The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1928 Absorbing the Power of Death

This is an unfair battle of three against seven.

The Tenth Pharaoh severely denounced this unfair situation before the war began.

On one side is the Tenth Pharaoh with his two dominant monster kings.

On the other side is the dragon army headed by Chaofeng, Baxia, Suanni, Bifan, Negative Xi, Zhulong, and Jiao Demon King.

In order to catch this cunning tenth pharaoh, it took a lot of effort from the Dragon Clan.

The real outbreak location of this war of dominance is quite far from the Motorola star field.

It has even almost surpassed the power territory of the wizard civilization and reached the border star field outside the civilized battlefield.

The main army of the dragon clan, especially the trillions of ordinary legions, stayed around the Motorola star field on standby.

Those who really caught up with the tenth Pharaoh were mainly these dominant dragon beasts.

In an extremely sealed law space, the eighth-level dragon beast Chaofeng stands majestically at the top of this law space.

In terms of personal strength, Chaofeng, who was also newly promoted to the eighth level, was not as good as the tenth Pharaoh.

Because Chaofeng itself is not a fighting dragon beast. Although he masters extremely weird and rare space system laws, there are only a handful of situations that require him to fight in ordinary years.

Compared to fighting, Chaofeng is more interested in making money and doing business.

Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce is still his job.

Moreover, Chaofeng can be promoted to the eighth level, which is different from the seventh-level peak dragon beast like Ba Xia, who suppresses the navel of planes in the wizarding world and breaks down the body of laws and his own heritage.

When Chaofeng reached the eighth level, he used a lot of "tricks".

As the helmsman of the Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce, his business has spread all over the surrounding star fields. He has influence in many top civilizations, not to mention those large and medium-sized world civilizations. ₆₉ₛₕᵤₓ.cₒₘ

Under such a premise, one can imagine how many rare resources Chaofeng can gather!

Even those rare rules and regulations that are of great benefit to dominant-level creatures can be obtained by Chaofeng.

Therefore, without the financial backing of the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce, following Chaofeng's style of fishing for three days and drying nets for two days, and traveling to major star areas all year round to do business, his cultivation progress would probably not be as good as his own. A younger brother.

Chaofeng's strength is dominated by the eighth level


Although he doesn't stand out among others, he is better because he has several younger brothers!

And as an eighth-level master, he is the one who controls the eternal soul, and he is also an extremely rare user of the space system law.

After using his own methods to trap the Tenth Pharaoh, even with the strength of the Tenth Pharaoh, it would be difficult to break free for a while!

"Are you going too far?"

"Seven dragons, bullying me, a weak woman?" Xiao Shi glanced at Chaofeng at the top of the law space, and then said to the dragon masters in front of him.

Although they are all dragon masters with distant or close blood kinship, these fairyland dragons look nothing alike!

Each dragon master is ferocious and terrifying, and has different shapes and sizes.

The only similarity may be their overwhelming dragon power.

Not only are these dragon masters not very similar to each other, but looking at Ba Xia, his daughter Bai Xing, and son Mo Yan, they don’t seem to be very similar either...

This should be a major feature of the Immortal Dragon Clan.

There is a big difference in the field of blood genetics from the dragon species and the abyss dragon species native to the wizard civilization.

"Stop talking nonsense and let our child go!" The dragon beast Suanni said, spitting out a sea of ​​red dragon flames.

Suanni's son Han Liao is also in the hands of the tenth pharaoh.

Although Han Li was not Suan Ni's only son, his own seed was held in the hands of the Tenth Pharaoh. With Suan Ni's fiery temper, even if his strength was not as strong as that of the Tenth Pharaoh, he would rush up and gnaw a piece of her flesh. !

Dragon creatures are generally lustful. There is a saying in the astral world that "dragon nature is inherently lustful", otherwise why would there be so many subdragon creatures.

According to the aesthetics of the Dragon Clan, the Tenth Pharaoh is also considered a complete beauty.

But among the dragons and beasts present, no one gave her a good look.

They all want to eat their flesh, chew their bones, and crave their blood!

"Oh, I'm so scared." The Tenth Pharaoh laughed sweetly, and four translucent law crystal balls appeared in the center of her gray-white palm.

Inside these four crystal balls, they are imprisoned separately.

There are four dragon beasts: Bai Xing, Mo Yan, Han Liao and Qixiu!

This tenth pharaoh is also a wonderful person. When she got a trophy she was interested in, she would just take out her soul and play with it.

But this time, after capturing Bai Xing and others alive, no similar measures were taken.

The main reason was that Ba Xia was too fierce in chasing her, and whenever the Tenth Pharaoh had similar thoughts in his mind, he always had a bad premonition.

Therefore, the Tenth Pharaoh left a ray of hope and did not do anything to Shirahoshi and others.

I just sealed them in four crystal balls and used them as toys.

Sure enough, the ominous premonition of the Tenth Pharaoh was not groundless.

How long has it been since then?

There are so many dragon beasts coming to the door!

Fighting alone, the Tenth Pharaoh believed that he was worthy of any of the seven dominant dragon beasts in front of him. 🄲

But the other party obviously came for a group fight.

At this time, the Tenth Pharaoh still maintained his human form in the Hades Empire, but the seven master-level dragon beasts in front of him had already opened up their own powerful legal bodies and dragon beast bodies.

It was a young girl among a group of behemoths.

The Tenth Pharaoh felt an indescribable sense of pity and helplessness.

Even the two dominant monster kings behind her looked a little embarrassed when surrounded by such dragon beasts.

The suppressive power of dragon-type creatures over other bloodline creatures comes from the depths of their bloodline.

"Really, I just came to the battlefield of wizard civilization to absorb some power of death. Why should you target me in such a big way?"

"At worst, I'll return these four little guys to you." The tenth Pharaoh played with the four crystal balls in his hand.

The eyes of a group of dominant dragon beasts around her were also rotating with her palms.

What the Tenth Pharaoh said was indeed correct.

She took the initiative to invite Ying to go to the battlefield of wizard civilization, not only because she was curious about wizard civilization, but more importantly, because in such a civilized battlefield where all-out war was going on, the Tenth Pharaoh could absorb more death factors, which was how she gained promotion. source of power.

No matter how fierce the fight between the Minghe Empire and the civilization of the Kingdom of Light is, the first pharaoh has not


It's because of the separation, so it can't be considered a full-scale war.

Only on the side of the wizard civilization can it be considered a civilized war in full swing.

The second pharaoh of the Hades Empire, Satogua Mokuluo, once said that the promotion of the tenth pharaoh to the eighth level was very tricky, and this is the reason.

In his early years, the Tenth Pharaoh was a genius in the Hades Empire, but he was not too exaggerated.

It wasn't until she was suddenly promoted to level seven that she gradually entered the Pharaoh's temple.

After being promoted to the seventh level, the Tenth Pharaoh's growth rate not only did not slow down, but instead showed everyone what a "real genius" is!

In just one hundred thousand years, it has crossed from the early seventh level to the eighth level. This is no longer an "exaggeration" to describe!

As the Tenth Pharaoh grew up, other Pharaohs gradually saw the clues about this girl - she could actually absorb the power of death!

Just like the Fountain of Destruction in the Ten Thousand Springs World Group, it attempts to reach a higher state by absorbing the power of destruction.

The pharaoh of the Hades Empire actually took a fancy to the death factor on the battlefield of wizard civilization.

No wonder she has not gone deep into the front lines of the battlefield in recent years, and has only been engaged in guerrilla warfare around civilized battlefields.

If Bai Xing and others hadn't happened to be caught, forcing the Immortal Dragon Clan to come for revenge, this guy's cards and details might not have been exposed so easily.

The Second Pharaoh once said that Xiao Shi's method of growing the power of law was not owned by the Minghe Empire.

Everyone believes that Xiao Shi can create the use of the Clothes of Seal, because the power of the seal itself is the power system of the Minghe Empire. Even if Xiao Shi's talent is outstanding, it is not too outrageous.

But what exactly is the transformation and growth path that absorbs the power of death?

Faced with the questioning of the pharaohs in the former pharaoh temple, the tenth pharaoh did not give an answer.

Standing in the starry sky at this time, the little feet of the Tenth Pharaoh were as pure as white jade.

A little gray ripple started from the feet of the Tenth Pharaoh and began to stir up and spread out in all directions of the surrounding law space.

This is a death ripple!

When Xiaofeng demonstrated his own domain of the law of space, the tenth pharaoh also launched his own domain of the law of death in order to protect himself.

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