The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1927 War on all sides

When the magnificent energy beam breaks through all cages.

All things are silent because of it.

A huge black vortex appeared outside the foggy world.

A "big hole" was broken through the entire plane barrier!

Affected by the impact of the power of law and violent energy, the extremely dense black mist in this world continues to rotate and gather.

The vortex is getting bigger and bigger, and it shows no signs of stopping for the time being.

Through this huge hole, Thane from outside the plane seemed to see the despair on the face of the fifth-level Black Mist God, as well as the worship of the terrifying power and incomprehensible phenomena by all the creatures in this low-level plane.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and as Thain withdrew his magic wand, Fumila immediately returned to its original form.

"The effect is better than the previous times we worked together."

"The energy conductivity is also more stable, and the explosion of elemental power has exceeded the previous threshold." Thain said. 🅆

Every exquisite collaboration between Thane and Fumila represents another step forward in his mechanical system.

Perhaps in terms of personal element, Thain is more suitable to be a mechanic?

The main route he took back then was fire magic. Initially, it was just because he had a fire affinity during his apprenticeship, and fire magic was also recognized as the most powerful spell category at low levels.

Before he had the absolute power to protect himself, Thane was still quite enthusiastic in his pursuit of power.

After taking a look at the completely broken dimensional barrier below, Thain said to Bepen: "I think you can take action."

"Oh, oh! Okay!" Beipeng, who realized it later, finally came back to his senses.

This guy is finally no longer as arrogant and wild as before.

There was also a hint of respect and admiration in his eyes when he looked at Thain.

Knights are the group with the clearest understanding of strength.

As Bei Peng was dispatched, the 300,000 Tianming Empire legions also rushed to the battlefield below.

The confusing light of the Rubik's Cube shines again, and more than 100,000 mechanical angels appear in this space again.

When Fumila held the lightsaber and took the lead, leading


The angel behind him passed through the giant black mist vortex and rushed towards the battlefield in the plane below. He used the phaseless mask to capture Thane who noticed the situation in this low-level plane and added to her: "Help me capture that federal planet. A super war fortress, don’t damage it too much.”

"I'm still a little uncomfortable with the lack of a large-scale war platform. I can't stay in Gongsun Wudi's princess Luan Jia all the time."

"And this kind of planet-level war fortress may be helpful to our next stage of mechanical mysteries experiments." Thain said.

He obviously has his eye on the vehicle of the God of Black Mist.

And in his words, there was no hint of his intention to take it as his own.

The eight-winged angel Fumila nodded slightly.

In the process of flying to the battlefield below, it also gradually moved from the original direction of going straight to the God of Black Mist to the sizable federal planet-level war fortress.

When the Tianming Empire launches an attack on the world of gods.

As expected, the Gallente Federation responded immediately.

The world of the gods has not been affected by war in recent years. To a certain extent, it can be regarded as one of the Gallente Federation's rear areas.

Also in the large world that has not yet been affected by the war, there is also the Tris civilization, the top horseman of the Gallente Federation.

On the other hand, the Apocalypse World and the Shi'ak Empire have also begun to frequently break out wars in their homeland in recent years.

Especially in Apocalypse World, the intensity of the war is particularly serious.

The army of wizard civilization has a tendency to focus on one side.

Nowadays, even the world of the gods is under attack, giving the Gallente Federation the feeling that there is a tendency of war on all sides.

Supporting the world of gods is an order personally issued by Marshal Schmanin of the Gallente Federation.

He believed that the Federation could not be trapped in such a situation of war on all sides.

It is necessary to maintain the stability of at least one or two rear areas in order to keep the Gallente Federation in a state of "extreme explosion of troops".


Otherwise, once the divine world is breached, the wizard civilization will inevitably open up a new battlefield behind the federation and spread the war to the federal mainland again!

This is undoubtedly a huge blow to the Federation!

By that time, there would really be no hope for the Federation.

Even if it can withstand the war front of the wizard civilization for a while, it will only be able to survive.

Originally, Marshal Schmanin planned to personally lead the Dominator-class fleet to support the world of gods, at least to repel this wizard civilization army that appeared out of nowhere.

However, the sudden change in the frontal battlefield of the civilized frontline forced Marshal Schmanin himself to lead his Dominator-class fleet to quickly support the frontal battlefield.

The world of the gods is over, and it may have a major impact on the future war situation and civilized defense of the Federation.

But if the federal frontline battlefield collapses at this time, it will be truly over!

The different orders and decisions made by Marshal Schmanin before and after also highlight the current dilemma of the Gallente Federation's serious lack of high-level combat capabilities.

When fighting against the Wizarding Civilization, the Gallente Federation's mid-level and bottom-level combat capabilities have always been worthwhile.

After all, the advanced productivity of the Gallente Federation is there.

Again, the entire civilized society is leaning towards military and heavy industry, with large quantities of drones, ordinary ships and robot armies heading to the frontline battlefields.

But domination-level combat power is not as easy as a cabbage or a radish, which can be produced for you in a short time.

Before the all-out war broke out with the Wizarding Civilization, the Gallente Federation's Dominator-class war fleet group was also built up bit by bit.

Even if the pressure of civilized war forces the Gallente Federation to push its own potential, it will be able to produce some new technologies and products in a short period of time.

But whose fucking potential can explode without limit? !

At least to produce the energy core of the Dominator-class space battleship and the Dominator-class war fortress, even if you break off the heads of the top executives of the Federation, they will not be able to create it for you out of thin air.

As for that, cover


The Lunt Federation hopes to achieve short-term technological innovation and transformation through the acquired technology of the Aiyoulandie civilization and the Black Yin civilization... That can only be said to be a beautiful vision.

So far, the federal chief scientist Samirato doesn't seem to have accomplished anything.

Sippnas, another well-known scholar in the Federation, did not hear that he immediately produced a Dominator-class robot after receiving the remains of a Dominator-class robot belonging to the Norman Federation, a tributary of the wizarding civilization.

Maybe they won't be able to figure it out until the end of the war.

The main reason that caused Federal Marshal Schman to rush to the civilized frontline battlefield in a hurry was that the Fairyland Dragon Tribe was coming!

Motorola Star Territory.

This is the first battle where the Dragon Clan from the Immortal Realm comes to the battlefield of the Wizarding Civilization.

After friendly communication with Ms. Bev, the leader of the wizarding civilization, the wizarding civilization agreed to bear 60% of the transmission costs of the dragons in the fairyland.

In fact, the dragon clan arrived on the battlefield earlier than the martial arts civilization arrived in the world of gods.

The reason why the Gallente Federation's reaction speed was slightly slower was because these dragon armies did not go straight to the front line of the Gallente Federation at first, but went to seek revenge first.

The target of the Immortal Dragon Clan's trouble-seeking vengeance was naturally the Mingha Empire legion that penetrated deep into the battlefield of wizard civilization.

Earlier, the Tenth Pharaoh had been fighting guerrillas against the wizard civilization.

Basia is not a fast-moving master in the first place, so it is naturally difficult to catch up.

The other powerful wizard civilizations were involved in the frontline war, and it was difficult to allocate excess dominator-level combat power to help the underlords.

So much so that the tenth Pharaoh was free for a long time.

It even indirectly affected the war of conquest of the wizarding civilization against the great world of Apocalypse.

But when the Immortal Dragon Clan arrived on the battlefield, everything changed.

Baxia's brothers were the first to arrive on the battlefield.

After Xiaofeng, who was good at the power of space laws, took action, the Tenth Pharaoh was finally blocked by a group of dominant dragon beasts.

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