The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1935 God of Burning Wind

"Why did you surrender so quickly?!" Outside the Kells Star Territory, Davis, the three-star federal general, couldn't help but curse. What? You don’t know yet|Read COM, read the chapters without mistakes|Hurry up and Google them}

Davis was one of the federal generals who directly followed the orders of Marshal Schman and went to the Goddess world to support them.

Although Marshal Schman was forced to lead his Dominator-class fleet to support the frontal battlefield with the wizard civilization due to the fierce fighting on the front line.

But on the battlefield behind the world of the gods, the Gallente Federation still assigned a large number of middle and low-level combat legions to assist as scheduled.

Originally, Davis was going directly to the Divine Star Territory to participate in the war. He heard that the vassal legions of the wizard civilization there were already at war with the native creatures of the Divine World.

However, during the march, General Davis, who received an urgent order from the rear headquarters, temporarily changed the march plan and led his fleet, together with other federal generals, to rush to the outside of the Kells Star Territory. 🅆

Admiral Davis thought he was traveling fast enough!

But he rushed slowly and quickly, but he couldn't catch up with the surrender speed of the Black Mist God of Kells and others!

Thinking of this, General Davis couldn't help but cursed again.

The surrender of the God of Black Mist and others had a huge impact on General Davis and others.

Originally, they could cooperate internally and externally, but now they are fighting alone.

What was a good support mission will now become a critical mission!

The Kells Star Territory, which occupies a large amount of federal industry and is a star territory on the edge of the Godborn world, has changed hands. Davis and other federal generals cannot treat it as invisible.

The only good news is that the Wizard Civilization Legion has just conquered the Kells Star Territory, and even some micro-planes and resource demi-planes have not yet sent their legions to settle in.

This made it much easier for General Davis and others to attack the Kells Star Territory.

"General, a fourth-level creature who calls himself the 'God of Scorching Wind' has entered the range of our naval gun salvo and sent us for help."

"Behind him, there is another high-quality creature chasing him. The detection wave shows that the opponent's power level is level six."

"Do you want to counterattack?" the adjutant appeared next to Davis and asked.


A live star map then appeared in front of Davis, and he also saw the situation ahead.

"Oh? Haven't all the native fourth-level creatures in this star field surrendered yet?" Davis muttered to himself, and then ordered his fleet to enter combat mode.

As a three-star general of the Federation, the fleet group commanded by Davis has a comprehensive strength in the late sixth level.

However, in a technological civilization like the Gallente Federation, the combat effectiveness of mechas is a little easier to evaluate, and the strength of the fleet group can only be considered comprehensively.

The federal generals who rushed to the Kells Star Territory this time had the rank of general. In addition to Davis, there was also a two-star general named Kate, who commanded a mecha army.

As for lieutenant generals and major generals, there are dozens of people in total.

Specifically speaking of level 4 and above combat capabilities, this batch of federal reinforcements has about a dozen level 4 and 5 combat capabilities.

Not long after, the virtual image of Admiral Kate appeared in front of Davis, and he was ready to fight.

"Old man, do you need me to send out the 'Breaker' mecha?" Admiral Kate asked.

The Breaker mecha is Admiral Kate's trump card, and its overall combat effectiveness can reach mid-level six.

Since Federation mechas are usually co-piloted by two people through brain connection, the pilots of the Breaker mecha are even two Federation generals with the rank of lieutenant general.

"No, activate the 'Black Death Particle Beam'!"

"First fight off the sixth-level wizard civilization creature, and then let the indigenous fourth-level creatures from the Kells Star Territory come over to see the situation," Davis said.

"Tian!" "Tian!"

Two consecutive dark and suppressed particle energy rays pierced the starry sky.

The overall strength of this Gallente Federation fleet is correctly assessed as late level six. The threat level of these two energy rays alone has reached the late level six.

Needless to say, in addition to these two

In addition to Dao's main attack, almost instantly, the huge federal war fleet group suddenly unleashed an overwhelming and endless blow on the starry sky battlefield in front of them.

The attacks of these federal fleet groups may not all reach the level of threatening creatures above level four.

But looking at this dense rain of energy, various regular weapons, and missile attacks, a fourth-level creature with poor psychological quality would be scared to death on the spot.

At this time, the God of Scorching Wind of the Kells pantheon was very panicked.

Speaking of which, it's quite dramatic.

The God of Burning Wind was originally fighting the God of Dusk Saliva under Thane on a low-level battlefield.

The God of Dusk Saliva is still a good hand in interstellar trading, but it is a bit difficult for him to fight.

Therefore, the God of Burning Wind, who had also recently been promoted to level four, actually had a back-and-forth fight with the God of Dusk Saliva at the beginning, and even had a slight advantage.

However, this advantage of the God of Burning Wind did not last long. Suddenly, I heard that the black mist world of the mother plane was attacked by level six creatures, and this time two hostile level six creatures arrived.

The God of Burning Wind almost did not hesitate, turned around and decided to "break out".

Just as they had discussed with the God of Black Mist before, on the civilized battlefield, if they resist a little and don't look so ugly, the Gallente Federation will not do anything to them even if they finally escape from the battlefield.

But what made the God of Burning Wind extremely speechless was that when he successfully broke through and left a distance with the help of his superior wind and fire divine power laws, he suddenly heard the news that the God of Black Mist and others had surrendered!

...Made, in the previous meeting, the God of Black Mist did not mention the option of "surrender"!

The God of Burning Wind was a hindsight, but when he thought about it, he felt the same way.

There are two hostile level six combat forces eyeing the world of black mist. Even if the God of Black Mist and others want to escape and break out, they have to see if the other party is willing.

Since you can't fight or escape, the only option left is surrender.

The God of Burning Wind is also unwilling to leave his hometown and leave his mother.



Just when he was considering in his mind whether he should stop and turn around to surrender to the Wizard Civilization Army, Bei Peng, the sixth-level female knight who heard about his successful breakout, had already fought out of the black mist world.

In this star field battlefield, Bei Pen is a real killing god!

At this time, her body was still dripping with the viscous blood and milky white brain of the Ironwood God.

The God of Ironwood is a fourth-level being who masters the power of the dual divine laws of the metal and wood systems.

Whether it is the anti-strike ability of the metal element or the life-restoring ability of the wood element, such a fourth-level creature can be called an invincible weakling.

But in the face of absolute power suppression, the God of Ironwood didn't say a few words before being knocked into a puddle of flesh by Bei Peng.

It is estimated that the God of Black Mist and others also saw this scene and immediately chose to surrender to the wizard civilization.

——Whether it is the Gallente Federation or the Wizarding Civilization, they attack betrayers and surrenderers with the greatest intensity, even more than they hate each other's legions.

The wizard civilization gathered its superior forces and directly destroyed the betrayed world of beholder demons, and almost killed all the creatures in the beholder star domain!

At the same time, in recent years, the Gallente Federation has also dealt with several subordinate planes and planets that have betrayed and surrendered. Like the Wizarding World, they have almost bloodbathed all betrayers.

Therefore, unless absolutely necessary or driven by absolute interests, the vassal planes and subordinate gods of both civilizations will generally not surrender.

Bei Peng chased him out with a body full of divine blood. Part of the brain of the Ironwood God still remained on the two iron rods in his hands.

This scene scared the God of Burning Wind so much that he had no intention of surrendering.

I guess he was beaten to death by Bei Peng before he even said the words!

He could only continue to run away, but fortunately, the God of Scorching Wind sensed the Gallente Federation reinforcements before he ran very far.

But the terrifying firepower erupted by the Gallente Federation fleet group at that moment once again severely scarred the weak mind of the God of Scorching Wind.

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