The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1946 Federal Legion!

The highest ranking federal general stationed outside the world of Rebos is a four-star lieutenant general.

The overall strength of the fleet group under his command is roughly between the late fifth level and the peak level five.

The world of Rebos is different from those living planets in the Federation's home star field. After discovering that the enemy was too powerful and that his own army was unable to effectively attack level six creatures, the Federation general was very decisive and prepared to fight from outside the world of Rebos. Pull away.

Compared to the featureless world of Ribos, it seems that the Green God Plane not far away is more convenient for defense?

The plant creatures in that world are rooted in their native land and have stronger resistance.

If these Gallente Federation fleets want to play their best role, it is the best choice to add some of their effective forces to the defense of the Green God Plane.

"Let's go!" Seeing that the front line was about to be breached, the four-star lieutenant general immediately ordered the fleet group under his command.

Also taking action at the same time as the four-star lieutenant general were several federal fleet groups and giant mechas.

But there are also two combat units that have not left the protective front outside the world of Rebos.

They were at the front and couldn't move.

Because as soon as they leave, the entire front line will collapse, and the Wizard Civilized Legion will pounce directly on them like vicious dogs, biting their fleet, making it impossible for the main fleet group led by the four-star lieutenant general to escape smoothly.

"Lieutenant General Freeman, let's go."

"Although we fell in the end in a foreign land outside the Federation star field, we sacrificed our lives for the peaceful cause of the Gallente Federation." A three-star major general sent the final message to Lieutenant General Freeman. video.

The video was very blurry and kept flickering.

This is because the flagship fortress on which this major general is riding has been hit by Fumila's shoulder cannon.

A blow from a Level 6 creature is not something that the federal fleet group, which is only comparable to Level 4 combat power, can withstand.

This is because Fumila did not deliberately accumulate energy. Otherwise, if it directly hit its flagship, the major general would not be able to send out this video.

At this time, four-star Lieutenant General Freeman had no way to reply to the opponent.

Because in Freeman's vision


, the flagship fortress, which was personally commanded by the three-star major general, was burning with raging fire and suddenly crashed into the area where Fumila was located.

In fact, anyone who knows the military structure of the Gallente Federation knows that the Federation fleet group is a whole, and the flagship only plays a command role.

Its combat capabilities are not outstanding, and its defensive capabilities are not great either. The main reason is that it has a relatively strong escape ability, and its signal coverage is extremely wide. It can dispatch its own legions dispersed throughout the battlefield and communicate with surrounding friendly forces.

The three-star major general took the initiative to lead his flagship and launch a suicide attack on the Wizard Civilized Legion, which actually showed his attitude.

as expected!

After the major general set off, the surrounding battlefields were still burning with fierce fire, but the fleets under his command that had not completely lost their combat capability also launched a charge towards the Wizard Civilized Legion.

This is the Gallente Federation Legion! This is the opponent of wizard civilization!

Being able to compete on an equal footing with the Wizarding Civilization in this starry sky is enough to prove that the Gallente Federation is not taking things for granted!

When the God of Black Mist and others saw that the enemy was unstoppable, they took advantage of the situation and took refuge as vassals.

Which federal fleet group do you think has an organized surrender status? !

Even the Gallente Federation Legion rarely escapes!

They are all strategic shifts, such as the four-star Lieutenant General Freeman, who wants to withdraw to the Green God plane and then resist.

It is far different from the nature of the God of Black Mist and others.

After Major General Three Stars sent the final message, another combat group of mecha troops who also stayed behind also led their mechas and took the initiative to meet the wizard civilization army.

Some of the mechas have even collided with the extremely fast charging Tianming Empire Legion.

The commanders of that mecha combat group were two federal major generals who entered a state of mental connection and were driving level four mechas.

They didn't leave a word. Lieutenant General Freeman even

Only the backs of the mechas they were flying could be seen.

It was a T3 model giant mecha that seemed to have problems with its shoulders.

On the ground, whether it was the federal technological weapons that had been built in the world of Rebos or the self-controlled firepower devices arranged on the surrounding meteorite blocks, they all began to fire at this time.

Time is still too hasty!

The Federation entered the God-born Star Territory too quickly, and the Tianming Empire launched its attack too quickly.

As a result, the Federation did not put up a solid enough steel defense front like in their home star domain.

The main reason is that the Federation did not expect that the wizard civilization could launch a powerful attack from the god star field behind the Federation!

When leaving the Rebos World Battlefield on the flagship, four-star Lieutenant General Freeman couldn't help but look back.

Although he had been mentally prepared, when he saw that the flagship fortress driven by the three-star major general not only failed to cause effective damage to the rebel angel, it was instead blasted with a stick by the sixth-level knight of the wizard civilization not far away.

Four-star Lieutenant General Freeman couldn't help but have tears in his eyes.

The T3 giant mechas driven by the two major generals in the brain-connected state were still resisting with difficulty.

But according to the surrounding battlefield situation, their next situation will not be too good.

In the world of Rebos.

The mid-level god Ribos, who had just huddled behind, hoping for a first encounter between the Gallente Federation Army and the wizard civilization army, saw that the remaining main fleet of the Federation had quickly left the battlefield through short-distance space jumps.

This fifth-level peak god couldn't help but jump to his feet and curse.

"These Federation people are really unreliable!" Ribos said, pointing in the direction in which the Federation fleet left.

Rebos is not afraid of fighting, because he is not the kind of god who is good at confrontation.

After the two sides are almost fighting, Ribos suddenly intervenes in the battlefield and carries out a sneak attack. This is his specialty!

In the world of gods, Rebos has a title called "God of the Night", including his subordinate Rebos.


This world is sometimes called the "Night World".

There is no sun around this low-level plane, and it is in darkness all year round.

But this time, the fierce battle between the wizard civilization and the Gallente Federation broke out in the outer space of the plane, but it lit up the sky of the world of Rebos.

So much so that hundreds of millions of creatures in this world are looking at the "miracle" happening in the sky with awe and curiosity.

"Sir, do we want to withdraw?" asked a god of Rebos.

"Retreat? Where to retreat! Will Lord Marduk let us go?" Ribos stared at his own god with a pair of dark eyes.

There are many mountains in the world of gods, and various pantheons are constantly fighting all year round.

But because most of the gods have never left the Divine Star Territory, when facing foreign enemies, not all gods want to surrender directly like the God of Black Mist.

The God of Black Mist has seen more and has more contact, so his thinking is more flexible.

Don't think that gods are really all-knowing and all-powerful. "Meat-eaters are despicable" sometimes also applies to these superior creatures of level four or above.

They have only cultivated well and have an enviable opportunity to become gods. It is not necessarily that their vision and knowledge are so broad.

For example, these gods in the world of gods appear to be more "ignorant" than the gods in other star regions due to the influence of Marduk and the historical development of their own world's civilization.

"The world of darkness is my territory, no one can take it away!"

"If you want to steal the wealth from my hands, you have to see if my 'Dagger of the Night' answers or not!" Ribos said viciously, and then his body dimmed and he disappeared from the place.

This fifth-level pinnacle creature that masters the divine functions of assassination, stealth, darkness, etc., in the world of gods, is the kind of person that even the sixth-level gods don't want to mess with at will.

Of course, it is also possible that there are too few powerful sixth-level creatures in the divine world, and the strongest ones are only in the late sixth-level.

Ribos, who hasn't hit a wall yet, wants to give this group of enemies from the wizarding civilization a try!

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