The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1945 The War of Rebos World

Regarding the defense of the Godborn Star Territory, the strategy adopted by the Gallente Federation was somewhat different from that of the Beholder World.

This time, the Gallente Federation no longer deployed its troops in the main world of the God-born world. Instead, it dispersed the fleet group and all technological legion forces on the front lines of this huge star field close to the battlefield.

It is estimated that even the Gallente Federation itself knows that the legions they have supported are not enough to defend the entire Divine Star Territory.

Therefore, we can only take limited care of those plane battlefields that are more in need.

The world of Rebos and the plane of Green God that Thane and others are about to conquer are two such worlds that are stationed by federal legions.

Among them, the world of Rebos is the priority for Thane and others to attack.

The Green God's world is slightly further away. It is a low-level world where plant life is extremely prosperous. The strongest person in this plane is a fifth-level peak plant - the Green Tree God.

Although Gongsun Wudi arranged low-level battlefields for Thain and others.

But in terms of the difficulty of plane attack, these two worlds are not that easy to crack.

Over in the world of Rebos, the Gallente Federation has invested a lot of legions.

As for the Green Tree Plane... just the God of the Green Tree is difficult to deal with.

When the opponent fights in his own plane, he can absorb the essence and the power of the rules of the entire plane as a backing blessing. Even if Thain and others have level six combat power to rely on, they don't know how long it will take to exhaust the Green Tree God. Divine power.

This kind of powerful plant-type creature that is integrated with its own plane does not need the blessing of any external equipment to achieve leapfrog resistance.

He is really an invincible Xiaoqiang.

Outside the world of Rebos, when Thane and others arrived, the Gallente Federation Legion was already here in a tight formation and had deployed an extremely tight protective front.

At the same time, the indigenous gods of the world of Rebos and their religious legions were also prepared to fight to the death.

The first thing that Thane and others need to destroy is the Federation Front outside the world of Rebos.


Due to the lack of large-scale war platforms such as space fortresses, (ps: the Tianming Empire's development technology in this area is relatively backward, and this is not the focus of martial arts civilization.) Therefore, in order to reduce the losses of its own legion, Thane, Beipeng, and Ximen Feixiao After the others met, it was decided that the sixth-level expert would take the lead in opening the way.

"My planet-level war fortress transformation technology is not yet mature, so I cannot use it rashly in this battle."

"I have to continue to rely on you and Fumila." On the eve of the war, Thain called Bepen over and said.

Bei Pen waved his hand and said it didn't matter.

As a knight, it is commonplace to advance with the enemy's fire.

In the wizarding world, they have always been the solid backing of the magician community from ancient times to the present.

General Ximen Feixiao of the Tianming Empire said: "I can also lead my legions to attack from both wings."

"We have seen the strength of the Federation fleet in the Kells star field before."

"I think my men can withstand their firepower and advance." Ximen Feixiao added.

Thain shook his head and said: "The strength of warriors can indeed be compared with knights, but that's not how wars are fought, and we don't need to make meaningless losses."

"General Ximen, the elite legion under your command should wait until we break through the Gallente Federation's fire blockade before we can exert our strength."

"Now, we are using absolute high-level combat power to reduce the losses of the middle and lower-level legions."

"Whether it is the Invincible General or you, in the future, you should want to lead your legion and return to the Tianming Empire alive, right?" Thain asked rhetorically.

"The horse-leather shroud is not the final destination of knights and warriors," Thain said.

Thain's words silenced Ximen Feixiao.

When he spoke just now, he actually did not want this kind of front-row task to be left to Thain and other powerful wizards and civilizations.

Martial arts civilization is quite interesting in this regard.

If there is trouble or danger, he will really come forward.

Unlike some alliance planes, or foreign gods with other thoughts, who are reluctant to move forward when they see the disadvantages, they will only be proactive when they see the benefits.

Without arguing with the Ximen Flying Owl, Thane turned to the God of Black Mist and said: "You, the Kells God, must gather at least 500,000 forward troops this time to charge with the Knights of Bepen and Fumila. .”

Thane's tone to the God of Black Mist was not a discussion, but a direct order.

The God of Black Mist also understood it instantly.

What is meant by "charging together" is actually the fate of being cannon fodder!

He didn't dare to resist, since it was the believer's life that died, not his own.

In the order given just now, Thain did not ask the God of Black Mist and others to follow him in the charge.

If the army of believers has damaged a group, wait until they return and issue an oracle to replenish them!

For the gods who believe in the god system, their followers are a kind of "renewable resource."

Thain had previously stated that after the world of Rebos is conquered, a batch of war wealth will be distributed to the God of Black Mist and others.

I don’t know if this is a pie drawn by Thain.

Anyway, the God of Black Mist and others do not have any expectations for the time being.

A fierce war soon started.

When the sixth-level female knight Bei Peng roared angrily, she activated the sixth-level law and rushed forward.

This marks that the war outside the world of Rebos has entered a feverish state from the beginning.

With one's own strong men opening the way, and without one's own strong men opening the way, the battlefield effects are completely different.

The army of 500,000 believers assembled by the God of Black Mist and others are completely cannon fodder with poor combat capabilities.



br\u003eBut because Bei Pen took the lead and the eight-winged angel Fumila spread out multiple layers of metal wings, they bravely rushed towards the depths of the federal front that was emitting dense energy rays.

It also led the cannon fodder to inspire higher fighting enthusiasm.

"There is an envoy of the great God of Black Mist, leading us to victory. We have nothing to fear!" Some fanatical believers of the God of Black Mist couldn't help but shout excitedly.

In the future, several more murals commemorating this war would appear in the temple of the God of Black Mist.

Among them, Bei Peng, who transformed into a "bronze giant" and held two iron rods from the sky, and Fumila, a mechanical angel who spread out eight wings and constantly emitted energy rays from his wings, are all named after the God of Black Mist. The identity of "divine messenger" or "god" appears for future generations of the Kells star field to look up and worship. Recalling the intensity of the war back then.

I don’t know if this can be regarded as showing the narrow and ridiculous vision of low-level creatures.

On the other hand, Bepen and Thain did not pursue this trivial matter.

The God of Black Mist has the qualifications to fight side by side with Thane and others this time. When he joins the Wizards Alliance in the future, he will be considered to have a backer and a strong wizard in the Wizards Alliance who can speak.

"The situation ahead is good. Inform General Ximen Feixiao that their legions from the Tianming Empire can be dispatched." Inside the planetary fortress, Thane said to Mel, the fourth-level dragon vein warlock next to him.

Mel lowered his head and said something to the crystal ball. Immediately afterwards, he saw the Tianming Empire army on both wings of the legion under Thain and others, and then formed an arrow shape, following Bei Pen and others in front, heading towards Charge in the direction of Rebos' world.

The charging speed of the Tianming Empire Legion was so fast, and it didn't take long before they caught up with the cannon fodder legion of the Kells God System in front of them, which was hit by the saturated firepower of the Federation.

It is estimated that in this war, Ximen Feixiao and other Tianming Empire legions wanted to prove the courage of their Tianming Empire in front of Thain and others, as well as the martial arts style of the warriors who regarded death as their own.

Therefore, compared to other battlefields, the Tianming Empire Legion on this battlefield has a higher will to fight.

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