The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1932 Reply

The first person to answer was Our Lady of the Golden Spirit.

I saw her combing her long golden hair, and then talking calmly; "I think we can help the wizarding civilization."

"Although Master is no longer here, the friendly exchanges between us and wizard civilization in recent years have not been interrupted."

"Judging from the rules and contracts issued by the wizard civilization, they are also sincere."

After speaking, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit looked at the brothers in front of her and added: "In recent years, although the breakthroughs of saint-level experts in our Jiejiao sect are not as many as those of the Chanjiao and Buddhism, compared with those of the Celestial Immortal and Xuanxian monks, In the past hundreds of thousands of years, there has been a huge surge."

"Before discovering new expandable civilizations outside the territory, it is not impossible to join the war of wizard civilization as in the past." Our Lady of the Golden Spirit said.

She then mentioned something else: "The Dragon Clan seems to have been dispatched."

"If I take action this time, I can also call the Phoenix Clan." said the Golden Spirit Mother.

The Dragon, Phoenix, and Qilin tribes in the ancient world were severely damaged during the Long-Han Tribulation in ancient times. The number of the entire tribe became extremely rare, and the momentum of racial development was even more sluggish.

However, in the past hundreds of thousands of years of recuperation and external expansion of the fairyland civilization, the dragon and phoenix tribes finally developed again by virtue of their powerful blood origin.

It can be seen just by looking at how many master-level combatants the Immortal Dragon Clan has!

The development of the Phoenix Clan is not as rapid as that of the Dragon Clan, but there are still a few dominant-level phoenixes.

And the Fire Phoenix and Ice Phoenix of the Wizards Alliance seem to have something to do with the Phoenix Clan in the Fairyland.

Unlike dragon-type creatures that can be seen in many places in the star realm, phoenix-type species have certain regional characteristics in the star realm.

The number and reproductive capabilities of races are not as exaggerated as those of dragon creatures.

In the prehistoric world, only the Qilin tribe is still in a state of half-death.

Although there are many Qilin populations, most of them are hybrid Qilins now. Pure-blood Qilins seem to be very rare in fairyland civilization.

The dragon and phoenix tribes have always been vaguely trying to compete. The dragon tribe is out to reap the benefits, and the phoenix tribe should not fall behind.


The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit had already expressed her point of view clearly. After Duobao Tianzun nodded, he looked at Kui Niu.

Kui Niu, also the famous Bull Demon King in the prehistoric world, scratched his scalp and horns and said, "I, Old Niu, have no objection."

"But I have two brothers who are already gathering demon soldiers and generals to help the wizard civilization."

"Fu Hai has also followed the dragon clan to the battlefield of wizard civilization. If I, Lao Niu, make a move, those brothers should also take action together."

The hidden power of Jie Jiao is still quite large. Both the Phoenix Clan and the Yao Clan have a close relationship with Jie Jiao.

Tianzun Duobao finally looked at Zhao Gongming.

Zhao Gongming is not considered weak among the powerful saints in the Immortal Realm.

And his aging face and rather sad expression at this time are related to some of his encounters.

Zhao Gongming's master soul is not abundant, and in order to allow his sister's soul to travel through the underworld of reincarnation, Zhao Gongming has worked very hard in recent years, invested countless amounts of money, and even somewhat neglected his own cultivation.

At least for now, Zhao Gongming is no longer the opponent of his former mortal enemy, the Lantern Buddha.

The old bald donkey has now been promoted to the eighth level and is one of the few strong men in the entire Buddhist sect.

Except for Saint Zhunti, the founder of Buddhism, the only people in Buddhism who can be compared with Randen Buddha are Tathagata Buddha and Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Facing the inquiring look of his senior brother Duobao Tianzun, Zhao Gongming was silent for a moment and then replied: "Yunxiao's reincarnated body should have grown up in recent years. I don't know how she is doing now."

"Participating in the Wizarding Civilization War may allow us monks in the Immortal Realm to usher in a wave of explosive growth again. Although it is accompanied by great dangers, what is the absolutely safe way to practice and go against the will of heaven? "Zhao Gongming sighed.

Zhao Gongming also has a well-known nickname in the fairyland-the God of Wealth!

The wealth of the entire Jiejiao force is huge.

Part of it is operated by Zhao Gongming.

In civilized war, in addition to fighting for one's own strength, it also fights for resources and logistics.

Since Zhao Gongming also said this, Duobao Tianzun finally made a final reply: "Then immediately give a reply to the wizarding civilization, inform us to intercept the sect, and prepare for cross-star battles."

"When the wizard civilization chooses the battlefield, it seems that they don't want us to get involved in their head-to-head confrontation with the Gallente Federation."

"The star field we need to go to is the battlefield of the great world."

"What we need to face there is... the Minghe Empire Legion." Duobao Tianzun said in a deep voice.

Jiejiao is worthy of being a Taoist force in the Immortal Realm that the wizard civilization has good relations with. After all, he is a quick talker.

The sixth-level magician Tomov felt that he had not stayed on Jin'ao Island for long, and the saint Duobao Tianzun gave him a formal reply.

When the entire power of Jiejiao began to move, Duobao Tianzun, after bidding farewell to his three junior brothers and junior sisters for the time being, couldn't help but stand on the highest peak of Jin'ao Island, overlooking the boundless sea.

In terms of plane area and size, the prehistoric world is much larger than the wizarding world.

Otherwise, there would be no way to breed so many saints and such a prosperous and splendid civilization.

The turbulent sea water constantly hits the rocks outside Jin'ao Island, and thousands of sea flowers rise into the sky.

In this commotion, Duobao Tianzun couldn't help but said to himself: "I wonder what decision Master would make if he were still alive?"

"It has been several years since the establishment of the Hell of Reincarnation. Where is Master's reincarnated body now?"

When Tomov, a sixth-level magician, first came to Jin'ao Island, he felt that Jiejiao was a little depressed, but he was actually right.

Since the fall of Lord Tongtian, the development situation of Jiejiao has indeed been much worse.

This participation in the wizard civilization war is also the reason why Duobao Tianzun hopes that Jiejiao will once again have a wave of development opportunities so that he can live up to his master's trust.

Unlike Jie Jiao who readily agreed to send troops, the envoys sent by Wizard Civilization to the Antarctic Heavenly Court received a certain cold reception.


Chanjiao did not indicate that it would immediately send troops to assist the wizarding civilization, and in its reply to the wizarding civilization, the Antarctic Immortal Emperor only said that he needed to report it to the sage in charge of Yuxu Palace first.

In the subsequent contacts and negotiations, Chanjiao was not satisfied with the conditions given by the wizard civilization.

Chanjiao did not really want to participate in the battlefield in the direction of the Hades Empire, but he showed great interest in the war of conquest of the Gallente Federation by the wizard civilization.

Sure enough, there are no fools in this world.

While Chanjiao wanted to reap benefits, he was unwilling to bear the threat of war from the Minghe Empire.

If the wizarding civilization really reaches a very critical juncture, maybe it will just pinch its nose and recognize the teachings of Chan and take advantage of it.

But now the wizarding civilization is obviously not in despair yet.

As a result, the negotiations continued to be deadlocked.

In fact, after the Immortal Dragon Clan participated in the war, it currently has little significance whether Chanjiao joins them or not.

Jie Jiao has agreed to take action!

Including the demon clan, there should also be some action.

The envoy who met with the Antarctic Immortal Emperor on behalf of the wizard civilization did not receive a positive reply from the other party, but he was not in a hurry to leave the Antarctic Immortal Emperor.

Just spend it like this.

Let's see if Chanjiao changes his mind in the end.

If the Dragon Clan, Jie Jiao, Yao Clan and other forces can gain enough benefits on the battlefield of wizard civilization, there is no need to worry that Chan Jiao will not be tempted in the end.

He went to the Tianshu realm and came into contact with the wizard and civilized messenger of the white-browed saint.

Although he did not receive the full support of the Shushan Sword Sect, the current head of the Shushan Sword Sect said that he would send some sword cultivators who volunteered to participate in the war to join the wizard civilization war.

Not only the Shushan Sword Sect, but also the affiliated sword sects of the Shushan Sword Sect: Emei Sect, Qingcheng Sect, etc. will also send some sword cultivators who are interested in wizard civilized wars and demon slaying to participate.

Judging from the final result, the answer received from the White-Eyebrowed Sage is always better than the situation from Chanjiao.

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