The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1944 The War in the Divine Star Territory Begins

Thane, who returned to the Kells Star Territory, ordered the expedition not long after.

For this expedition, the forces mobilized, in addition to Thain, Bei Peng and Ximen Feixiao, a strong man from the Tianming Empire, the three local gods who had just joined the army, including the God of Black Mist, would also go out with the army.

Thain also ordered them to gather an army of one million believers.

The quantity of one million is fine, but the quality is difficult to guarantee.

The Black Mist World was first attacked by Thain and others, and then was ravaged by the federal fleet group.

The core believers of the God of Black Mist are almost gone. The loyalty of the newly promoted ones is okay, but their strength is a bit worrying.

Fortunately, Thain doesn't have many requirements in this regard.

Whether it is one million or two million, their role is cannon fodder.

After confirming the expedition, Kaitou Kidd will also leave. He has received a reply from the Tianming Empire.

During the rest of the war, Kidd's main role was to serve as a messenger for both armies.

Before leaving, Kidd mentioned: "If you have anything in the future, you can always ask him for help."

Space magic experiment is also a type of experiment with relatively complicated specifications.

Since Kidd said so, Thane smiled and nodded in agreement.

There is another free Level 6 experimental subject, and it is still alive.

The scene of millions of troops going out to war is still very grand.

All the indigenous believer legions in the Kells Star Territory were packed into Thane's planetary fortress.

These low-level indigenous creature believers did not know that the fortress under their feet could transform. Also in the previous transformation experiment, a group of left-behind creatures were directly crushed into blood by the power of the shaking rules.

The mechanical angel legions in Thane's hands all flew back to the Rubik's Cube to recuperate and adjust.



The Troll Legion is a disposable item. Thain has been away from his mentor Lu Lianman and others for some time, and the Green Source Seed in his hands is becoming less and less used.

The next war will mainly rely on the Tianming Empire Legion to fight.

A mere few hundred thousand plant monsters cannot play a decisive role.

However, Bei Peng mentioned that the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce has established increasingly stable channels around the Divine Star Territory.

Some of the rare materials that Thane needs, which are only produced in the Wizarding World and Wizards Alliance, will also be transported one after another.

Maybe Thane will also receive magical letters from his master.

Looking at Bei Pen, whose hair was tied into two braids as thick as a hemp rope, Thain said to this muscular female knight: "I will introduce you to a friend later. I think you will get along well."

"Who?" Bepen asked. The way she dressed up was purely for the convenience of fighting.

Looking at Bei Pen in front of him, Thain can always think of Lenna in the past unconsciously.

When the fat woman was still a meat mountain, she always tied her hair into a braid and wielded an eight-edged heavy hammer in her hand.

In terms of visual impact and appearance characteristics, it is really similar to Bepen.

Thain replied: "Her name is Lenna, and she is also a female knight."

"Oh." Bei Pen responded.

Outside the planetary fortress, the three remaining gods of the Kells pantheon: the God of Black Mist, the God of Twilight, and the God of Rot, also met during the expedition.

The God of Rot is a fourth-level god who makes people hate him just by looking at him.

The power of law he controls is also a corrupt earth law, and there is always a sense of difficulty in him.

The smell.

For this reason, after the God of Black Mist joined his new employer, the God of Rotting Soil is currently the god with the fewest channels for obtaining information.

At least the God of Twilight got some information by making friends with a level four expert from the Tianming Empire, but the God of Rot is currently completely blind.

"Where shall we go on our expedition next?" asked the Lord of Rot.

"Go to the Divine Star Territory." The Twilight God said nonsense.

"Oh. What about the God of Scorching Wind? Have any of you seen him?" The God of Rotting Soil asked. His relationship with the God of Scorching Wind was not bad.

The God of Twilight shook his head. When the God of Corruption looked at the God of Black Mist, the God of Black Mist hesitated and said: "The God of Scorching Wind seems to have...ran away with the Gallente Federation fleet group... …”

"Ah?!" The God of Rot said in surprise.

They are both members of the Kells pantheon, but in the end they chose different paths.

The next time we meet, it should be on the battlefield again.

Boundary sealing stone.

This is a group of regular star stones distributed on the border of the God's star field.

They are numerous and difficult to move.

After getting close, special power factors will radiate.

For many medium and low-level creatures, the area where the boundary sealing stone is located is a restricted area of ​​life.

Only creatures of level four or above, after turning on the law shield, can offset the erosion of the boundary sealing stone on themselves.

When Thain and his team arrived at the target star field, Thain took the initiative to fly to the surroundings of the boundary sealing stone to investigate.

On the surfaces of these apparently naturally occurring regular star stones, Thane saw many special divine inscriptions.

"Is someone specifically strengthening the radiation intensity of these sealing stones to ward off foreign enemies?


? "Sain rubbed the rough surface of the sealing stone and muttered.

Level 4 creatures need to turn on their shields to counteract radiation. And with the strength of Level 5, Thain can directly touch the surface of the Jie Feng Stone with his body, and it will be fine.

In the surrounding star space, some of the boundary sealing stones were directly forcibly destroyed by external forces.

It was the Tianming Empire Legion that did it.

In the surrounding starry sky, there are still a large number of remains of the Gallente Federation Legion and the Divine World Legion floating, indicating that there must have been a fierce battle here before.

In addition to the legions under Thain and others, more and more Tianming Empire armies are also moving closer to this starry sky coordinate.

When Thain and others went on an expedition, the over 100 million troops sent by the Tianming Empire were only the vanguard of this large-scale world civilization.

Perhaps the Tianming Empire's combat power above level four is limited, but the bottom level combat power below the low level can continue to be explored in depth.

Especially after the wizard civilization's stable logistics supply lines have been established, the Tianming Empire can mobilize troops from the rear without restraint.

There is a prince who sits in the rear of the Tianming Empire, and the emperor drives and conquers in person at the front.

The Tianming Empire will definitely make a fortune in this war to support the wizard civilization.

They don't need to go to the main battlefield of wizard civilization. Just the God-born star field with more than 1,600 planes with complete rules is enough for them to eat!

"Our next goal is the world of Rebos and the plane of Green God, let's go!" After collecting some meteorite fragments from the boundary sealing stone as specimens, Thain ordered his legions.

The world of Ribos, also known as the plane of night.

This is the main world of the middle god Ribos.

Unlike the God of Black Mist, who has the special ability to develop the value of his followers, the Median God Ribos is most famous in the world of gods for his combat and stealth abilities.

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