The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1941 Experimental Accident

Any mature and successful technology will have to go through thousands of failures and even bloody lessons.

Before starting the activation analysis experiment of Planet Fortress, Thain simulated countless feasible solutions through the Rubik's Cube.

Including during the operation of the experiment, he also concentrated on using the power of the Rubik's Cube and the Phaseless Mask to observe and record all the data, and to solve some unstable phenomena in their infancy as much as possible.

But accidents always happen inadvertently. 🅆

The emergence of a special spatial fluctuation disturbed Thain's originally highly concentrated spirit.

The six-level power level of the opponent discovered by the Maskless Mask, as well as the alertness and interference from Thane's mind, caused the giant fortress robot that was originally maintained in an orderly manner to begin to collapse.

This is the collapse of the law and energy levels!

The entire fortress robot had a tendency to disintegrate for a while.

The eight-winged angel Fumila immediately held down Thain's shoulders. If there was any accident around her, she would take Thain away safely as soon as possible.

Thain turned his head and said in a deep voice: "No problem. You go outside first. A level six creature appears. Have you found him?"

"Although the other party has not shown any hostility, don't take it lightly."

"Call Bei Pen Knight, Ximen Fei Xiao, and the God of Black Mist over here!"

"I'll try my best to encircle the fortress first and prevent it from completely collapsing. There won't be any danger." Thain said calmly.

The power level of the giant fortress robot is only level four when it is exhausted, so after it disintegrates and collapses, it will not have any impact on Thain, who is at level five life level and is undergoing body refining.

Sometimes, magicians get high during experiments like this.

Even if there is a level six creature outside that is temporarily unknown to us, Thain still wants to give it the secret of the important experiment being conducted in front of him and complete it smoothly.



And crazy, stubborn and calm.

When these almost opposite character qualities all appear in magicians, they create a vivid image of the spellcasters in the wizarding world.

Fumila left immediately after receiving the order.

Yuri still stayed with Thain at this time because her Flame Constructed Golem had not been repaired yet.

Outside the fortress robot, Kidd, who was quietly watching the "scenery" in a corner of the starry sky, was surrounded by a group of powerful wizards and civilizations at some point.

The sixth-level female knight Bei Peng, holding an iron rod, still has the same fierce fighting posture.

She had just experienced a fierce war not long ago, and she still carried the evil aura that had just come off the battlefield.

The eight-winged angel Fumila has already pointed her light blade at Kidd's mask.

Although she is not in a combined state with Thane, and the Rubik's Cube is not with her now, Fumila has been growing in recent years, and her strength cannot be underestimated!

A growing robot?

In fact, the secrets and growth potential contained in Fumila now exceed those of the intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron.

It's just that Thane hasn't been in contact with Megatron and Optimus Prime for a long time, and he hasn't noticed the comparison for a while.

"Hey! Relax, I mean no harm. We are our own people." Kidd hurriedly raised his white-gloved hands and made a harmless gesture.

He has a token given by the high-level wizard civilization, and some things given by the demon lord Gustavo.

It is not difficult to prove one's identity in front of Bei Pen and others.

When you see a wizard with a

When the special coat of arms was printed, Bei Pen's expression became doubtful.

But the eight-winged angel Fumila still pointed the lightsaber at Kidd's cheek, almost pointing to the tip of his mask's nose.

Fumila doesn't care who Kidd is, she is only responsible for Thane.

As long as Kidd makes any move, Fumila will swing her sword without hesitation.

Kidd was also very depressed at this time. He was not scared to death by a group of demon kings, but now he was blocked by a group of powerful wizards and civilizations.

Even though he is extremely good at the power of space laws, it is difficult to escape from the close encirclement of two sixth-level strong men, several fifth-level strong men, and more fourth-level strong men who are surrounding him.

Soon, "Boom!" A tremor, a series of regular turbulence and metal friction, came from behind the crowd.


"Master Thain, I'm very sorry. It was my negligence and I disturbed your experiment!" When Kidd appeared in front of Thain, Thain's face looked very tired at this time.

But he was also wearing a mask like Kidd at this time, so outsiders could not observe Thain's emotions and facial expressions.

"Nothing, what are your orders and tasks?" Thain asked directly. The giant fortress metal robot behind him had now returned to its original planet-level war fortress appearance.

The special blue-purple light of law is still emerging inside and outside the fortress. It was Thain who left the Rubik's Cube and a large amount of energy amethyst to repair the fortress.

Compared with before the experiment, the appearance of this second-hand planetary war fortress, especially the outer metal, looks much smoother and neater.

But its internal transformation has changed a lot, and even many systems have been significantly affected by the "experimental accident" just now.

More than two-thirds of the fortress's weapon systems and defense systems are down


In this state, even more than half of the energy supply now relies on the Rubik's Cube for transmission.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Kidd's sudden appearance directly caused this planetary war fortress to be scrapped!

Of course, it's not that the quality of the fortress and the truth mastered by Thane are inferior.

In the future, when his technology gradually matures, in a more intense battlefield where the power of elements is flying, theoretically this fortress can also complete the transformation and change of combat status.

Truth needs to mature step by step.

After informing Thain and others about his general identity and mission, Thain stood up and took Kidd to fly towards the star field where the main army of the Tianming Empire was located.

That was the location of Gongsun Wudi, and Thain also wanted to ask what plans the Tianming Empire had for their force after the war in the Kells Star Territory ended.

Before leaving, Thane glanced at the planet-level war fortress that was under maintenance, called the God of Black Mist over and said, "The situation just now was too urgent. It is not easy for me to be able to surround the fortress without collapsing."

"I hope you don't mind those of your followers who were originally left behind to take care of the basic maintenance of the fortress after failing to secure it," Thain said with relief.

The God of Black Mist doesn't seem to care about the life and death of those believers.

He said directly: "It is their honor to dedicate their lives to your truth-exploring experiments, Master Thain!"

"Do you need anyone else to continue driving and controlling the fortress? If so, I will call you another group." The God of Black Mist replied respectfully.

Thane glanced at the God of Black Mist and said, "Alright."

God loves the world, after all, it is just a beautiful slogan.

"Today I flew to Beijing to attend training at Lu Xun Institute of Literature, and there were still only two QAQ updates."

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