others, this world is really a bit difficult to chew.

No wonder Gongsun Wudi arrived here in person.

When Thane led the legion to arrive near the battlefield in this plane, a fierce war had already begun.

Not only the Baiyun Longzhang plane, but in fact hundreds of surrounding planes radiated by this medium-sized world have all entered the attack range of the Tianming Empire.

Many of the closer planes have also been attacked by the Tianming Empire.

After Thain arrived, he first went to the central camp and met Gongsun Wudi.

Sixth-level female knight Bei Pen and fourth-level dragon vein warlock Mel followed Thain on the left and right.

After entering the camp, many powerful people from the Tianming Empire who had also heard of Thain's reputation looked at the wizard civilization powerhouse calmly.

No one dares to underestimate Thain!

Being able to receive courtesy from Princess Taiping of Zhenguo means that Thain's identity and strength should not be underestimated.

Not to mention, many of them have already learned that Thane has a sixth-level mechanical angel as a maid, and can even perform some combined attacks that are incomprehensible to the creatures of the Tianming Empire.



r\u003eStrength is the best external publicity card.

After receiving assistance from the Gallente Federation, the God Star Territory was actually very difficult to fight.

Even if the opponent does not have dominant-level combat power and level-6 peak gods for the time being, many generals of the Tianming Empire are still having a hard time fighting on the battlefields of their respective planes.

The main thing is the Gallente Federation Legion, which the Tianming Empire faces for the first time.

This is the first time in hundreds of thousands of years that the martial arts civilization is fighting against the top civilizations.

I heard that the Gallente Federation originally had a Dominator-class war fleet that arrived here, but halfway through, it turned around and went to support other battlefields.

Being able to defeat the Gallente Federation like this doesn't mean that the wizard civilization is stronger?

All the Tianming Empire generals looked at Thain with curiosity and caution.

Princess Gongsun Wudi behaved very naturally. She was wearing an armored military uniform. After seeing Thain come in, she asked casually: "The defenses in the Baiyun Longzhang plane are very tight, and our Tianming Empire can't find anything good for the time being." Breakthrough method.”

"Master Thain, with the wisdom and opinions of your wizard civilization, do you have any suggestions for the upcoming battle on the medium plane?" Gongsun Wudi asked.

On the way here, Thain also had a certain understanding of the situation in the Baiyun Longzhang plane.

This is a medium-sized world with extremely strong dimensional barriers.

This is not to say that like the general earth elemental plane, the rules of the plane itself are very thick.

Instead, the Baiyun Longzhang plane relies on its unique plane law nodes and uses the vortex energy of the air system to create white jade dragon air pillars.

These air pillars are like towering spines, seeming to hold up the sky of the Baiyun Longzhang plane.

I heard that the palace of the White Jade Dragon King, the strongest person in the world, was originally located at the highest point of the world, close to the plane barrier.

If the Tianming Empire wants to break the defense of this medium-sized plane, it is best to start with these white jade air pillars.

As long as these towering rules pillars are interrupted, the difficulty of breaking through the Baiyun Longzhang plane will be greatly reduced.

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