The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1956 Seeking Survival

Thain used the wisdom of the wizarding world to explain to Gongsun Wudi and the generals of the Tianming Empire the optimal solution for attacking the world of Baiyun Longzhang.

That is, through precise and complex calculations, fixed-point attacks on various rule nodes outside this medium-sized plane.

Through external effects, it triggers the collapse of the Jade Dragon Qi Pillar within its plane, thereby breaking down the plane barriers of this world.

As long as the plane barrier collapses, the next thing will be easier to handle.

The Tianming Empire has so many combat forces above level six, even if they are piled up, they can kill the world's resistance.

And judging from many previous battlefield performances, the local gods in this large star field do not have a strong will to resist, and they tend to fight on their own.

"If we can instigate the resistance forces in this plane and let them carry out destruction in the plane, it will be more helpful for us to break through the plane barrier."

"Strong fortresses are often breached from the inside." Thain suddenly said something that was a wise saying from an ancient knight in the wizarding world that he saw in the Sky City.

Thain's words made the faces of the surrounding strong men from the Tianming Empire show clear expressions.

But how difficult it is to instigate an enemy god from within.

The Tianming Empire has no interest in continuing this medium-sized plane war for too long.

Rapidly conquering this plane in a very short period of time is most in line with the Tianming Empire's war strategy against the God-born Star Territory.

Who knows whether the powerful god will suddenly join this war.

"First bulldoze all federal fortifications around the Baiyun Longzhang plane, occupy all planes near this world, and block this world!"

"Bring twenty gates of 'Dragon Roar'!" Gongsun Wudi ordered.

Gongsun Wudi is also a strong man who has been in the army for a long time. She understands everything that Thain said.

The Tianming Empire has not developed magic and alchemy technology as high as that of the wizard civilization, including forbidden spell-level magic attack methods.

However, the Tianming Empire used its own dragon energy to create some special siege weapons.

Dragon Roar is one of them.

The source of energy and power it uses is not ordinary crystal stones or complex law formations, but the purest dragon energy.

Raising troops for a thousand days and using them for a short period of time, under normal circumstances, the strong men of the Tianming Empire are rarely willing to use dragon energy to fight.

But at this time, in order to break through the world barrier of Baiyun Longzhang plane, it is obvious that the amount of dragon energy invested will be astronomical.

Dragon Roar is not needed immediately.

Before the surrounding federal resistance front and other affiliated low-level planes are cleared away, there will still be a period of "peace" in the Baiyun Longzhang plane.

The God of Burning Wind is the Baiyun Longzhang plane that arrived not long ago.


He came to this medium-sized world in a daze.

At first, he followed the Gallente Federation Legion, but later, he inexplicably came to the Baiyun Longzhang plane.

The God of Burning Wind is not the only alien god in the Baiyun Longzhang plane. Apart from him, there are more than ten alien gods in this medium-sized plane!

These creatures of level four and above from other planes were involved in fierce wars, and finally withdrew to the Baiyun Longzhang plane to join the battle.

After the Gallente Federation determined their identities, they regarded these foreign gods as available combat units.

In the years since he came to the Baiyun Longzhang plane, the God of Burning Wind has been very uncomfortable.

Being chased and driven into this world by the Tianming Empire Legion like a dog, who will live well?

Moreover, the Baiyun Longzhang plane has a very strong local style of the gods and is extremely repulsive to foreign gods.

In fact, not only the Baiyun Longzhang plane is like this, but the entire Divine Star Territory has a similar style.

Under the influence of Marduk, the main god of the gods, many pantheons within the entire world of gods have been opposed and hostile to each other for so many years.

Will they suddenly unite because of the appearance of foreign enemies?

Save it!

The situation in the divine world is completely different from the internal situation of the fairy civilization.

Although the major factions in the Fairyland Civilization are also full of conflicts, everyone still maintains a superficial peace and rarely breaks out.

But in the past more than 100,000 years in the world of gods, the phenomenon of god deaths can be seen everywhere.

Everyone is almost a sworn enemy who wants to steal the opponent's godhead. Now that they don't kill you directly, it's interesting enough.

How could it be possible to share the few resources with these strange and foreign gods.

In particular, the Tianming Empire Legion has blocked the surrounding areas of the Baiyun Longzhang plane.

In this medium-sized plane, it has become extremely difficult to even contact the vassal planes under his command. The entire world has been blocked, and it is even more difficult to obtain resources.

Those local gods in the Baiyun Longzhang plane are unable to obtain enough resource supplies, let alone those foreign gods with no foundation.

The God of Burning Wind is one of the alien gods in the worst condition. He still has a very eye-catching cracked scar on his back that is difficult to heal.

The powerful power of law is still tormenting the nerves of the God of Scorching Wind every moment.

This scar is not a knife mark or a sword mark, but a flesh and blood laceration wound directly caused by a blunt instrument.

It was caused by the sixth-level female knight Beppon.

The God of Burning Wind, who was only at level 4 strength, could escape from a level 6 strongman. He felt that he could last a lifetime!

Of course, the real reason why the God of Burning Wind was able to escape was the interception and cover from the two federal war fleet groups.

There is also the God of Scorching Wind himself. Relying on his outstanding wind priesthood, he managed to escape from Bei Peng's hands with great difficulty.

At that time, Bepen saw the support of the Gallente Federation approaching the border, so he did not continue to pursue the God of Searing Wind.

Knights like Beppon, who can grow to the sixth level, and are also female knights, usually assess the situation carefully.

The God of Burning Wind, who had just finished a meeting with the White Jade Dragon King, quickly flew towards the war zone he was responsible for.

This is a towering white air column. Because it is very close to the plane barrier, this is also the most dangerous war zone.

During the flight, the God of Burning Wind always felt like someone was staring at him from behind.

But every time he looked back, he found nothing.

Is it an illusion? of course not.

The God of Burning Wind knows that there are many local gods in the Baiyun Longzhang plane who are staring at his godhead!

Wind and fire clergy are considered the most popular clergy categories in the world of gods.

Many gods from related systems can absorb the power of his godhead.

How can such a deeply traumatized "fat sheep" not be coveted when he falls into his own territory?

With the White Jade Dragon King and the Qingyun Dragon King suppressing it, and the Gallente Federation Legion supervising the battle, the local gods of the Baiyun Dragon Zhang plane may not take action openly.

But that doesn't stop them from waiting for the God of Scorching Wind to die before going up to pick up the body.

The pressure of external war is sudden, and you are almost unable to protect yourself, so why bother to focus on the benefits of others?

This is not absurd, but fact.

And this fact has appeared in many plane worlds.

The feeling of being stared at by others is painful, depressing, and makes you want to vent wildly.

However, the God of Burning Wind did not have the ability to vent his negative emotions. He could only suppress them silently and preserve his strength as much as possible in order to seek new opportunities.

The God of Burning Wind doesn't want to die.

Even the gods are afraid of death...

After arriving at the war zone he was responsible for, the God of Burning Wind greeted the God of Black Dog who came forward.

The God of Black Dogs is a very ridiculous name for a god.

But the Black Dog God himself doesn't know that he is the god of the black dog clan, and he masters the attributes of the priesthood such as bloodthirsty, bite, and assault.

After igniting the divine fire, condensing the divine personality, and raising his own kingdom, the Black Dog God did not


I thought about choosing a name for God that was too complicated and noble.

He directly used the Black Dog God as his nickname.

This is a very individual god. Because he has a dog head, droopy ears, and black skin, the local gods in the Baiyun Longzhang plane also have no good impressions of this foreign god.

Only the God of Burning Wind became friends with the other party after a brief contact. He found that the God of Black Dog was a kinder and easier to deal with.

What the God of Burning Wind admires the most is that after the God of Black Dog abandoned his mother plane, he even fled the battlefield with a group of believers.

According to the Black Dog God, he had no intention of escaping from his mother plane, and was killed in battle!

It was the Gallente Federation Legion, either coercing or persuading, urging the Black Dog God to lead his legion to "strategically shift".

More than two-thirds of the kobolds stationed on the surrounding cloud pillars were transported by the Gallente Federation back then...

"How is the situation?" The Black Dog God's two huge black eyes looked at the Burning Wind God in front of him and asked.

The Black Dog God is indeed ugly, and the Burning Wind God is very uncomfortable with him.

But the God of Burning Wind needed this friend, and he said in a deep voice: "What else can we do, put us here as cannon fodder."

When the Black Dog God heard this, he was silent for a long time.

The God of Burning Wind raised his head and couldn't help but look at the sky.

Outside the plane, the Tianming Empire Legion has really put too much pressure on the native creatures and gods of this world.

The God of Burning Wind is still thinking and looking for ways to change the situation.

He can even escape the pursuit of level six creatures. The God of Burning Wind really doesn't want to die here.

Sudden! The God of Burning Wind seemed to have seen something.

"Hiss~ Is that the vehicle of the God of Black Mist?" The God of Burning Wind looked at a huge metal fortress outside the plane and said in surprise.

What makes the God of Burning Wind a little uncertain is that the fortress is a little different from what the God of Burning Wind remembers.

"What's wrong?" The Black Dog God stepped forward and asked, his attention was also very keen.

The God of Burning Wind glanced at the other party and did not express his position for the time being. He just said: "It's nothing."

After the Black Dog God left, the Burning Wind God couldn't help but look up at the sky again.

Outside the plane.

Thain, who had just returned from Gongsun Wudi, received an invitation from the God of Black Mist.

After summoning the God of Black Mist in front of him, the God of Black Mist said respectfully: "Master Ashes, the God of Scorching Wind of our Kells God System, seems to be in the medium-sized plane below."

"Oh?" Thain made a surprised sound.

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