The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1924 A different path

The strongest person in the Kells Star Territory is called the "God of Black Mist".

The divine power he first started to develop was water divine power, and he also cultivated some air divine power.

In the Kells pantheon, he is the undisputed leader.

Especially in modern times, the Kells Star Territory has gradually undergone "transformation" under his leadership.

Starting tens of thousands of years ago, the God of Black Mist has expanded his clerical field from natural fields such as "water flow" and "mist" to fields such as "black smoke", "heat energy" and "dirty".

The expansion of these priesthoods is naturally to fit in with the various changes taking place in the Kells Star Territory.

The introduction of the "more advanced" heavy industry of the Gallente Federation into the Kells Star Territory was handled by the God of Black Mist.

He even went to the Gallente Federation's border star field back then and signed various contracts with a deputy district governor there.

The content of the contract is roughly that the Gallente Federation will guide some companies to build factories in the Kells Star Territory.

The Kells Star Territory needs to provide these federal companies with many conveniences and support in terms of plane laws.

The God of Black Mist certainly didn't do it for the profit that the federal company gave him at the beginning.

But the God of Black Mist gradually discovered over a long period of time that although he was attached to the world of gods, the intrusions of the divine system and the relationship between gods within the world of gods were too complicated!

The God of Black Water just didn't understand this and stepped into it rashly. In the end, he was shattered to pieces and even his godhead was taken away from him.

Taking a lesson from the God of Black Water, the God of Black Mist, after thousands of years of thinking, decided to bypass the world of the gods and directly contact the Gallente Federation, the big brother in the world of the gods.

To be honest, it is not easy for a veteran god who has followed the path of belief in the god system to proactively contact atheistic technological civilization and negotiate with them to reach a cooperation deal.

The God of Black Mist can be regarded as the pioneer of the path of belief in the god system near this star field.

And he succeeded!

The arrival of technological forces has injected a new wave of vitality into the development of the Kells Star Territory.

Although the companies sent by the Gallente Federation to the Kells Star Territory are all second- and third-rate factories with heavy industrial pollution, the energy crystal blocks and other resources distributed to the God of Black Mist and others every hundred years are The real deal!


Even the God of Black Mist jumped on the bandwagon. He spent more than 70 billion federal coins to build a second-hand federal planet-level war fortress as his vehicle.

The performance of this kind of fortress is not much different from the ordinary space fortress in the wizarding world.

The God of Black Mist didn't even hire federal pilots. He sent his followers to study for a period of time. Those believers who had already been exposed to some technological elements would be able to drive such fortresses freely.

When Thane and others approached this small star field, the God of Black Mist and others did not notice anything at first.

When the heads of the Gallente Federation's major companies stationed in this star field, as well as those middle-level and above-level federal managers began to evacuate in batches, the God of Black Mist finally smelled something different.

"What happened?" asked the young Twilight God.

The Twilight God is the youngest god in the Kells Domain. He lit the divine fire 20,000 years ago.

At present, this God of Twilight should be the last god that can be born in the Kells Star Territory.

Because the total resources and wealth of the Kells Star Territory are limited, the total number of believers in the Kells Star Territory can only support the current five gods without embarking on the road of external expansion.

One more person, and the flesh will be cut off from the others.

Moreover, the frequent construction of heavy factories in the Federation over the past tens of thousands of years has polluted all aspects of the Kells Star Territory too seriously.

Some planes even no longer produce any valuable materials themselves, and the will of the plane has become extremely weak.

The majority of the resources currently taken by the God of Black Mist and others come from the wealth dividends of the Gallente Federation.

In fact, 20,000 years ago, the God of Twilight was able to ignite the divine fire and condense the divine personality, which already surprised the God of Black Mist.

He originally thought that the number of members of his pantheon could only be maintained at four after the death of the God of Black Water.

The current development of the Kells Star Territory is closely related to the investment of the Gallente Federation, but has little to do with the world of gods.

So when humans in the Federation frequently withdraw their capital, and those so-called company executives leave in spaceships one after another,

No matter how dull Twilight God and others were, they still felt something was wrong.

Facing the question of the God of Twilight, the God of Black Mist glanced at the other three gods who were gathering around him, and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Anqi from Thomas Industry said that the wizard civilization sent a legion to attack the gods. The descendant world.”

"Our Kells Star Territory is also within the attack range. He told us to hold on here. The Federation 'should' send forces to assist us." The God of Black Mist said.

"Should?" Twilight God's eyes widened.

The God of Black Mist is quite capable. At the current stage where the war between the wizard civilization and the Gallente Federation is in full swing, even the god world must send two-thirds of its local gods to assist the federal frontline battlefield.

But the Kells God System is such a small one, formed by five gods, and all its members are in their home star domain and have not participated in the frontline battlefield.

Are the high-level gods and middle-level gods in the world of gods out of kindness and unwilling to send members of the Kells pantheon to the anxious frontiers of the civilized battlefield?

of course not!

The God of Black Mist can keep his four younger brothers by his side precisely because of his relationship with certain people in the Gallente Federation.

Many gods in the world of gods are indeed stronger than the God of Black Mist. When the God of Black Mist sees them, they all have to nod and bow.

But from the perspective of vision and vision, many fifth- and sixth-level gods in the world of gods are far behind the God of Black Mist!

When those so-called gods are still busy competing for believers and divine titles.

The God of Black Mist took some of his followers to the border star field of the Gallente Federation for inspection.

Those federal companies that could shake the foundation of the Kells Star Territory's rule were excluded from the scope of choice by the God of Black Mist.

Moreover, before the God of Black Mist established cooperation with those federal heavy factories, they made it clear that the federal ideas of "freedom" and "democracy" could not be introduced into the Kells Star Territory.

From a business model perspective, the federal heavy industries undertaken by the Kells Star Territory are all "rough processing industries" with relatively low technical requirements.

Many creatures in the Kells Star Territory probably don't know what they have built.

It's just black cloth anyway


On the big iron pillar in the middle of winter, they followed the guidance of their respective gods and went to various factories to complete their work.

It has to be said that this method of combining the divine system with technological elements has indeed been effectively practiced in the Kells Star Territory.

From the perspective of the Kells Star Territory itself, since the cooperation with the Federation, there have been very few cases where people in the Star Territory have starved to death.

No matter how cold-blooded the capital of the Gallente Federation is, it will not let its workers starve to death.

Even if many products from the federal society are not fully released to the Kells Star Territory, only a small amount of goods flowed over, allowing the creatures in the Kells Star Territory to receive great benefits in the fields of materials and life. Richness and satisfaction.

What is even more exaggerated is that after the creatures in the Kells Star Territory were impacted by some technological elements of the Federation, not only did they not have any doubts about the gods they believed in.

On the contrary, he is more pious than before!

They believe that these are all given to them by gods.

If there is no war, if the Kells Star Territory continues to develop so steadily, maybe the God of Black Mist can really take a different path!

For example, in recent years, the God of Black Mist has been considering transforming some of the heavy factories in its own star domain into less polluting industrial systems.

Because the God of Black Mist also wants to go further, not only for the sake of his own people and the will of the plane, but even if he wants to grow to a higher level, he cannot destroy his mother plane.

Even in the long-term plan of the God of Black Mist, he wants to spend a huge amount of federal coins to hire professional companies from the Gallente Federation to transform some demiplanes in the Kells star field into "artificial planets".

Use this to immigrate and gain more population and belief base.

This guy is such a talent!

But at this moment, facing the pressure of the army sent by the wizard civilization, everything seems to be in vain?

"Go down and stick to your respective planes and temples!"

"We must not escape before the battle." The God of Black Mist said.

Then, he added a very interesting sentence: "At least not now!"

The God of Twilight and others looked at each other, and then respectfully left.

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