The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1953 Essence of Life

The Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce has previously taken the initiative to acquire the Gallente Federation fleet and mecha wreckage.

After all, it is a top-level civilization. The various alloy refining and technological secrets contained in the Gallente Federation ships and mechas are something that even the world's civilizations in the star world have not seen.

The Alibaba Chamber of Commerce is a purely commercial organization. Influenced by its founding philosophy, even if creatures from the micro-plane take the initiative to contact them, the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce will try its best to meet any needs of these weak creatures from the plane. As long as the other party can afford the money.

Alibaba Chamber of Commerce will never make forced purchases or sales because the transaction object is too weak, or even directly swallow up other people's no-cost transactions.

It is precisely because of this that Alibaba Chamber of Commerce has gained a better and better reputation in the surrounding stars in recent years. 🄲

The vast majority of plane civilizations are willing to do business with the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce.

In the war between the Wizarding Civilization and the Gallente Federation, no matter which world civilization wins the final victory, there are a large number of people watching behind the scenes, waiting to eat from the ruins of the two world civilizations.

Alibaba Chamber of Commerce was originally the largest interstellar broker on this civilized battlefield.

Now Thain has also begun to collect some of the wreckage of federal ships scattered on the battlefield in this star field. I don’t know if this is considered to compete with the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce for business.

However, considering that Thain's personal capital is far inferior to that of the Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce, there is no conflict of interest between the two.

And Thain's digestion capacity is not high, he just doesn't sell what he captures to the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce.

"The lack of a front row that can carry out heavy-armed raids on low-level planes is our current shortcoming."

"I have ordered several sets of golem parts produced in the City of Steel from the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce."

"Soon you and the Flame will be active on the battlefield." Before a certain body refining experiment, Thain turned to Yuli on the side of the experimental table and said.

The huge profits from the war and the wealth accumulated in the past have made the wealthy Thain purchase equipment for Yuli. It is not as simple as "one set", but "several sets"!

Preparing several sets of construction golem parts is also to avoid the situation in the future that the Flame is seriously damaged on the battlefield and is separated from the battle for a long time.

Thain's Rubik's Cube, despite its internal space, can already carry out some simple mechanical and robotic production processes.

However, when it comes to powerful magic puppets with level four or above like the Flame, it is not within the scope of Rubik's Cube's self-produced and self-sold capabilities.

Only when he transforms and grows to a higher level in the future, the Magic Cube may not be able to possess such exaggerated abilities.


"It's the master." Yuli replied obediently.

Her rosy face symbolized this little girl's desire to follow Thain back to the battlefield.

Currently, Lieyan only has one head left that stores information and data, which is still relatively intact. After the golem parts are delivered, the head can be transplanted directly.

Some people may say that as a body-refining magician, Thain can also take on the task of charging with heavy armor.

But in fact, Thain has never considered himself a tank.

He is a magician.

Only when he has a last resort, or when he urgently needs to eliminate his opponent in a short time, will he rush forward with his magic wand and engage in close combat with others.

The body-refining experiment continued with the assistance of Yuli.

One of the important materials for this experiment is the blood-colored crystal diamond that Thain obtained some time ago.

In addition, some of the plant source juices collected by Thane in the Green God World are also very rare body refining materials.

Plane war is the fastest way to plunder resources and wealth!

As long as they can persist in the civilized war for a period of time and survive, knights and magicians from almost all walks of life can get the wealth they want.

As the body refining experiment progressed, Thain's skin gradually turned blood red.

It is indeed a treasure that was condensed by forcibly absorbing the blood and energy of countless creatures from a medium-sized plane.

The body-refining effects of these blood-colored crystal diamonds were more significant than those of the body-refining potions that Lu Lianman had specially refined for him before.

Due to the influx of a large amount of blood energy, Thain's "fire energy" suddenly increased a lot.

Looking at the obvious changes in Thain's body on the experimental table, Yuli's pretty face turned even redder.

Yuri hasn't been close to Thane for a long time.

Magicians are different from knights. In addition to low-level fun at the sensory level, magicians are more pursuing the sublimation of the psychological and will levels!

For example, every time a successful magic experiment is conducted, Thain will feel an unusual sense of satisfaction.

Only occasionally would Thain relax when his mood reached his peak, or when he suddenly became interested.

The changes that occurred to Thain's body at this time were obviously not due to his interest, but rather to the changes he had just absorbed.

The influence of blood crystal diamond.

At present, this effect is not considered a serious side effect, and Thain is also constantly feeling the changes happening deep in his body.

It seems that something subtle has indeed changed, but the specific situation needs to be tested by Thain.

As for now... Thane is still fully devoted to absorbing the potion.

As Thain's body surface temperature became higher and higher, his skin became redder and redder, and a large amount of steam was even generated in the laboratory.

In the haze, Thain didn't want to suppress his true nature. He waved to Yuli and said softly, "Come here, sit down." 🅆

Even though she was already very familiar with Sean, Yuli couldn't help but blush deeply when she heard about it.

Her face was a little shy and hesitant, but Yuli's body was quite honest.

She would not disobey Thane's orders.

Just as the physical training experiment has come to an end.

In the hazy mist, water vapor entwines with each other, and water element particles blend deeply with each other.

Thain's fire magic became more and more intense and violent.

Yuli obviously did not master the secrets of water-related laws, but maybe because she had been working with Thain for a long time, she was able to completely contain Thain's flames.

Until this rich and intense magic experiment finally comes to peace...

The battle, oh no, after the experiment is over.

Yuli was still lying on the experimental table, breathing heavily, and the special tight-fitting lab coat she was wearing was completely soaked.

This shows Thane's superb combat ability and outstanding experimental skills.

The fact that the clothes on Yuri's body were not dried by the power of flames emanating from Thane was proof of this.

After leaving a restorative potion for Yuli, an energetic Thain returned to another experimental table.

I do not know how long it has been.

When Yuli finally regained her composure, she came back to Thain wearing a thin lab coat.

At this moment, Thain frowned slightly and looked at the several potions or liquid specimens in front of him with a serious look.

This should be something that Thain had just extracted or refined. Yuli, who was extremely familiar with Thain's laboratory, had never seen these potions before.

However, Yuli did not ask rashly. She stood beside Thain quietly and did not disturb Thain's thinking state.

It was not until a long time later that Thain finally discovered something and sighed with great emotion.


Said: "It turned out to be like this. These blood essences also have such uses."

Yuli felt vaguely that it was related to herself, so she asked: "Master, did you find anything?"

Thain is sometimes bored in the laboratory, but for people like Yuli who are very familiar with him, Thain will also introduce some of his findings during the experiment. This is also a process for Thain to improve his understanding.

It was also during this period that Yuri became more and more familiar with Thain's physical training and various experiments.

High-quality experimental assistants like Yuli are not easy to cultivate.

Don't think that Yuri's role in Thane's laboratory is just to warm the bed.

In terms of understanding of certain fields, Yuli's understanding even surpassed that of ordinary fourth-level magicians under Thain's training.

Glancing at Yuri next to him, Thane replied: "In addition to increasing physical fitness, this blood essence also has a significant effect in increasing fertility."

When Youli heard this, she looked happy. She touched her belly and said, "Master, what do you mean..."

Thain shook his head and said: "I can see your physical condition at a glance. There are no life crystals yet."

"In fact, because of the different blood genes, it is difficult for the two of us to produce offspring. Only by increasing the frequency is it possible," Thain said.

This also shows the difficulty in conceiving offspring of high-level life forms above level four.

After hearing this, Yuli's face was obviously a little disappointed.

Thain was thinking about something else at this time.

It is indeed difficult for Yuri to conceive offspring for Thane, but women such as Nataya, Lenna, and Lina who are also human beings in the wizarding world...

In particular, both Lenna and Lina have been promoted to the fourth level or above, which is similar to Thane's life level, and the success rate of conceiving offspring is higher.

If Thain is supplemented with other props or potions that increase the success rate of pregnancy, maybe it will be possible!

Thain has never found a suitable disciple to inherit his mantle.

It's not a problem if it keeps going like this.

How about trying to have a baby?

In fact, the most suitable person to combine with Thain to have offspring is one of his real wives, Natalya!

Both of them have demon blood, and theoretically have the highest success rate in conceiving offspring.

It's a pity that Natalya is still in a coma.

I can only try to find Lina and other girls after I go back...

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