The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1940 Giant Metal Fortress

When Thain returned to the laboratory, he did not immediately start the fusion analysis experiment of the planetary fortress and the Rubik's Cube. Instead, he first started daily research on ash magic.

More sophisticated spell models, the rare element flame collected on hand, and some confusions that still existed in the past are all the research directions of Thain.

A few months later.

When Fumila quietly returned to Thain's laboratory, Thain had a bright fire of strange laws burning slowly in his hand.

Thain glanced at Fumila and knew that her pursuit battle was over, and the maintenance work on the planetary fortress beneath her feet was generally completed.

Thain did not ask about the specific results of Fumila.

After carefully storing the strange flame of law in his hand into the special experimental vessel in the laboratory, Thane breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Let's go, let's conduct the next experiment."

Starry sky.

The majestic planet-level war fortress stood quietly. 🅆

Large areas of obvious flaws and metal patches appear on the outer wall of the fortress. With just a glance, one can tell that this planetary war fortress must have just withstood the devastation of war.

The flickering lights throughout the fortress also mark that the fortress is not as complete as it was when it first left the factory.

At this time, Thain was located in the center of the fortress control hub, with Fumila standing beside him.

Except for those creatures who need to maintain basic operations, most of the drivers and maintenance personnel in the planetary fortress were given short notice to leave the fortress.

Conducting magic experiments is risky, and Thain will easily cause a small explosion in the laboratory, which is not something that ordinary creatures can withstand.

This "Fortress Activation Modification Analysis Experiment", strictly speaking, also carries great risks.

Fumila was standing next to Thain at this time, and she had part of the responsibility to protect him.

"It's about to begin


. "Sain took a deep breath and said.

The blurry and bright Rubik's Cube was slowly pushed out from his chest by Thain.

Blue-purple light shines everywhere in the main control room of the planetary fortress.

These lights, which possess the power of extremely powerful magic machines and technological laws, did not produce any strange effects when they first came into contact with the metal products in the planetary fortress.

It was quiet all around.

Only Thane, wearing the Mask of No Form, seemed to see the agitation and law of elements hidden beneath the calm surface around him.

A drop of sweat caused by nervousness quietly appeared on Thain's forehead.

Yuli, who was also standing not far from Thain, saw this and wanted to wipe off Thain's sweat, but Fumila next to her stopped her!

Yuri is not afraid of Fumila. She is the "old man" who has followed Thain for the longest time. Moreover, she is a living being of the opposite sex and has had skin-to-skin contact with Thain. She is not a mechanical creation like Fumila.

Yuli glared at Fumila with some annoyance, Fumila's cold face remained calm.

Suddenly, "Boom!" A loud noise happened suddenly.

Thain, whose whole body and mind were in a state of high concentration, did not notice the small details around him at all, raised his head and looked at the top of the fortress.

Inside and outside the planetary fortress, only the creatures in the fortress noticed abnormalities at first.

But when the entire fortress began to violently shake and deform, all creatures stared at the scene in front of them in stunned silence.

The fifth-level Black Mist God, who also felt the tyrannical and abnormal energy and law fluctuations, also looked at the scene in front of him in the starry sky outside the planetary fortress.

At first he thought it was

The Gallente Federation fleet came back again, giving him a big shock.

But when he learned that it was not the case, the God of Black Mist, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, saw the changes in the planetary war fortress in front of him that were beyond his imagination. He could not help but point at the scene in front of him and exclaimed in surprise: "This... this……"

In the sight of the God of Black Mist, the planet-level war fortress under his command that he was extremely familiar with was now undergoing distortions that exceeded the scope of his understanding.

The planetary fortress, which was originally a little crooked and had patches and cracks on its surface, was constantly changing its mechanical structure from the inside out.

A large number of brand new metal plates and mechanical circuits were displayed in front of the God of Black Mist and others during the transformation process.

Moreover, in the process of continuous distortion and deformation, the originally elliptical planet-level war fortress has gradually transformed into a human shape!

A giant metal robot nearly 20,000 meters tall!

The Juggernaut-level giant mecha produced by the Gallente Federation does have an initial form of over 20,000 meters in size, but it is a Juggernaut-level mecha.

Although some giant mechas below level six can have extremely exaggerated physiques after being expanded by memory metal.

But now this giant mecha transformed from a second-hand planetary fortress is obviously unable to compete with those top mechas.

Its manufacturing cost is comparable to that of a level four mecha.

But at this time, as the special blue-purple light of law shines on the body surface of the giant fortress robot, the power level he displays to people is higher than the average level four!

More importantly, it is huge, much larger than everyone expected.

No one knows how this huge and terrifying metal robot was born.

Only at the core of this metal robot's body, that is,


Thain in the central control room may know the secret!

At this moment, a special space ripple appeared in the corner of the starry sky.

Kidd, wearing a white cloak and a white mask, slowly emerged from it.

Kidd accepted the assignment from the demon lord Gustavo and came to contact the Tianming Empire.

With his current status, of course he couldn't directly go to the powerful people of the Tianming Empire. It would be best to use powerful wizards like Thain as an intermediary.

After all, Kidd is now working for the wizarding civilization.

The image of the giant metal robot that appeared in front of him stunned Kidd, who walked out of the space vortex.

At this time, the giant metal robot transformed from a planet-level war fortress is still immature in all aspects of its principles.

Although the size and pressure are there.

But overall it feels stiff, slow and indescribably awkward.

"Which master of the wizarding civilization is this?" Kidd couldn't help but murmured.

He had met Thain, but at this time, through this giant fortress metal robot, it was difficult for Kidd to connect it with Thain.

The "activities" and "tests" of the giant fortress metal robot have been going on for a long time.

This technology is probably the same as the combined technology of Thane and Fumila. It is difficult to get used to at first and requires a long period of pain.

However, we don’t know when it will be fully used in war.

Kidd was thinking about how to express his position and introduce himself after meeting this amazing wizard and civilization master later.

Another chaotic and violent wave of law came, and the oppressive giant fortress metal robot in front of him had a tendency to disintegrate!

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