The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1923 Kells Star Territory

In the conversation between Steward Bobolong and Prime Minister Situ Kong, Thain did not participate in the whole process later on.

After saying hello to Gongsun Wudi, he returned to his laboratory.

In his exchanges with the Bepen Knights, Thane also learned about many things that had happened on the front lines of the civilized battlefield in recent years.

Mainly the things he didn't know after Thane and Bixi wandered into the broken time and space channel.

Knight Bepen said: "Three hundred years ago, a powerful true spirit-level magician from the wizarding civilization appeared on the front line of the Gallente Federation star field and cast four super-large forbidden spells in a row."

"It directly destroyed hundreds of millions of Gallente Federation legions and abruptly interrupted a wave of counterattacks planned by the Federation."

"Who is that true spirit level magician?" Thain couldn't help but ask.

Bepen shook his head and said he didn't know.

The foundation of wizard civilization is still very deep. 🅆

At least until now, Thain has not seen the decline of wizard civilization. On the contrary, he feels that he is getting stronger and more powerful as he fights.


After returning to Princess Luanjia's personal laboratory, Thane continued his own experimental research.

Especially some shortcomings revealed in previous battles, Thain needs to improve them as soon as possible.

I heard that the female knight Beipeng was also arranged to live somewhere in Princess Luanjia. Gongsun Wudi treated all powerful wizards equally.

When you're in a deep experimental state, it's easy to lose sight of the passage of time.

When Thain's mechanical integration experiment on Fumila was on its seventh test, there was a sudden interruption outside the laboratory.

Pushing the elemental mechanical arm in his hand back to the experimental table, Thain walked towards the door of the laboratory.

The person who came was a maid under Gongsun Wudi who also had level 4 combat power. She said to Thain: "Her Royal Highness, please go to the general platform to discuss matters.

Nodding, he raised his hand and shot a magic spell. After sorting out the general situation in the laboratory, Thain followed the captain of the guard and flew towards the general platform.

It turned out that during the time that Thain stayed in the laboratory, the Tianming Empire basically completed the integration of the army and the preliminary war plan.

Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce also moved quickly.

Although the Tianming Empire still carries a lot of military supplies, it is enough to support the Tianming Empire's legion for a long time.

But Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce is still in Tianming Emperor


Before the integration of the Imperial Army was completed, various types of critical supplies were provided to the Tianming Empire Army.

It turns out that the Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce has not completely brought the Vosdal Star Domain and the Nine Sun World Group in the surrounding star domains into the chariot. In the words of Bobo Long, the manager, "They are still talking."

Currently, only 40% of these military resources are taken from the routes of these two star regions.

Another 60% were transported long-distance through the Bagliel meteorite belt.

Because the transportation cost is very high, the materials provided to the Tianming Empire Legion at the beginning were all types of urgent needs.

This is enough!

The Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce used their practical actions to express their support for the wizard civilization and the Tianming Empire.

Therefore, after the resources are in place, under the emperor's order, the vanguard armies of the Tianming Empire are about to begin the comprehensive conquest of the God Star Territory.

"Currently, there are only more than 300 native creatures above level 4 left in the world of gods, but there are more than 1,600 planes they need to guard."

"We don't even need to enter the God's star field at the beginning, we need to destroy his outer perimeter first!"

“The support from the Gallente Federation cannot be underestimated.

"Scouts report that many federal fleets have recently arrived in the Goddess Star Territory with support."

"We have to find a way to harass the federal support supply lines."



Thain did not interrupt the Tianming Empire's war deployment meeting.

However, towards the end of the meeting, Gongsun Wudi also mentioned that he had arranged a war assignment for powerful wizards such as Thain, Bei Pen, and Meier.

What Thane and others need to conquer is another small star field around the Goddess Star Territory - the Kells Star Territory.

As a large-scale world civilization, the world of gods also has some subordinates under it.

These small and medium-sized world civilizations rely on the world of gods to survive. In the Gallente Federation's camp division, they are truly third-class citizens.

Some planes, before this, were even "natural resource conservation areas" divided by the Gallente Federation.

Because of its "non-enterprising nature" and the frequent internal turbulence and invasion of the gods, the world of gods does not actually have many vassal brothers.

Even far lower than Apocalypse World and Shi'ak Empire.

The power of the divine world mainly comes from itself.

With a basic layout of more than 1,600 planes, it has been established that the divine world will be very strong even if it does not expand externally.

The Kells Star Territory that Thane and others will be responsible for next is very weak.

There are only seven complete planes with rules in the entire star field.

This star field also follows the path of the faith-to-god system, and the strongest among them seems to be only at the late fifth level of strength.

In terms of star position coordinates, the Kells Star Territory does not receive much help from the world of gods.

The world of gods has too much time to take care of itself.

However, the Gallente Federation seems to have built many factories in the Kells Star Territory.

By then, Thane and others may face pressure from some of the Gallente Federation.

But no matter how you look at it, the war assignments Gongsun Wudi arranged for Thain and others were an "easy job" without too much difficulty.

The strongest one is only at the late fifth level... and there is no need for Thain and Fumila to be deployed. The female knight Bei Pen with obvious violence factor should be able to defeat the opponent by herself.

In terms of legion, in addition to Thain's own Mechanical Angel Legion and the Ash Star Thief Group, the Tianming Empire also provided them with approximately 500,000 low-level legion aid in order to take care of Thain and others.

There really aren't many people here.

Compared with the previous level 4 stage of Thain, when launching a plane war, it was necessary to carry millions of cannon fodder troops, and there was a significant difference.

But the Tianming Empire Legion is obviously more elite than the ordinary cannon fodder legion.

Since Thain and others are so powerful, they will naturally reduce their demands on the lower-level legions.

"It's just a small star field without much distinction. I can pretty much handle it by myself." After the meeting, walking with Thane and Mel, the sixth-level female knight Beppon held up her arms and showed He looked at his magnificent muscle lines and said.

Not as big as Bepentuo, but from the perspective of a small world civilization, if one day, a sixth-level creature suddenly comes to his home star field...

That was indeed a disaster



Thain glanced at the other party and said: "It's probably not that the Tianming Empire deliberately arranged easy war missions for us, but that the wars around the God Star Territory are so easy at this stage."

"Only when we reach the depths of the Godborn Star Territory, or when a large number of legions from the Gallente Federation arrive to support us, will the intensity of the war increase."

"At that time, at least it was after the middle stage of this large-scale star war."

"The Gallente Federation probably didn't expect that a war would suddenly break out in the world of gods. Their previous focus was on other star fields on the front lines of the civilized battlefield." Thain said.

Bepen stretched his waist and said: "You magicians just love analysis."

"Why are you thinking so much? Just do it!"

"Even if the God World or the Gallente Federation sends an opponent of equal strength, I will not flinch, but will be even more excited." Bepen said while pinching his wrist. This guy is also a violent maniac.

Thain stopped talking nonsense. Knights like to fight, and magicians like to experiment. They are both born in their bones.

However, Thain still feels that Bepen is a rough and delicate female knight, not as wild as she appears on the surface.


Starfield of Kells.

This is a small star field that was unknown in the Gallente Federation's territory in the past.

Including among the power groups in the world of gods, the Kells Star Territory is also very weak and low-key.

There are five gods in this star field. Under the Gods World Group, the five of them even formed a small group called the "Kells God System".

There is no way to develop in the star world, especially if you want to have a foothold in the world of gods, you have to stick together.

The frequent invasions of gods within the world of gods are really terrifying.

There were actually six gods in the Kells pantheon back then, and two of them had reached the fifth level of life.

But one of the slightly weaker "Gods of Black Water" obviously also has a poor sense of politics.

In a divine system war, he was directly killed, and even other people in the Kells divine system were involved. For a long time, he was not welcomed in the mainstream divine system of the divine world.

The development of the Kells pantheon has stagnated for many years since then.

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