The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1934 Resource plunder mode

The God of Black Mist and others did not have time to escape, so they chose to surrender out of shame.

In fact, for creatures above level four who believe in the god system, they are generally unwilling to give up the world under their control unless they have to.

Because the creatures in this world are all local gods of level four or above, it took tens of thousands of years, or even longer, to operate a high-quality pastoral area of ​​faith.

Once they leave their own pastoral areas of faith, not only will it be difficult for these gods to make progress, but it will also become very difficult to just maintain their original realm of divine power. 🅆

And it is not that easy to regain a foothold in the new dimension world.

"Your name is the God of Black Mist, right?" After the war, Thane asked without raising his head while stroking his magic wand.

"Yes, yes." The God of Black Mist replied respectfully.

He has already seen that one of the two sixth-level beings is completely obedient to Thane.

And the other sixth-level female knight is obviously not someone willing to take charge. The fate of the Black Mist World and its surrounding attached planes depends on the fifth-level magician in front of her.

"Take me to your core heavy factory to see if the parts produced in your star field have any value if you extract them alone." Thain said.

At this time, there is smoke and war everywhere in the black fog world.

Although the God of Black Mist has surrendered, the damage caused by the previous war cannot be eliminated so easily.

After receiving the order, the Angel Legion and the Warrior Legion of the Tianming Empire have begun to stop fighting and maintain the order of the world.

In many main battlefield areas of this world, you can still vaguely see the remains of some plant trolls that stopped fighting.

I have to say that the fighting will of the lower creatures in this world is quite acceptable.

They are willing to abandon everything to fight for the gods they believe in.

And because of factors such as his deep cooperative relationship with the Gallente Federation, Thane noticed that a very small number of "gods" in the Black Mist World were actually using some technological weapons in battle.

For example, the Gallente Federation's individual particle cannons, kinetic energy battle suits, sonic shock bombs, etc., these indigenous creatures who do not understand technology can still use them very well.

Under the leadership of the God of Black Mist, Thane and his team arrived at Thomas Industrial Production Plant No. 2.

This large-scale technology factory is located at the foot of the Black Mist Temple and stretches over a large area.

The previous war left one-third of the factory in a state of paralysis.

But since Thane wants to see it, the God of Black Mist must make this factory run as soon as possible no matter what.

Not long after, Thomas Industrial's No. 2 production plant began to roar.

A large amount of black smoke poured out from the exhaust chimneys throughout the factory, and the sky turned dark.

Thain glanced at the sky of this world and said nothing.

After a while, the technological products from this heavy factory appeared in front of Thain one by one.

Thomas Industrial Production Plant No. 2, born


The main products produced are related to drones.

However, Thomas Industries does not have the ability to independently assemble drones.

The indigenous creatures of this world, without their knowledge, made a large number of wings, cannonballs, fuselage decks, etc.

But the most important power machine, as well as some sensitive parts of the drone involving core mysteries, are not within the scope of work of this world's creatures.

According to the God of Black Mist, these parts will eventually be sent to the federal border star field.

Thomas Industries has a more advanced smart factory there, including the final step of assembly, which is also done there.

"Master Ash Mage, are we going to attack the federal border star field next?" the God of Black Mist asked cautiously.

Thain chuckled lightly, glanced at the other party, didn't say anything, just nodded to himself: "I see that the most useful drone parts produced by your Black Mist World are those types. The production process of artillery shells."

"However, this kind of artillery shell is also a low-end weapon. You are not even qualified to produce ordinary laser weapons." Thain shook his head.

Thain's expression made the God of Black Mist nodded awkwardly.

Not long after, a low-level sergeant from the Tianming Empire came in. He had demigod-level strength. He reported to Thane: "There is news from other battlefields that Lord Mel of the Twilight World has defeated the Twilight Lord." God, and after receiving the news of the surrender of the Black Mist World, the Twilight God also gave up resistance."

"But in another dimension battlefield, the God of Dusk Saliva of the Ash Star Thief Group did not keep his opponent. The foreign god had already broken through and left that dimension. After hearing this, Lord Bepen had just gone to catch up." The demigod-level sergeant reported.

After listening to the report, Thane turned his attention to the God of Black Mist.

Upon seeing this, the God of Black Mist hurriedly said: "The one who escaped should be the God of Burning Wind. I will ask him to come back and surrender immediately."

There were originally five gods in the Kells pantheon: the God of Black Mist, the God of Twilight, the God of Scorching Wind, the God of Rot, and the God of Ironwood.

Except for the God of Burning Wind who escaped and the God of Ironwood who was smashed into discus pieces by the sixth-level female knight Bei Peng, the other three indigenous gods have now chosen to surrender very wisely.

Moreover, these three people all had serious injuries.

The God of Twilight on the battlefield in other dimensions should not be much better.

Although Mel looks like an underage dragon girl, in fact, her fighting style is quite violent.

And after turning on the Dragon Vein Warlock's true form, Mel doesn't look "little" at all!

"Not only the God of Scorching Wind, but also those micro-planes in this star field that have not been affected by the war, immediately let them give up their resistance. I will send legions to enter and garrison there." Thain demanded.

The God of Black Mist hurriedly replied

Said: "Yes."

Perhaps the combat ability is not very good, but the God of Black Mist is very good at observing the situation and the development of the situation, that is, the foresight.

To be able to surrender to Thane in such a bachelor's manner is probably because the God of Black Mist has judged something in advance based on his war perception in recent years and his observation and analysis of the situation on the rear - the Gallente Federation is really no match for the wizarding civilization!

Thain nodded, and then looked at the list of Black Mist World resources paid tribute by the God of Black Mist, as well as the total amount of foreign exchange earned by leading the Kells God System in recent years.

A smile couldn't help but appear on Thane's face, and even his cold temperament, which had previously frightened the God of Black Mist and others, became much gentler.

"Not bad, not bad." Thain praised.

The Kells God System seems to have made a lot of money over the years.

The amount involved in the list was so large that Thain, a fifth-level magician who was never short of money, seemed very excited.

Thain will not keep the money for himself. In addition to sharing it with Bepen and Mel, Thain will also take a part of it and distribute it to the Tianming Empire Legion.

As for the God of Black Mist and others, there is no way not to pay. For them, this is almost life money!

Of course, it can also be seen from here that the God of Black Mist and others colluded with the Gallente Federation to "exploit", "oppress" and "enslave" their own believer people, and how much benefit they gained from it!

These resources and wealth are the hard-earned money of ordinary indigenous people in the Kells Star Territory for tens of thousands of years!

However, under the guidance of faith, these indigenous creatures do not even know it even if they are exploited.

"Wizard civilization uses magic coins to plunder alliance resources, which is already an extremely efficient way to expand and collect resources."

"But now it seems that there is still room for improvement."

"Our wizard civilization has only plundered the natural resources and various specialties of those alliance planes, but it has not actually made full use of the manpower of the trillions of ordinary creatures in those alliance planes."

"In the past, the use of ordinary creatures was mostly limited to the secondary development of their corpses or the collection of soul energy."

"But the vast majority of the indigenous gods in the alliance plane, in order to consolidate their rule and belief foundation, cannot massacre their own people to obtain this extremely primitive resource."

"Perhaps we can find ways to promote the Black Mist World's cooperation model with the Gallente Federation in the Wizarding Alliance in the future."

"Our wizarding civilization has also become an industrialized mana-heavy factory. At least Capechi and Steel City are definitely not short of business in this area!"

"As for the issues related to the leakage of truth, knowledge and secrets, we can also modularize various industries and disperse them into different parts manufacturing and processing, just like the Gallente Federation creatures in this star field." Thain touched his chin. , thought carefully.

As I gained more and more knowledge, I came to know more and more civilizations in star fields and alien planes.


Brilliant, Thain sometimes thinks about problems, and he is not entirely limited to the magic and truth involved.

Sometimes, Thain would unconsciously think about these broad and empty things.

Just like the things he had just conceived in his mind, they were definitely beyond the scope of what a fifth-level magician should consider.

Involving the alliance-wide resource plundering and wealth plundering methods, this is at least an issue that only a true spirit-level magician of the wizarding civilization like Ms. Bev can consider.

But when Thain thought about it carefully, his consideration really had an achievable basis!

Human resources are indeed a special resource that wizard civilization did not pay much attention to in the past.

Although wizard civilization often raises cannon fodder legions of slave creatures from the alliance plane, those who can become slaves of a powerful wizard civilization are not ordinary creatures.

Comparing the levels in the wizarding world, one must at least be an intermediate level monster, or an intermediate magic apprentice, or an intermediate knight attendant!

But what about those ordinary alien creatures that are more numerous and weaker?

Their value and how to develop it.

Thain couldn't help but turn his head and glance at the cautious God of Black Mist beside him. Somehow, Thain felt more and more that this guy was a talent, and he had a vague intention of conquering him.

The God of Black Mist was glanced at by Thain, and he lowered his body deeper.

This guy is also a god. He has such a low profile. I think he learned a lot when he was dealing with the Gallente Federation in his early years.

Just when Thain opened his mouth to give a few words of admonishment, another demigod-level warrior from the Tianming Empire hurried to the factory and appeared in front of Thain.

There is an urgent military intelligence report!

"Reporting to Lord Ash Mage, a large-scale alien technology army has appeared outside the Kells Star Territory!"

"Lord Knight Bepen, you have already rushed over first." The semi-god warrior reported.

When Thain heard this, he couldn't help but curse in his heart, why did it come so fast.

The God of Black Mist in front of him also looked very painful.

Why did the Gallente Federation reinforcements arrive over there just after they surrendered?

But it is difficult to regret something like surrender.

If the God of Black Mist chooses to be a second-rate boy, he will not please both ends!

Glancing at the God of Black Mist beside him, Thain put away the resource list handed over by the God of Black Mist and the space power ring that stored a large amount of energy crystal blocks and other wealth.

Thain said: "Come out with me and take a look."

"Today I flew to Guangzhou to participate in an event. It was the 2022 Internet Literature Influence List that my brothers voted for Xiaodou. The last book Knight's Journey was shortlisted for the final review of the newcomer list. In the next period of time, I may not have enough time to type. If there are fewer or interrupted updates, Xiaodou will replenish them in the form of additional updates after the event ends. I hope all book friends will understand~

There is only one QAQ update today”

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