The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1926 Magnificent Energy Pillar

"It's a very special world. The federal technology industry and the local god system are integrated together in a relatively harmonious manner?" Thane said while looking down in the starry sky. ׺°”˜˜`”°º×

"Although the dimensional will and dimensional barriers of this world feel fragile to me, their local beliefs do not seem to have collapsed." The fourth-level warlock Mel also looked down with interest.

Although Mel is young and short, she is also an orthodox truth seeker.

Sometimes, Thain can have something in common with her.

Unlike the sixth-level female knight Bei Pen, whom she just met, she swung out two heavy sticks from nowhere and was already searching for the enemy's scent everywhere, ready to attack.

This time in conquering the Kells Star Territory, there are only three knights and magicians above level 4, including Thain.

Of course, Thain also has Fumila under his command, as well as the God of Dusk, a band of Ash Star thieves who have taken refuge in him.

But among the 500,000 troops sent by the Tianming Empire, there really wasn't even a fourth-level general or above.

It can only be said that Gongsun Wudi is very relieved about Thain, and is not afraid that Thain's command mistakes will cause heavy losses to the Tianming Empire's legions.

In fact, there are even two sixth-level combatants. Faced with a small star field battlefield that has no characteristics for the time being, no matter how blindly Thain directs, it is impossible to cause any major losses.

Finally looking at the plane below, Thain said: "This plane seems to be guarded by only one level four creature, and it doesn't look very strong. Mel, go ahead."

"The rest of us will go to other battlefields in this star field. It's best not to let too many local gods escape." Thain turned to Bepen and said.

"No problem!" Bepen said, waving his iron rod.

After so many years of fighting with the Gallente Federation, Thane has already discovered that under normal circumstances, those federal combat legions and vassal and threatening creatures will not escape easily.

After all, they also have military discipline and law. If they collapse at the first moment, the top federal officials themselves will not let them off lightly.

Unless a planned blocking and harassment mission is carried out from the beginning.

The most central plane in the Kells Star Territory is called the World of Fog and Water.

This is a plane with extremely strong water vapor power, and the fifth-level Black Mist God is here.

When Thain and his team arrived, the dimensional barriers of the entire foggy world had been fully activated, including the dimensional power of this world, which had also been mobilized to the extreme.

A large area of ​​thick fog covers the inside and outside of this low-level plane.

At first glance, it gives the impression that it is all gray.

And when Thain came, he also noticed that there were many Gallente Federation ships in the Kells star field. This shows that this small star field is quite popular with the Federation.


Pay attention to?

If the Gallente Federation wanted to lend a helping hand to the Godborn world, the Kells Star Region would probably become a priority area for the Federation Legion to send troops.

There are five creatures of level four or above in the Kells Star Territory. Except for two of the gods who are located in a low-level plane, the other three gods, including the God of Black Mist, are all in the current foggy world.

Both Thain and Bei Peng are strong men with strong ambitions, so they naturally look down on ordinary fourth-level creatures as opponents.

And they are also afraid that the main gods in the mist world will escape.

Therefore, when it comes to assigning another low-level battlefield, Thane can only send the God of Dusk Saliva there with average combat effectiveness.

For this foreign god who has recently taken refuge in him, Thane cannot have too high requirements for him.

Thain didn't ask him to take down the opponent or anything else. Thain only told him to hold the opponent back.

There are seven complete regular planes in the Kells Star Territory, but there are only three low-level planes and a total of four micro-planes.

Thane is not in a hurry in those micro worlds where there are no gods stationed there.

After taking down these main battlefields, it will be too late to slowly take care of those battlefields on the planes that are inaccessible to level four creatures.

"It turns out that it's not just the outermost world that's like that, but all the planes in this star field have been deeply integrated with technological elements!"

"Is it just that the original structure of their society is still based on the system of belief in gods?" After arriving outside the foggy world, Thain said with some emotion.

"This world deserves to be guarded by level five creatures, and the will of the plane has not been too seriously damaged by technological pollution."

"Are you going to do it or should I?" Thain looked at Bei Pen in front of him.

The strength of the plane barrier below is quite high.

Without a space fortress to rely on, it can only be forcibly broken through with the power of level six creatures.

Just as Bepen was about to answer, Thain added to himself: "I'll do it. Your task is mainly to prevent the indigenous fifth-level creatures from escaping."

Thain's self-question and answer made Bepen roll his eyes.

But she was also curious about what methods Thane would use in battle.

Thane then looked at Fumila.

Fumila, who instantly understood Thain's thoughts, flew to Thain with a blush on her cheeks.

The two of them have cooperated more than once. Regarding the use of this superimposed power,

, and from the very beginning, he gradually became more and more mature.

After Fumila flew in front of Thain, the eight wings behind her instantly spread out, and mechanical deformation occurred on the surface of Fumila's body.

This time she did not directly merge with Thane, but under the guidance of Thain's magic light and Rubik's Cube, she gradually transformed into a special star gate clustering device with a total of eight narrow energy plates.

The core launcher of this stargate cluster device comes from the main cannon under Fumila's original chest, and the energy plate comes from eight metal wings.

And around the launcher, there is a ring of hollow ring-shaped metal.

Thain was now located behind the ring of metal, holding a magic wand and pointing it at the foggy world below.

This star gate clustering device is inspired by the fragments of a secret treasure of the Ai Youlan Die civilization that the Rubik's Cube once absorbed.

Even its name comes from the ruins of the Aiyou Landie civilization.

The head of Thane's magic staff was then condensed with strong light, and the extremely powerful and exaggerated power of the elements began to gather.

A single-target offensive forbidden spell became more and more complete amidst Thain's chant.

Against the backdrop of such depressing elemental fluctuations, none of the three local gods in the foggy water world broke out of the plane barrier to fight to the death.

I guess they were also frightened by the tyrannical elemental fluctuations emanating from outside the plane, right?

Instead, there was an energy rain with a clear Gallente Federation style, and then it was shot overwhelmingly towards Thane and others.

The Tianming Empire Legion is still extremely elite.

After dedicating part of their strength, the Tianming Empire's army of only about 300,000 remained, spontaneously formed a battle formation, and offset a large part of the federation's mid- to low-level energy beams with their powerful energy.

During the war before, Thane hadn't paid much attention.

Taking a closer look at this time, Thane suddenly discovered that the battle formations formed by the Tianming Empire legions were slightly similar to the angel battle formations formed by the mechanical angels under his command.

They all combine the meager strength of individuals to form a more solid group force.

The sixth-level knight Beppon also stepped forward spontaneously at this time, intercepting some attacks that threatened him for Thain to ensure that Thain's forbidden spell could be chanted smoothly.

Not long after, Thain's single-target forbidden spell chanting ended.

This is just an ordinary single-target forbidden spell. With Thain's elemental power, it can break through the plane barrier of the low-level plane below. There is no problem.

But it is still a bit difficult to say how huge the results are.

But after passing


After the eight-winged angel Fumila's changed form and the collective blessing, the forbidden curse beam emitted from the head of Thane's magic wand is extremely powerful!

I saw eight clustered energy plates, which first absorbed and gathered huge amounts of energy from the surrounding starry sky. This energy was divided into eight energy pillars and instilled into the star gate hub in the center.

The energy of the Star Gate hub at this time, combined with Fumila's own level 6 power, instantly increased the power to an astonishing level.

The world-class secret treasure Rubik's Cube, directly above Fumila's transformation device, is spinning continuously.

The dark blue dreamy law light is magnificent in the process of accumulating such huge amounts of energy.

The sixth-level female knight Bei Peng also looked at Thain in astonishment.

Thain's single-target forbidden spell, combined with the power of Fumila and the Rubik's Cube, unleashed an elemental power level that even shocked Bei Pen!

At least with Beipeng's current strength, if she stood there and resisted, she might not be able to catch Thain's move!

At least he will end up seriously injured!

"Is this guy really a fifth-level magician?" Bei Pen couldn't help but say.

"歘!" The single-target offensive forbidden spell, after passing through the ring in the middle of the cluster star gate, its power increased significantly!

Even the volume of the energy beam is more than ten times larger than before!

Take the latest model of the Wizarding World's standard space fortress, and its main gun can do nothing more than a concentrated strike, right?

The surge of energy surged straight down toward the foggy world below.

The surging energy elements directly evaporated a large amount of black water vapor inside and outside this low-level plane, and the whole world seemed to become much clearer as a result.

Below the plane, the billions of creatures in the foggy world couldn't help but look up at the magnificent colorful energy column.

The main core element of that energy pillar is Thane's ashes of fire, but because it is mixed with too much Fumila's power and free elemental particles in the surrounding starry sky, the overall elemental appearance is much mottled.

Many low-level creatures in the mist world couldn't help but kneel down on their knees and chant "miracle" when they saw such a magnificent scene of elements and energy pillars breaking through the cage of clouds and mist.

As the leader of this lower plane, the fifth-level Black Mist God felt the energy auras coming from outside the plane that were more tyrannical than the last, and said bitterly: "It's over!"

There are at least two high-ranking gods, one of whom is so powerful that even the God of Black Mist cannot understand it.

He didn't think he could hold out until reinforcements from the Gallente Federation arrived.

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