The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1930 Escape

When Suanni Pentium launched its attack, Zhulong also joined the battle.

The original power controlled by Zhulong has a professional term in the fairyland civilization - called "Yin Qi".

This is a special power that Zhulong grew up in the land of Jiuyou, cultivated, and gradually mastered.

This "netherworld power", in the power system recognized and planned by wizard civilization, is a bit like the fusion of the power of death and the power of darkness.

It just so happens that the Mingha Empire is an expert at playing with this kind of negative energy.

When Zhulong bared his teeth and unleashed his Nine Netherworld Fire power to attack, even the Tenth Pharaoh in another battlefield couldn't help but glance at him.

From the perspective of judging the quality of "playthings", the candle dragon is actually the most suitable prey for the powerful men of the Hades Empire such as the Tenth Pharaoh.

If Zhulong had traveled to the Minghe Empire earlier, he might have been "very lucky" to be beaten up by a strong man from the Minghe Empire, and then deigned to become his mount.

But it is obviously impossible now, and the Tenth Pharaoh himself is a little too busy to take care of himself.

After Zhulong participated in the battle, the attack on the two fusion monster kings became four.

What is the use of your fusion? What's the use of your surge in strength and aura?

We have four dragons here!

But Ba Xia, who has the peak strength of level seven, did not participate in the attack on the king of fused monsters.

His pair of huge dragon eyes were staring closely at the tenth pharaoh.

To be precise, they are the four sealed crystal balls in the hands of the tenth Pharaoh.

At this time, Ba Xia's aura was extremely manic, and he changed his usual posture. Only when he saw Bai Xing and other little ones in the sealed crystal ball, would he reveal his gentle side as a father.

In terms of size, Baxia is the largest among the dominant dragon beasts present!

Even though the king of fusion monsters has assembled the physique of two dominant monsters, it is still not enough in front of the astonishing tonnage of the underlord.

The huge and heavy dragon body kept approaching the position of the tenth pharaoh.

As he rushed towards the tenth pharaoh, Ba Xia's younger brother Bian also let out a dragon roar and participated in the attack on the tenth pharaoh.

On the side of the tenth pharaoh, there are three against one.

Baxia's defense itself can withstand the attack of an eighth-level master, and the dragon beast Chaofeng, who masters the secrets of the original laws of the space system, has always been an existence that the tenth pharaoh is afraid of.

The three-headed dragon beasts formed a "pin" shape and surrounded themselves.

In particular, Chaofeng, who is located at the top of this special space, is worthy of being the elder brother of all the dragon beasts present. He has experienced and seen the most, so he also has unique insights into the power of laws.


\u003eMore than a dozen dimensional space spheres emerged from around Xiaofeng one after another.

While stabilizing the surrounding space cage, these dimensional magic balls emitted suppressed fluctuations and shot toward the Tenth Pharaoh.

"Aren't you afraid of accidentally injuring these little guys with so much force?" The tenth Pharaoh standing across this space asked with a chuckle.

The four sealed crystal balls in her hand made a crisp and clear collision sound as she moved them with her fingertips.

Sure enough, Xiaofeng's dimensional magic ball slowed down a bit because of this.

While Ba Xia and Bi Yan were extremely angry and furious, their attacks involuntarily slowed down a bit.

Seeing this, the tenth pharaoh pursed his lips into a smile, and the silver-gray dress she was wearing immediately made a "hunting" sound.

"Self-sealing technique, activate!"

Xiao Shi, who has unlocked the seal state, is not like the other pharaohs of the Hades Empire who look a little disgusting when in the explosive state.

She was so beautiful to begin with, and naturally she still maintained her original appearance.

The silver-gray dress was billowing in the wind beside Xiao Shi.

She first made a fist with her right hand, and a circle of white finger bones appeared on the surface of her jade fist.

Xiao Shi's right fist suddenly swung towards Chaofeng in the sky directly in front of him.

That ring of finger bones was obviously a weapon that reached the level of a world-class secret treasure. When she was in the explosive state of unlocking the sealing clothes, it had already reached the level of threatening mid-level eight creatures.

Chaofeng's defense is not as extreme as Baxia's. What he is good at is the use of space power. He just dodged in an instant and escaped Xiao Shi's attack, but because of this, he was unable to continue to stabilize his space domain. , causing the surrounding confinement space to loosen a little.

This is the opportunity that Xiao Shi has been waiting for!

Another white bone hairpin appeared in Xiao Shi's hand.

Facing Ba Xia who kept roaring towards him, Xiao Shi directly shot the bone hairpin into Ba Xia's face.

This white bone hairpin is also a world-class secret treasure.

Although the quality is relatively low, looking at Xiao Shi's approach, he actually uses it as a one-time secret treasure, and he doesn't feel sorry for the damage of the bone hairpin during the battle.

Facing Xiao Shi's charged attack, Ba Xia didn't even bother to dodge.

The sharp bone hairpins encircled Ba Xia with a gray-white wave of law as they flew towards Ba Xia. However, when Ba Xia faced the attack so close at hand, he only used one side of his head and his neck.

Fight against the tortoise shell behind you.

"Cang!" The dazzling and flaming metal chirping and law trembled, and then appeared in this dominating battlefield.

The bone hairpin did indeed hit Ba Xia's neck in the end, but it was caught by his dragon scales, and the tortoise shell behind him also withstood a large impact of potential energy.

Ba Xia, who was hit by the tenth Pharaoh's attack, not only did not slow down at all, but continued to charge towards her with his head held high.

When Xiao Shi saw this, she raised her eyebrows, and when she grasped it with her left palm, the white bone hairpin located on Ba Xia's neck immediately exploded.

The power of the explosion of the world-class secret treasure finally made Ba Xia let out a groan and roar.

Although Ba Xia's speed was finally slowed down this time, he still rushed towards Xiao Shi without hesitation.

Bi Fan on the last side was blocked by the tide of death released by Xiao Shi from the palm of his dress.

Bi'an's fighting power is considered the weakest in this war group.

His personal level is probably in the mid-seventh level, but because he masters the power of earth elements, which is better at defense, and minors in gold, he poses the least threat to Xiao Shi.

After briefly slowing down the attack of the three-headed dragon beast, Xiao Shi did not immediately support him.

During the outbreak of her self-sealing technique, she did maintain this proud scene of one against three, but what about the end of the outbreak?

Your Majesty is not allowed to eat her? !

What's more, the two dominant monster kings on the other side, even if they are combined, are a bit like mud that can't hold up the wall.

The two of them were surrounded by four dragon beasts. If they didn't have any other trump cards or support, their backs would be broken sooner or later.

The four sealed crystal balls held by Xiao Shi were now emitting sparkling fluorescent light.

Xiao Shi glanced at the crystal ball in her hand, and she knew that it was these four little things that made the members of the Baxia family pursue her.

"The surprise attack on these four little guys was a suggestion given to me by the Gallente Federation. It has nothing to do with me."

"Look, I didn't do anything to these four little guys."

"How about we each take a step back? If we really want to fight to the death, are you sure there won't be any losses?"

"At least you have to take the safety of these four little guys seriously, right?" Xiao Shi asked.

After saying that, Xiao Shi swung the sealing crystal ball in his hand.

The four crystal balls shot directly into the depths of the starry sky in different directions.

When Basia, Chaofeng and others saw this, they really stopped chasing Xiao Shi.

The mocking wind turned into two afterimages, flickering in the direction of Mo Yan and Han Xi.



Toward the position of Qixiu.

Ba Xia turned his head and rushed towards Bai Xing in pursuit.

This Xiao Shi is also a talent.

The Minghe Empire has always had a vicious reputation.

I have always stripped my enemies to pieces, and I have never heard of compromising or negotiating with them.

But Xiao Shi was able to show his weakness without any pressure and "reason" with the Dragon Beast family, which can be regarded as the first of its kind for the pharaohs of the Hades Empire.

As the surrounding confinement space was shaken, Xiao Shi, who had raised the power of death to the extreme, violently shot his own death ripples into the surrounding space.

Without the suppression of Chaofeng, the cracks in the surrounding confinement space became even larger.

Xiao Shi hurriedly flew towards the largest space crack. During the flight, she did not forget to release a series of death blows to support a wave of the combined spider monster king and rhinoceros monster king.

"Idiot, come with me now!" Xiao Shi cursed secretly.

Her palm directly fought with the Dragon Demon King from a distance, gaining a little space for the two combined monster kings.

The Jiao Demon King was far less powerful than Xiao Shi. After his water-breaking sword collided with Xiao Shi, it made a violent "hum", and even the sword body trembled like water waves.

"Is this the power of an eighth-level saint?" Demon King Jiao couldn't help but be surprised in his heart.

Although three of the eight great saints have reached the eighth level of power, the brothers usually only compete with each other and do not take action directly.

In fact, in the fairyland civilization, in the past tens of thousands of years, there have been only a handful of cases where saint-level powerhouses have taken action.

Although in its external expansion, the fairyland civilization also encountered very few otherworldly master-level opponents.

But the number of those masters was too small, and they couldn't withstand the attacks from the saints in the fairyland.

So much so that many monks in the Immortal Realm cannot figure out how powerful a saint-level warrior is.

Even seventh-level beings like the Dragon Demon King are in a state of ignorance about the specific knowledge of eighth-level power.

With the help of his master, the king of two fused monsters hurriedly chased Xiao Shi.

Xiao Shi also knew that the four sealed crystal balls could not hold Chaofeng and the others down for too long.

Faced with the attacks launched by dragon beasts such as Suanni and Zhulong on this battlefield, she could only choose to resist forcefully for a while, and she didn't even make a counterattack!

Another heavy dragon claw mark appeared on Xiao Shi's snow-white shoulder.

Xiao Shi almost broke her silver teeth, and she said fiercely to herself: "That Gallente Federation creature who gave me blind ideas, don't let me meet you next time."

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