The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1931 Interception

The tenth pharaoh of the Minghe Empire was blocked by a group of fairy domain master level dragon beasts.

In the distant fairyland civilization, a war cooperation negotiation involving the wizard civilization and the fairyland Taoist sect has just begun.

As the representative of the wizard civilization envoy, Tomov, a sixth-level magician, went to the Duobao Tianzun Dojo.

Duobao Tianzun is the master of Jie Jiao Tongtian. He is the great disciple of Jie Jiao and the leader of Jie Jiao at present.

Among the Taoist forces in the Immortal Realm, excluding those small and medium-sized Taoist sects and casual cultivators.

Only the three major Taoist religions are mentioned: Chanjiao, Jiejiao, and Renjiao. Currently, Jiejiao is probably ranked second in strength, second only to Chanjiao.

The founder of Chanjiao, Yuanshi Tianzun, is still there and suppresses the truth. No god from all walks of life dares to dissent.

As for Jie Jiao, since the death of the leader Tongtian, although the followers are still there, there are more and more disciples, who have been promoted to the realm of saints like Duobao Tianzun.

But after all, the founder of Zhenjiao is gone.

Jiejiao monks always feel less confident when they go out.

The reason why People's Education ranks at the bottom is not because the People's Education has few senior leaders.

On the contrary, the saints of the Human Sect are currently the most elite group in the Immortal Realm.

The Human Religion's power is weak entirely because the Human Religion does not pay much attention to preaching and emphasizes governing by doing nothing.

Even the Human Religion does not have a formal inheritance palace. The Shushan Sword Sect, the most prestigious swordsmanship sect in the fairyland civilization, is said to be the founder of the sect, Baimei Sage, only a registered disciple of Laozi, the founder of the Human Religion. That’s all.

It is worth mentioning that the current strongest person in the fairyland civilization seems to be the sage Lao Tzu who is practicing hard in the Eight Views Palace outside the prehistoric world.

It holds the most famous cultural treasure of the Immortal Realm Civilization - the Tiandao Sword!

Buddhism has never left the Immortal Realm. Buddhism, Taoism, demons and other forces have never broken out in civil war and division in the Immortal Realm. The sage Lao Tzu actually played a big role.

The prehistoric world, Jin'ao Island.

As a holy place that once intercepted the incoming waves of thousands of immortals from the sect, Duobao Tianzun placed his dojo here.

It is true that Duobao Tianzun is too affectionate towards his master and sect.

Many saints in the ancient world would


Choose to build your own dojo in an extraterrestrial world. Some dojo planes are managed with the same intensity as any large world.

With Duobao Tianzun's ability, he can create an extremely powerful and prosperous world of dojos.

But he didn't.

When the sixth-level magician Tomov came here, he could feel the extremely profound dimensional heritage of the prehistoric world, including the small Jin'ao Island in front of him, and there were millions of monks practicing hard nearby.

Among them there are Daluo Jinxian who is as powerful as him, or even stronger than him, and even quasi-holy monks.

But somehow, Tomov always felt that there was a sense of depression inside and outside Jin'ao Island.

At present, these monks should not be all members of Jiejiao.

At present, the main development focus of Jiejiao is still in those cultivation worlds outside the prehistoric world.

It is newer and more dynamic than the prehistoric world.

Only some old antiques still remain in the ancient land.

For example, the Yuanshi Tianzun who explained the teaching seems to be still in the Yuxu Palace of Kunlun Mountain in the prehistoric world.

There is a holy place for teaching.

Duobao Taoist Palace.

Tomov met the Jiejiao Saint Duobao Tianzun and handed him the letter of wizard civilization.

Jiejiao actually owes a favor to the wizard civilization, and it is related to the leader of Tongtian.

Moreover, within the Immortal Domain Civilization, Jiejiao members are also known for their loyalty and buddies.

This seems to be related to the orthodox ethos of Jiejiao.

In short, if something happens to a Jie Jiao disciple, one person can often bring out a group of senior brothers and sisters.

This is a bit similar to the Dragon Clan in the Immortal Realm.

In other words, this is the ethos of the entire Immortal Realm civilization, except that Jiejiao's followers are more honest and easier to deal with.

Duobao Tianzun is a very kind-hearted saint-level powerhouse.

He's picking up

When meeting Tomov, he didn't act like a saint at all. Instead, he asked Tomov some trivial things in a very easy-going manner.

Tomov doesn’t need to explain too much about the frontline battle situation between the wizard civilization and the Gallente Federation. In other words, the fairyland civilization probably doesn’t believe in the wizard civilization’s words.

Those who are thoughtful have already roughly figured out the battlefield situation on the frontline of wizard civilization through various channels.

Tomov's visit this time is mainly to represent the top leaders of wizard civilization, to show where the bottom line of wizard civilization is and how many benefits it can bring.

These are what all the great courts in the Immortal Realm value most.

After talking to Tomov for a while, Duobao Tianzun did not give him an immediate answer, but asked him to stay on Jin'ao Island for a while with other members of the wizard civilization envoy.

After all, Tianzun Duobao also needs to discuss this with his junior brothers and junior sisters.

Seeing this, Tomov could only leave temporarily.

Before leaving, Duobao Tianzun gave Tomov a bead as a gift.

It is worthy of being written by a saint.

Although this pale golden bead has not reached the level of a world-class secret treasure, it has reached the level of a "quasi-world-class secret treasure", and it seems to be able to be used once.

Tomov once again expressed his gratitude to Duobao Tianzun.

After Tomov left, Duobao Tianzun looked around, then waved his right hand, and a saint's power enveloped the nearby Taoist palace.

After completely cutting off possible inspection sights from the outside world, several waves of dominance-level power fluctuations appeared in this Taoist palace.

The sixth-level magician Tomov is still young. He had not noticed at all before that there was actually more than one saint in this saint's Taoist court!

Just as the wizard civilization guessed, Jiejiao has been waiting for them for a long time!

The saint-level powerhouses who appeared in Duobao Dao Palace at this time were: Our Lady of Golden Spirit, Kui Niu, and Zhao Gongming.

These four saints are also the core members of the Jie Sect at present.

Others, such as Dongji Immortal Emperor, were also from Jiejiao.


A saint-level powerhouse, but his status is slightly marginal.

"Let's see, this is the condition offered to us by the wizard civilization."

"Although Ms. Bev didn't deliberately explain anything, I feel that the price offered by the wizard civilization to our Jiejiao should be the most generous." Tianzun Duobao said, and presented the law contract in his hand to the three junior disciples present. , junior sister.

The wizard's civilization book that Tomov brought also has the effect of a law contract. As long as Duobao Tianzun and others leave their own saintly thoughts in it, it is basically equivalent to the establishment of cooperation.

The first one to take it was Our Lady of the Golden Spirit.

This is an extremely mature woman, wearing a golden Taoist skirt, with a lifelike phoenix tail hairpin inserted at the root of her coiled hair.

The prestige of Our Lady of Jinling in Jiejiao is second only to Duobao Tianzun.

She also has another identity, that of the dominant golden phoenix of the phoenix clan in the prehistoric world.

After Jin Ling Holy Mother read it roughly, she handed the contract to Kui Niu.

This is a dark-skinned man with a pair of strong horns.

He wears a gold ring at his nostril position.

Strictly speaking, Kui Niu was not the senior brother of the saints present.

He is actually the mount of Tongtian, the founder of Jiejiao.

In the prehistoric world, Kui Niu also has a well-known name - the Great Sage of Pingtian and the Bull Demon King!

The last person who saw the law contract was a middle-aged man with a slightly sad face.

The man wears a golden crown, and his face is covered with wrinkles representing the vicissitudes of life.

In fact, according to the lifespan of a dominant-level creature, Zhao Gongming is not very old, but for some reason, he looks very old at this time.

Zhao Gongming is most famous in the Immortal Realm for the innate spiritual treasure in his hand - Dinghaizhu.

But also because of this world-class secret treasure, it is said that the relationship between this Jiejiao saint and the Buddhist monk Lantern Buddha is extremely bad.

After Zhao Gongming also read the contents of the contract, Duobao Tianzun asked: "Junior brothers and sisters, what do you think?"

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