The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1947 Ceremony of Destruction

In fact, if Ribos had taken action earlier and cooperated with the federal army stationed outside this world in advance, those federal fleets would not have been able to withdraw so quickly.

Not that there is a chance of victory.

At least the situation of defeat will not appear too quickly.

The independent fighting between Rebos and the federal fleet also shows the "small farmer consciousness" of most gods in the world of gods.

And due to factors such as the extreme pressure on the frontline battlefield and frequent retreats, the federal fleet has been unable to effectively deploy its vassal gods.

For example, the federal combat corps that came to the Divine Star Territory only had two five-star generals with the highest rank.

They can represent the Gallente Federation and ask the god Marduk, the god of gods, to cooperate with them in fighting.

But it would be unrealistic to order Marduk to do something.

At least this is possible only if Marshal Schmann comes in person.

Marduk, who possesses the seventh level of peak strength, has a personal combat power that is far stronger than the Lord of Apocalypse in the Apocalypse World and Amalric, the pillar of the Shi'ak Empire! 🅆

Even because he has a large number of priestly pedigrees and secret treasures such as the Ark, Marduk's personal strength is the best in the Gallente Federation!

This is because the strongest combat power of the Tris civilization is an eighth-level war fleet group.

Similarly, the eighth-level force representing the Gallente Federation is also mainly composed of war fleet groups and various doomsday weapons.

Including the giant mecha field of the Gallente Federation, the master-level mechas that the federation can currently produce are basically level seven.

After all, it hasn’t been too long since the Gallente Federation destroyed the Rose Dynasty civilization.

No matter how technologically explosive the federation is, he still has a certain temperament.

The technology of the dominant-level war fleet group, which is the Federation's old profession, is obviously much more advanced than their mecha technology.

Therefore, speaking individually, there is nothing wrong with Marduk being called "the strongest" in the Federation.

But what is somewhat surprising is that the Tianming Empire’s legions have been entering the Goddess Star Territory for some time.

When breaking the sealing stone outside the Divine Star Territory, the dominant masters of the Tianming Empire personally went out, including the demons of the Kada Star Thieves Group, who also frequently wreaked havoc in the Divine Star Territory.

However, Marduk, the supreme god of this star field, has not yet come forward in person.


Fight back.

Marduk didn't run away, he was still in the Goddess Star Territory, even within the Goddess World!

But for some reason, Marduk never left the world of gods, as if he was sitting back and watching his gods and legions fight alone.

Or maybe Marduk was waiting for something to be completed.

That thing was extremely important to him, and it was also in a critical period when its transformation was about to be completed, so much so that Marduk didn't dare to leave his home plane.

The result of his behavior was that the outer protective front of the Godborn Star Territory was rapidly collapsing at a speed far exceeding the Gallente Federation's expectations.

On the federal side, the god Marduk was also asked to attack immediately.

But the stubborn Marduk remained unmoved.

This is another contradiction between the federation's vassal gods and the federation itself.

During this kind of civilized war, this contradiction is sometimes fatal.


As the war on all fronts in the Godborn Star Territory began, an extremely fierce all-out war also broke out on the frontal battlefield of the Gallente Federation.

It’s no wonder that the Gallente Federation can’t control the Goddess, it’s really that he himself is a little too busy to take care of himself now.

Marshal Schmain, who led his Dominator-class war fleet group to the front line, did not relieve much of the war pressure on the Gallente Federation's front line.

The attack of the wizard civilization was too fierce, and they found new helpers!

A huge jet-black spring first appeared in the Sivir galaxy on the east side of the federal star field. (ps: The orientation here is based on the positive direction of the wizarding world)

Rich destructive power emanates from the spring.

After the appearance of this extremely huge master-level spring, tens of thousands of smaller teleportation springs appeared one after another in the starry sky.

For a time, the power of rich water vapor sprayed throughout the entire star field.

Many creatures in the Sivir Star Territory who were unaware of the situation were a little bit confused about why it started to rain for a long time in their own plane, and why the water vapor concentration in the entire world began to rise.

Gallente Federation creatures will not treat this

This situation is associated with "miraculous".

In the Gallente Federation’s home star domain, everyone believes in science.

The first thing to emerge from the huge pitch black spring was an extremely large fish.

The size of this fish has exceeded the limit of imagination for ordinary creatures.

I'm afraid even the fifth- and sixth-level creatures in the star realm would be greatly shocked if they suddenly saw her.

Letting this big fish come over first meant that she could "clear" the transmission channel first.

If she could come over, it would obviously be better to come over to the Fountain of Illusion and the Fountain of Destruction.

Kun's arrival in the Federation's Sivir star field directly caused many life planets in this star field to become dim for a while.

Its huge size even obscures the light emitted by the surrounding stars. 🄲

The Gallente Federation also has many fleets stationed in the Sivir Star Territory.

At the same time, on the frontline battlefield not far from this star field, some wizard civilization legions have infiltrated here.

Therefore, the Gallente Federation responded quickly.

Even though many fifth- and sixth-level fleets knew that they might not be a match for this terrifying fish, they still launched an attack on it immediately in an attempt to drive it away.

But the Gallente Federation's intensive ray strikes only scratched the itch of this big fish.

It may not even have penetrated the hard fish scales and thick fat layer on its body surface.

It wasn't until the Gallente Federation activated its doomsday weapon and attacked the tail of the big fish that it finally hurt her.

So in anger, the big fish slapped his tail fiercely.

Not only were the vast majority of the Gallente Federation fleet swept away like autumn leaves, but even several artificial life planets in the Sivir Star Territory had their original starry sky coordinates moved!

What a shame!

This big fish was not a warlike type. After being beaten painfully, she just swept away the federal fleets with one tail, and did not say that she rushed up to devour and crush them.

Swinging its vast body, the big fish arrived near the teleportation spring.

Before the Gallente Federation's master-class fleet heard the news and arrived, the Fantasy Fountain successfully arrived!



When the Fountain of Illusion arrived, the Federation Master fleet group watched helplessly as the huge and terrifying master of the Fountain of Destruction, hovering above a pitch-black lotus platform, gradually descended into the starry sky.

"Black Lotus of Destruction?!" The knowledgeable federal marshal immediately retrieved the information about the lotus platform below the Fountain of Destruction from the central information database.

When this black lotus appeared on the front line of the Gallente Federation's star field battlefield, the war alarm of the entire Gallente Federation suddenly sounded, and even the war danger level rose sharply by several levels.

In the data presented by the Gallente Federation's ultimate quantum computer, the overall winning rate of the Gallente Federation dropped by another 2% at this moment!

Because the shock brought by the Fountain of Destruction was so great that the Gallente Federation somewhat ignored it. Immediately after the Fountain of Destruction, a bull-like and dragon-like master appeared from behind the Fountain of Destruction.

The eighth-level master Qi Niu also arrived at this frontline battlefield.

Tourmaline is pulling the prisoner cow's beard and swinging there.

In fact, it is of little significance whether the Federation has recorded the observation of the prisoner cow, because the prisoner cow cannot participate in this civilized war.

He only came to take a look because his brothers appeared on this civilized battlefield.

If it weren't for Bi Xi's tearful plea, Qi Niu wouldn't have wanted to come.

Facts have proved that when the Fountain of Destruction swept up its own destructive power and gradually descended on the federal star field, Prisoner Niu, who seemed to have a premonition that an era of destruction was about to come, regretted following him.

He didn't like this scene and atmosphere.

It is also the time when the tide of destruction is about to rise in the star field on the east side of the Gallente Federation.


The distant wizarding world, the Western Islands, the Knight Continent.

A towering giant bull, who also felt the power of destruction, raised its horns.

Above the horns, a snake-like blood dragon hung, looking into the depths of the sky with its cold eyes.

The dark power of destruction is brewing in their eyes.

They are both resonance bodies of the Law of Destruction, and they all seem to feel each other's existence.

"Moo~" A loud and long roar of a cow was heard beyond the clouds of Knight Continent.

The power of destruction reappears in this starry sky!

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