The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1943: Please

In addition to talking about military progress, Gongsun Wudi was also very interested in the experiments that Thain had conducted in the Kells Star Territory in recent years.

Thain thought that Gongsun Wudi would ask about the activation experiment of transforming a giant war fortress into a robot.

But unexpectedly, what Gongsun Wudi took the initiative to mention was Thain's experiment of letting the followers of the God of Black Mist restart industrial operations.

Regardless of whether Gongsun Wudi understood it or not, Thain briefly introduced some of his experimental research and future ideas to him.

Unexpectedly, a warrior like Gongsun Wudi would be so interested in Thain's various types of research.

When he heard Thain talk about stimulating the productivity and value creation of underlying creatures, Gongsun Wudi agreed with emotion: "Our martial arts civilization also has a lot of wasted underlying power."

"To this day, whether it is the military or aristocratic families, most of the people who practice martial arts are men, and the proportion of female warriors is less than 30%."

"In addition, there are still a large number of low-level civilians in the Tianming Empire who are not even exposed to martial arts practice."

"This also resulted in their contribution to the construction of the entire empire being too small."

"If there are other ways to increase national power, it can be regarded as a way to expand power." Gongsun Wudi mentioned with emotion.

Thain did not expect that Gongsun Wudi would also have such divergent thinking. He nodded and agreed: "You are right."

"This model is indeed suitable for many cultivation civilizations, but it is difficult to play in the ordinary plane world."

"The God of Black Mist uses the power of faith to control his people. It is a very tricky way, but I feel that this method still has certain drawbacks."

"What if those so-called believers suddenly have doubts about their gods one day because they have been exposed to and seen too much?"

"This is a change that may cause the collapse of the foundation of rule. Even in the wizarding world, this concept may not be promoted. I need to improve it as much as possible." Thain said.

When Gongsun Wudi heard this, he smiled and said


: "I look forward to the results of your research, Master Thain."

After leaving Gongsun Wudi, Kaitou Kidd looked at Thane with extraordinary admiration.

This guy is relatively vulgar. He cannot understand the truths that Thain has mastered, but this does not prevent him from having a keen observation of power.

"Master Thain, do you know what level the invincible general has reached just now?" Kidd asked.

"I'm not sure, where is she?" Thain shook his head and asked.

"The strongest person under the domination is only a thin line away from the realm of domination!"

"I heard that some of the top six-level experts in the star world can compete with dominant-level creatures in a short period of time."

"Judging from the feeling that the invincible general gave me, which is obviously better than the sixth-level peak creatures I have come into contact with before, it is very likely that the opponent is at this level!" Kidd exclaimed.

Thain looked back at Gongsun Wudi's Luan Jia and couldn't help but said: "No wonder she said she only used 10% of her strength when I competed last time."

"It's actually true." Thain said depressedly.

When Kidd saw this, he didn't know what to say. He moved closer to Thain and said in a slightly flattering tone: "Master Thain, I'm very sorry for disturbing your experiment before and causing you to suffer a certain amount. loss."

"I don't have any other treasures on hand to make up for it. Do you think this is okay?" Kidd said, and a blood-red crystal diamond appeared in the palm of his white glove.

Originally, Thain refused, and he had already waved "no", but when he saw the blood-colored crystal diamond in Kidd's hand, Thain was stunned again.

He swallowed the word "no" that he originally said. Thain changed his words and said, "Isn't this... bad?"

"There's nothing wrong with it. I don't have any use for these blood crystals."

"Master Thain, you have so much energy and blood that you can use these blood crystals to condense it again." Kidd said, and thrust the blood diamond into Thain's hand.

Kidd was right, this kind of blood crystal was indeed good for Thane, and it was also for body refining.

Although Thain's body suffered great trauma when he traveled through the broken time and space channel last time, it was a blessing in disguise in the end, and the body refining process took another step forward.

Although these blood crystals are not enough to allow Thain to directly refine his body and advance to higher levels, on the original basis, it is no problem to make his physique and energy and blood more condensed.

Maybe it will allow Thain to reach the fifth level of peak body refining level in advance.

This is a truly great gift! 🄲

Holding the sharp-edged blood-colored crystal diamond in his hand, Thane couldn't help but ask: "This thing... must have been made by demons, right?"

Kidd nodded and replied: "It was condensed after massacring a medium-sized world. I only have a small part here."

When Thain heard this, he couldn't help but feel exaggerated by the demon clan's work. The most they did was kill the chicken to get the eggs. The demons killed the chicken and then ate the chicken.

Not even spitting out bones.

After looking at the blood crystals in his hand and lamenting the bloodthirsty and cruelty of the demon tribe, Thain was thinking about when to contact the demons of the Kada Star Thieves Group and get some blood crystals for training.

Fortunately, Thain's research in the field of soul science is not particularly in-depth, otherwise he would have to deal with devils.

Since the demons can produce blood crystals, the demon clan who are good at collecting souls must have some high-quality soul energy on hand.

Thain thought that his wife Natalya had not yet woken up, and Lina was still entangled with the souls of her mentor.

I think I will inevitably have to deal with devils in the future.

This dark world...


Twilight plane, the city of Black Castle.

The smoke of war dissipated in just a few years, which made Pique feel like he was in another world.

The roaring whistle sounded, and the old black iron train arrived. Peake hurriedly boarded the last train.

Unlike eight years ago, Pique is now married and even has a two-year-old daughter.

The pressure of life allows Peake to find some comfort in praying to gods every day. Most of the time, he has to run around in busy work.

Pique got married three years ago, and his daughter was born the next year.

At that time, there was no war happening around the city of Black Castle, and everything seemed to be back to where it started.

Only Piqué would occasionally recall the dragon roars he heard vaguely during those years of war, as well as the terrifying plant monsters that descended around the city and even toppled many temples.

This world is not as beautiful as people imagine. Thanks to the great God of Black Mist, who has driven away those terrifying enemies, we can make the creatures in this world peaceful and stable.

Since the end of the war a few years ago, the piety of the Black Mist God's followers has suddenly increased.

The number of fanatics and devout believers has also exploded in a short period of time.

The only thing that makes Pique a little regretful is that his friend and middle-level leader Jada did not come back and went to someone unknown.

The other party originally promised to promote Pique!

The rumbling jet-black train carried Peake and the creatures from the Twilight Plane like him, heading towards the factory where they worked.

Sometimes, the truth of the world may not be important to them.

Life is short.

It is also a kind of happiness for lower creatures to sometimes live their own lives well.

The dark clouds in the sky were getting lower and lower.

In the deepest part of the dark clouds, a storm seemed to be brewing.

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