The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1942 Codename: Messenger

When Thane took Kidd to Gongsun Wudi Luanjia, Kidd kept looking at Thain.

He had already recognized Thane at this time.

Whether it was the performance of previous experiments, the fact that Thain had a sixth-level angel under his command, or the existence of an elder with peak level-6 strength, etc., Kidd was unable to regard Thain as an ordinary person whose life level was lower than his own. Magician.

There was still some distance to go to Gongsun Wudi's Luanjia, and Kidd kept thinking about how to get close to Thane.

In fact, Kidd is not a familiar person. This guy used to be a loner.

The reason why I am now trying so hard to establish a good relationship with the powerful wizards and civilizations is also forced by real life.

Thain didn't know what the sixth-level alien creature beside him was thinking. His focus at this time was not on Kidd. Instead, he had been recalling and thinking about the various problems he encountered during the experimental driving process.

Activating and shaping giant war fortresses into war robots should be regarded as an extremely emerging concept and research direction in the entire wizarding civilization.

Thain can take a step forward in this regard, of course, relying on his possession of a world-class secret treasure Rubik's Cube. 🅆

But from a deeper root perspective, Thain's ability to generate this inspiration is probably related to his early contact with Decepticons, Optimus Prime and other intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron.

The Decepticons, Optimus Prime and others have the ability to change forms.

The former is in beast form, and the latter is in motorcycle form.

The two of them currently represent the two major branches of the intelligent robot family!

Fumila represents the third branch - Mechanical Angel.

In the previous war to break out of the Gallente Federation star field, Thane had seen the second forms of Decepticons, Optimus Prime and others. He also briefly drove the motorcycle form of the fourth-level intelligent robot Decepticon.

Since Optimus Prime and others can change, why can't the giant war fortress change?

From a certain perspective, it's just scaling up.

Moreover, a giant fortress purely used for large-scale warfare is obviously more powerful than an ordinary locomotive.


Destructive and aggressive.

"That federal scientist Michael Bay is really a wise man in the field of science and technology." Thain couldn't help but sigh: "Fortunately, he is dead."

Kidd was stunned for a moment by Thain's sudden exclamation. He didn't understand a bit and couldn't help asking: "What? Master Thain, what did you mean just now?"

Thane glanced at Kidd, shook his head and said, "It's nothing."

On the way to Luan Jia, the commander of the Tianming Empire, Kidd had been looking for opportunities to get close to Thane.

At the beginning, Thain acted relatively coldly. After all, his mind was not on Kidd.

Thain has dissected and studied several level six creatures. At this time, such a creature standing in front of Thain will not cause him too much cold.

But Kidd is a person with an extremely lively mind. After dealing with powerful wizards for a period of time, he also figured out the personalities and hobbies of these magicians.

So Kidd took advantage of this time to casually mention to Thane the interesting stories of his wanderings in various star fields over the years, as well as the various incredible creatures he had come into contact with.

Thane has traveled to many star civilizations over the years, but as an extremely young man, compared to a sixth-level creature like Kidd who has been famous for a few years, he is still a little lacking in experience and knowledge.

The main reason is that Kidd masters the laws and means of the space system, which allows him to explore more distant star fields and dangerous star realms with extremely special rules and conditions more easily than ordinary sixth-level creatures.

For example, when Kidd talked about his exploration experience in a dangerous place called the "Annihilation Vortex", Thane was very fascinated.

This guy shouldn't be bragging, because some of the surface changes and law context Kidd talked about really made Thane think deeply.

By the time they arrived outside Gongsun Wudi's camp, Thain and Kidd had become quite familiar with each other.

Fumila from the beginning

In the end, she still looked like a cold guard. She opened the curtain for Thain, and Gongsun Wudi seemed to be handling military affairs in the camp.

Gongsun Wudi has a very cold temperament, and her "coldness" is the same as that of Thain.

She is cold to death, and Thain is usually cold to reason.

The vague and depressing aura of the sixth-level peak creature made Kidd's face, which had been relaxed just now, immediately shut up.

Who are these people... The feeling Gongsun Wudi gave Kidd in front of him was more depressing than that of Thain's master, or even the two peak demon kings under Gustavo he had seen before!

With their powerful strength and the temperament of a high-ranking person, although Kidd and Gongsun Wudi are both at the sixth level, their specific situations are completely different!

Kidd was just a part-time worker, but Gongsun Wudi commanded the Tiger Army and the hundreds of millions of Tianming Empire legions. 🅆🄲

In the Mingming Empire, a large-scale world civilization, Princess Taiping Gongsun Wudi, as the emperor's sister, ranked second in power in the entire dynasty, higher than the prince.

He was such a strong man who had conquered many star realms and planes. After seeing that Thain was the first to enter the camp, his cold face that was originally dealing with military affairs seemed to have become slightly softer.

Unlike Kidd, Thane was intimidated by Gongsun Wudi's aura when they first met. After entering the camp, he greeted Gongsun Wudi very naturally.

After all, we are friends who have sparred together before, so why are we being so reserved?

Like an old friend, Thain asked how Gongsun Wudi was doing. Gongsun Wudi also asked about Thain's recent war situation in the Kells Star Territory.

Kidd followed later, but Gongsun Wudi just glanced at him and returned his attention to Thain.

After chatting for a while, Thain pointed to Kidd behind him and introduced: "This is the... um... messenger of our wizard civilization."

"You know, there is another force of our wizard civilization surrounding the Divine Star Territory. When the time comes for them to cooperate in war with the Tianming Empire, they will mainly communicate through this person.


. "Sain said.

He really didn't know how to introduce Kidd. It seemed that the title "Messenger" was more appropriate.

Gongsun Wudi also instantly understood which force Thain was referring to.

Instead of sending a level six demon, they sent a messenger like this. Presumably, this kind of cooperation with the Qatar Star Pirates Group cannot be brought to the table openly.

After Kidd introduced himself, he immediately handed Gongsun Wudi the information that the demon master Carter Gustavo had given him.

After Gongsun Wudi took a look, he wrapped it with dragon energy, then called a general under his command to send this information to the emperor.

After finishing the business, Thain casually asked what the next plans for their combat legion in the Kells Star Territory were.

Gongsun Wudi raised his right hand, pointed at a three-dimensional star map in the camp, and said: "The main focus of our next attack will be there."

A circle of special rules meteorite blocks called "boundary sealing stones" then appeared in Thain's field of vision.

After continuous exploration by the Tianming Empire's scouts, they finally found the weak area in the outer defense of the Divine Star Domain.

Gongsun Wudi also assigned corresponding tasks to the combat legion led by Thain.

After breaking the sealing stone, Thain and others need to be responsible for the subsequent conquest of the two lower planes.

"Is it just a low-level plane? I think with our strength, we can definitely participate in the war in a medium-sized world." Thain argued.

The richer the plane you attack, the more resources you will get.

No one thinks they have too much money.

"There are only four medium-sized worlds on the periphery of the Divine Star Territory, and they are extremely scattered."

"The medium-sized world in this direction is already taken care of by the Snapdragon Legion of our Tianming Empire."

"Brother Emperor said that we will show off the momentum of our Tianming Empire in the first battle." Gongsun Wudi replied.

"That's it." Thain nodded.

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