The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1933 Surrender

The Wizarding Civilization’s dispatch of envoys to the Immortal Realm Taoist Gate cannot be hidden from other forces in the Immortal Realm.

Buddhism is the most urgent one.

Dang Chanjiao is still figuring out his posture.

When you want to get more benefits from the war cooperation of wizard civilization.

The Buddhist side... is just not like the Dragon Clan, it is directly "backwards"!

Those bald donkeys in Buddhism are still playing tricks.

They saw great benefits from the Wizarding Civilization War.

Although the Minghe Empire is powerful, don't forget what Buddhism is for.

In the process of fighting against the Ming He Empire Legion, in addition to the miraculous effects of light attack methods, the rest is that these Buddhists are the best at restraining creatures with negative attributes such as darkness and death.

Buddhism is simply the natural enemy of the Minghe Empire!

Unfortunately, the wizarding civilization did not directly send envoys to Buddhism.

Therefore, in the Great Leiyin Temple of the Western Heaven Buddha Realm.

The Tathagata Buddha, with his solemn treasure appearance, finally sent two Arhats who subdued the dragon and subdued the tiger to proactively contact the wizards and civilized envoys.

In the front, the wizard and civilized envoy took the initiative to contact the Taoist saint.

Now he is a Buddhist saint-level powerhouse, and he takes the initiative to find the wizard's civilized envoy.

The difference between the situation before and after makes people sigh that the rise of Buddhism is indeed justified!

Monster clan, Wa Palace.

Although in the past 100,000 years, the Eight Great Sages have become more and more famous in the fairyland civilization.

But the one that can truly represent the orthodox power of the demon clan in the Immortal Realm has to be the Wa Palace.

The status of Saint Nuwa in the hearts of the billions of monsters in the Immortal Realm is unparalleled.

After learning that several great saints were preparing to take action, Saint Nuwa was relatively able to sit still.

The relationship between Saint Nuwa and the wizard civilization is also very good.

However, in this war, Saint Nuwa did not intend to call on the demon forces under her command to take action together.

Because compared to the huge resource gains that civilized war may bring, Sage Nuwa cares more about


What is important is the balance and stability of the fairyland.

In the Wa Palace, Sage Nuwa said to his maid Qingluan: "Participating in the war of wizard civilization is an excellent way for our fairyland to divert internal conflicts."

"Senior Brother Zhunti and Senior Brother Yuan should have seen this."

"It's enough for Wukong and the others to participate in the war on behalf of some demon clans."

"My mission is to complete the mission of the Taoist ancestors and maintain the stability of the ancient wilderness and the fairyland." Sage Nuwa said.

Although Qingluan is the maid of Saint Nuwa, she also possesses level seven strength. At the same time, Qingluan is also a member of the Feng clan and is of the same generation as the Golden Spirit Mother.

Qingluan couldn't help but said: "Since the establishment of the Heavenly Demon Imperial Court, Mr. Lu Ya has been keen on foreign wars and expanding the power of the demon clan."

"In this Wizarding Civilization War, maybe Lord Lu Ya will have some ideas," Qingluan said.

"Lu Ya wants to restore the glory of the ancient demon court. His idea is better, so let him go."

"With the Chaos Bell by your side, you should be safe." Saint Nuwa replied.

The world of Netherworld and Blood Sea.

The surging sea of ​​blood stirred up huge waves.

In the center of this blood-sea world, there is a towering palace complex.

The Asura clan, which immigrated from the prehistoric world, is now thriving in this world of blood.

Located in the center of the blood sea, there is a twelve-level karma red lotus, which is extremely eye-catching.

On top of the red lotus, a red-haired saint slowly opened his eyes.

"Ancestor, do we, the Asura clan, want to participate in the war of wizard civilization?" King Asura stepped forward and asked.

The red-haired saint looked outside the world of blood sea and did not answer for a long time.

Wuzhuang Temple.


Immortal Ancestor Town Yuanzi Great Immortal is also discussing with some well-known casual cultivators in the Immortal Realm about the war between wizards and civilizations.

In short, the war between the wizard civilization, the Gallente Federation, and the Hades Empire affects the minds of many civilized worlds and top powerhouses.

With the arrival of the Wizard Civilization Envoy in the Immortal Realm, the seemingly peaceful Immortal Realm civilization has also secretly caused great disturbances.

Outside the prehistoric world, in the Eight Views Palace.

As the strongest person in the prehistoric world, he is also an existence that suppresses the foundation of civilization.

In front of the Bagua array, I looked at the Tiandao Sword, the most precious treasure of civilization, frowning, and fell into deep thought for a long time.

"In the past more than 100,000 years, the overall element concentration of the star world has increased, the rules have been loosened, and the fairyland has also ushered in an unprecedented period of prosperity." 🅆

"Behind this prosperity, does it mean that crisis may be coming?"

"Master mentioned the unprecedented catastrophe before he left the star world..." I pondered.

Not long after, I called my only direct disciple, Xuandu, over.

Xuandu inherited the most orthodox Taoism from Lao Tzu. His temperament and the immortal skills he practiced were exactly the same as Lao Tzu's. He was equivalent to being the successor of Lao Tzu's will.

Judging from their appearance, Xuandu and I are both gray-haired old men.

Both of them have elegant and elegant temperaments.

In the fairyland civilization, they are mysterious existences that may not appear once in a hundred thousand years.

"Have there been any special rumors or abnormal situations among the major sects in the Immortal Realm recently?" I asked.

Xuandu replied respectfully: "Master, apart from the wizard civilization coming to ask for help, the disciple has not heard of any strange phenomena."

When I heard this, I frowned.

After waving his Taoist robe and letting Xuandu go down, I came to the quiet room of Bajing Palace.

The dark gray simple compass then appeared in front of me.



r\u003eHe wants to tell a fortune.

The divination ability of the fairy civilization is no less than the astrology of the wizard civilization.

It's just that this extremely mysterious fortune-telling not only takes a long time, but also the cost of divination will be very huge depending on the specific results.

After a long time, I looked at the derivation results in front of me.

The wrinkles on my forehead have become deeper.

Kells galaxy.

The process of conquering this small star field went as smoothly as Thane expected.

The fifth-level God of Black Mist is no match for Thane and others.

This guy doesn't even have the ability to escape.

When faced with the unstoppable army of Thane, the God of the Black Mist saw that he could not withstand it and chose to surrender.

Since I had a lot of contact with the Gallente Federation in all aspects in the early years, and there are also a large number of second- and third-rate Federation factories in the Kells Star Territory.

Therefore, the God of Black Mist and others do not have too many federal restrictive technological devices implanted in their bodies.

This can also be considered as a foreshadowing for the Black Mist God and others to rebel.

"What are you doing? I just killed a fourth-level creature, and the opponent is scared?" The iron rod in his hand was still stained with sticky brain blood, and the sixth-level knight Bei Pen cursed with some dissatisfaction.

This female knight is really brave and tough. After Thain broke through the dimensional barrier in the black mist world, Bei Pen took the lead and killed a fourth-level god from the Kells Star Territory in a very short period of time.

Originally, the God of Black Mist and others wanted to resist symbolically, and then quickly slipped away.

Unexpectedly, the hostile legion that invaded the Kells Star Territory this time had two sixth-level creatures!

Including releasing a single forbidden spell outside the plane and breaking through the plane barrier of the black mist world, Thain also brought a great threat and impact to the God of Black Mist!

"How can we in the world of black mist be so virtuous and capable that we should face such an exaggerated lineup from our opponents?" the God of Black Mist said bitterly.

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