The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1925 Little People

The city of Black Castle.

Thick jet-black smoke pillars passed through various areas of the city and reached into the sky.

This is an extremely polluted city.

But it’s not bad for the creatures at the bottom of the city.

Because the divine shield from the great God of Black Mist blocked these weak and pious people from the threat of high-altitude pollution.

Many urban residents have been to the countryside. Although the countryside has a lot more greenery than the city, the pollution is also more serious. At least the water cannot be drank directly.

There are far fewer temples and priests in the countryside. Without the grace from the God of Black Mist, life will indeed become much more difficult.

Therefore, more and more people tend to live in cities.

Not only to bathe in divine grace more closely, but also to enjoy a better life.

The city of Black Castle is located in the Twilight Plane, which is located on the outermost edge of the Kells Star Domain.

More than two-thirds of the area on this plane believes in the God of Black Mist, and less than one-third of the area believes in the God of Twilight.

Because the settlement situation of the entire plane is centered on the city, almost every creature in the city believes in the same god.

Therefore, relatively fierce faith attacks and battles between believers rarely occur in this plane.

Even if a dispute breaks out between the followers of the God of Black Mist and the God of Twilight due to certain events, priests or even divine envoys from their respective temples will soon intervene to mediate to resolve the conflict.

All in all, this is a very peaceful ordinary world where no fierce war has occurred for tens of thousands of years.

Everyone lives and works in peace and contentment, and everyone believes that after death, he will enter the kingdom of the gods he believes in and find rest.

Peake is an ordinary young man in the city of Black Castle. He is twenty years old. He is a devout believer in the God of Black Mist.

Not only him, but also his father, mother and sister are all subjects of the great Black Mist God.

Since coming of age four years ago, Peake has had his own job at Hals Industries in the City of Black Castle under the guidance of the priest of the Black Mist Temple. ₆₉ₛₕᵤₓ.cₒₘ

Pique is very satisfied with his job. The good salary allows him to live a very stable life in the city. He even found a girlfriend last month.

The other person was an employee next door to the factory where Piqué worked. His salary was slightly lower than that of Piqué, but he was also a loyal believer in the God of Black Mist.

The extremely young Pique, when he first joined the team, was curious about what he had built.

I have also thought about how to convert the value I create into salary.

But when he couldn't figure out the reasons and went to seek advice from his most respected pastor, Uncle Pollick, the other party gave him the answer - "This is all a gift from God!"



r\u003eFrom then on, Pique, who had a clear mind, never had similar troubles again.

He worked hard in the workshop every day, and he and his co-workers hammered the cylindrical metal in front of him in a specific route and frequency. (PS: He only does this. I heard that other workers are responsible for picking and washing.)

Before going to work, let’s appreciate God’s gift together.

Make an appointment to enjoy a delicious meal after get off work.

Peake feels that he is very happy. He is also a true reflection of most ordinary creatures in the entire city of Black Castle, or the entire twilight plane.

With very precise timing, Peake caught the last black train.

This is a very "ferocious" metal beast in Pique's eyes. It is completely black and glowing with metallic luster.

Black and pungent smoke plumes continued to emerge from the chimney at the front end of the train.

Its body length ranges from a few tens of meters to a thousand meters long. It runs section by section within the city of Black Castle and even between cities.

When Peake was a child, he followed his family to visit relatives in several other cities around the city of Black Castle.

It was this kind of train that I took at that time, but now that I am an adult and go to work, Peake rarely has free time to go out and look around.

Peake also asked his parents how this kind of train came about.

The answer was - this is all the power of God.

When everything can be explained by God, everything seems to make sense.

At least Pique never suspected anything.

On both sides of the black iron train that makes a "Woo! Woo!" sound, a steam street light will light up every other distance.

Just by counting these street lights, Pique can figure out when he should get off the car without looking at the time.

When he arrived at his workplace, there was a bit of chaos outside the factory.

This chaotic situation has been going on for a long time.

It seems to have started three months ago.

Peake asked his girlfriend Mary, who was in a similar situation.

The main reason seems to be that many of the middle-level and above bosses in the factory are missing.

The federal people doing business in the Kells Star Territory are all high-level officials in the factory.

Even an ordinary federal technician is enough to hold a mid-level position among these indigenous creatures.

The Federation humans who had smelled the rumors of war in advance had already run away.

Neither does the God of Black Mist

The only way to intercept these federal humans is to ask them to bring some federal fleets back to support the Kells Star Territory.

Many federal businessmen are naturally unwilling to give up their properties in the Kells Star Territory.

So, if you can help, you will definitely help.

But it depends on whether I can help.

Although the factory was still somewhat chaotic, under the guidance of the priests in the factory, workers, including Peake, entered the workshop one after another for production.

The dominant creatures in the Kells Star Territory are the race of the Peake type. Although their appearance is also a type of humanoid creature, their specific appearance is very different from that of humans in the Federation and the Wizarding World.

Their heads are square, and their arms are much longer and narrower than their thighs, with six-jointed fingers.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for Federation humans with huge aesthetic differences to choose the indigenous creatures of the Kells Star Territory as their spouses.

But Jada, a middle-level leader in the factory whom Peak knew, happened to be a mixture of the Federation and the indigenous creatures of the Twilight World.

They are even good friends, and Jada promised him that he would promote Pique in the future.

But Jada also disappeared a few months ago.

Before he left, he even left an ambiguous message to Pique: "Take care!"

Peake's work lasted from morning to night.

The working hours of fifteen federal hours are nothing to the physique and work schedule of the creatures in the Kells Star Territory.

Why do federal humans like to come to the Kells Star Territory to build factories?

In a highly intelligent and advanced federal society, "manpower" is actually the largest cost for all enterprises.

They need to purchase insurance for each employee, add various benefits, and must not violate the working hours stipulated by federal law!

In comparison, these indigenous creatures in remote alien star regions are simply the "qualified workers" that every federal capitalist dreams of!

They do not require any benefits, and the labor costs paid by federal enterprises are almost zero.

As long as their beliefs and the gods they believe in are taken care of, these indigenous creatures in remote alien regions will become inexhaustible "slave creatures" for federal enterprises!

Although the federal enterprises in the Kells Star Territory are second- and third-rate factories, some of them also manufacture military products.

For example, An Qi, the branch president of Thomas Industries, who can talk to the God of Black Mist, is the main business he is responsible for in this star field, which is the manufacturing of spare parts for the Federation I third-generation drone.

As the war with the wizarding civilization progresses into full swing, the federal society's focus on the military-industrial system has become more and more intense.


It's getting bigger.

When the Civilized War first began, the military industry accounted for only about 31% of the total output value of federal society.

Later it reached 40%...50%...60%...

It is now 73%! And there are signs of continued improvement!

The entire society operates for the military manufacturing industry, so as to meet the war consumption between the alliance front line and the wizard civilization!

After a long day's work, Pique, who was a little tired, pinched his shoulder blades.

Today happened to be the day to pay wages, and the dozen black coins he received filled Pique's tired mood.

This black coin has a special symbol representing the Kells Star Territory on the front and a temple pattern of the God of Black Mist on the back. The workmanship is perfect.

Some cheered up and considered spending one of his coins to buy a bouquet of rainbow flowers for his girlfriend.

Rainbow flowers are not a specialty of this world. Peake has never seen them in the wild.

Rainbow flowers that are constantly flashing fluorescent lights are very popular among female creatures in this world. They are really beautiful.

At the junction of the two factories, Peake waited for his girlfriend.

When Mary saw the rainbow flower in Peake's hand, she ran towards him with joy on her face.

Pique noticed that as his girlfriend rushed over, her expression changed dramatically, and she finally showed a look of horror.

Puzzled, he followed his girlfriend's gaze and turned to look at the sky behind him.

Against the background of the thick black smoke and tall chimneys, a dark shadow descended into the sky of this world!

This is beyond the understanding of ordinary creatures in this world. Most of them will never leave their own plane for the rest of their lives.

Countless black lights and shadows rose from all directions in the Black Castle City, and similar lights and shadows appeared in the sky further away.

These lights and shadows are all respected envoys of the Black Mist Temple. They possess various incredible abilities and are revered by the creatures in this world. They are the spokespersons of God!

However, when that pitch-black shadow descended closer to the sky of this world.

The lights and shadows that were originally rising began to fall into the sky like dumplings.

It's as if a black meteor shower has descended on this world!

Against the background of unknown terror and the fall of the divine messenger, more and more creatures in the twilight world are fleeing.

Pique held his girlfriend's hands tightly. The bouquet of rainbow flowers scattered on the ground at some point, and they looked up at the sky in horror.

"Xiaodou really likes writing about little characters from other worlds."

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