The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1954 New Flame

After the war on the Green God Plane, while waiting for a new combat mission, the parts of the golem robot that Thain ordered from the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce have been delivered.

Also delivered at the same time was a magical letter from the Jade Burning Fire Master Sect.

Grandmaster Cuilis and others have learned that Thain is safe and sound, and asked Thain to be careful here alone in the future.

Triris explained to Thane her current views on civilized warfare.

Because more and more alien civilizations and powerful ethnic groups have joined the war camp of the wizard civilization, Cuillis is still very optimistic about the future prospects of this civilized war.

However, she told Thain not to take it lightly.

The general trend of civilized war is not the same as the development of personal fortune.

Overlord-level creatures are still at risk of falling, not to mention creatures under the Overlord.

Thain's mentor, Lu Lianman, did not discuss these broad layout visions with Thain in the magic letter. What she mentioned was much more detailed - asking Thain to take care of himself.

There were hundreds of magic potions delivered at the same time as the magic letters, all of which were refined by Lu Lianman himself.

These magic potions cover the fields of body refining, concentration, treatment, cultivation, etc., and they are all high-level potions.

Looking at these various potions, Thain seemed to see Lu Lianman busy in front of the dim experimental table.

It happened that through the channels of the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce, after paying a transportation fee, Thain asked the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce to give some new materials he had obtained in recent years to Cuilisi, Lu Lianman and other sect elders.

Mainly Lu Lianman, who is good at pharmacy, must be very interested in the various law springs sent by Thain.

Since the items sent by Thain remotely were of a relatively high grade, the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce finally sent a fourth-level manager to interview him.

This short special creature, which looks like a green date, said with a smile after identifying Thain's mailed items: "Actually, Master Thain, these law springs have gradually flowed in in recent years. Wizarding Civilization Market.”

"It's just that the price is extremely high. With your sect's strong financial position, Master Cuilis and the others might also have channels to purchase it." Ah.


The manager of the Riba Chamber of Commerce smiled.

"Oh?" Thain said in a surprised tone.

The manager of the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce said: "The Wanquan World Group has joined the battlefield of wizard civilization. Regarding the various resources that the Wanquan World Group is rich in, we at the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce have taken the initiative to contact us and applied for agency rights."

"If everything goes well, it won't be long before the Divine Star Territory where you are located will also receive more comprehensive resource deployment and control from our Alibaba Chamber of Commerce." The Chamber of Commerce steward said proudly.

Thain asked about the price. The estimated selling price of law spring water from the Wanquan World Group far exceeded Thain's psychological expectations.

It even exceeds the value of the materials themselves!

As expected, there is no business without treachery.

It is true that Alibaba Chamber of Commerce is a good helper for wizard civilization, but during this kind of civilization war, the main purpose of Alibaba Chamber of Commerce is to make money.

It is completely different from the role played by Capechi, the business alliance under the wizarding civilization.

Thain shook his head and said: "The cost of buying it directly from you is still too high. When my mentor and master learn about it, they will definitely reprimand me for this kind of 'waste and squandering'."

"It's better to mail it directly. This is also my filial piety as a disciple and disciple." Thain replied.

Thain's words caused a hint of embarrassment to appear on the face of the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce manager.

However, the other party still has professional qualities, and he still guarantees the smooth completion of Thain's remote mail transmission business.

After sending away the manager of the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce, what Thain was thinking was: "Tourxi should be with the spring owners of the Wanquan World Group now. I wonder if Tourxi will be able to get out of the Wanquan World Group with his communication skills in the future." Let’s get some rare law spring water.”

The various law springs from the Ten Thousand Springs World Group are definitely the coveted treasures of water magicians and pharmacists in the wizarding world.

Thain didn't expect their commercial value. He got those law springs just for his own use.

In the planetary war fortress laboratory.

After Thane's transformation and the transformation and reshaping of the Rubik's Cube, this second-hand planet-level war fortress originating from the Gallente Federation now has a brand new look.

The temples and meaningless spaces originally added by the God of Black Mist were all torn down and remodeled by Thane, and built into Thain's laboratories.

Because spatial principles are involved, each of Thain's laboratories is spacious.

On this day, the experiment that Thain was conducting was a "reconstruction" of the Flame.

The crimson head of the Flame, under the control of the magic mechanical arm, slowly moved closer to the body of the demon doll below.

This golem body, which was built and modified by Thain himself, involves too many high-grade materials, and the secrets involved in constructing the golem are far greater than before.

Therefore, after Thane's judgment and prediction, the true combat power of the Flame in its new form is comparable to level five.

Of course, the improvement in strength is also inseparable from the personal will of the Flame and her driver Yuli.

Although there is only one head left, after the Flame has her own will, she also gains the possibility of growth.

All the fierce battles he had participated in before were all engraved into the central database of the Flame.

The continuous integration of law factors on the technological side, as well as the frequent tempering of energy amethysts and Rubik's cubes, have also allowed the Lieyan to make great progress.

Yuli's growth exceeded Thain's expectations.

At this time, Yuli's mental strength has reached the level of a fourth-level peak creature, not to mention that Thain has been refining her body.

It was precisely because of this that Thain directly gave her a body of the Flame that was comparable to level five combat power.

Yuli's achievements and rapid growth are not in vain for all the years of training she received from Sean.

"The remaining materials we have are enough to make three additional fourth-level golems for the Flame, in addition to the core hub. Do you want to try it?" Thain asked.

"If you want to try, I have a few more here.


A godhead or star core fragment can serve as the core energy source for the attached golem. "Sain said.

The expenditure of tens of millions of magic coins has made it difficult for Thain to even twitch his eyelids at this time.

After experiencing the last disaster of life and death, Thain realized that all rare resources and wealth are fake. On the civilized battlefield, it is real to transform them all into his own personal combat power!

Even if he doesn't have that much magic currency in cash, Thain can borrow money or sell some rare resources he doesn't need much.

Anyway, raise your own strength to the limit, and then fully prepare your trump cards, back-up moves and other means before considering anything else. This is Thain's current idea.

Faced with Thain's inquiry and attention, Yuli was very moved and happy.

However, she finally shook her head and rejected Thain's suggestion from a practical point of view, and replied: "It is already very difficult for me to drive an upgraded Flame."

"After I become familiar with all new parameters of the Flame, I will consider using the attached golem."

"The coordinated control of several level four or above demon dolls is still too strenuous for me at the moment."

"On the other hand, it's low-level demon dolls below level four. With my current ability and the auxiliary control function of Lieyan, it shouldn't be a problem to control thousands or tens of thousands of low-level demon dolls." Yuli replied.

Having followed Thain for so long, Yuri's personality, attitude and other areas have also been greatly influenced by Thain.

Like Thain, she never blindly agrees to things that are beyond her capabilities.

Thain also knows that controlling a level 4 golem and controlling several level 4 or above golems are completely different things.

The direction of strength improvement and evolution that Yuri takes is another path different from him.

As Yuli's owner and companion, what Thain can do is to help Yuli plan her growth path and provide all the help she needs.

"If you need anything, just tell me." Thain said, touching Yuli's head.

Yuli's cheeks were slightly red and she lowered her head and said "hmm" softly.

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