The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1922 Attitude Change

The "hidden support force" mentioned by Knight Bepen should refer to the demons of the Kada Star Thieves Group.

Thain didn't know much about these things before, but he has seen a lot in recent years, especially after developing a deeper connection with Spider Queen Rose, and he also vaguely guessed a little bit.

But Thain would never tell anyone, nor would he seek confirmation from others.

Sometimes, just maintaining this tacit attitude is enough.

The Tianming Empire Legion also did not talk about the group of demons. When they proposed to Bepen that the Beren Empire might send troops to participate in the World War of Gods, the Tianming Empire expressed that they were extremely welcome to fight side by side with the friendly forces of the Wizarding World.

On the other hand, Situ Kong, the prime minister of the Tianming Empire, finally asked emphatically how the wizarding civilization would maintain military supplies for the Tianming Empire's army.

"The total number of troops our Tianming Empire plans to send has exceeded 100 million."

"What you see now is only our vanguard army."

"If the wizard civilization can afford us a stable logistics, it will indeed reduce a lot of trouble for our Tianming Empire." Prime Minister Situ Kong said.

In the bureaucracy of the Tianming Empire, Prime Minister Situ Kong was one of the few people who stood at the top but was reluctant to go on expeditions to support the wizarding civilization.

He admitted that wizard civilization had played an important role in the establishment of the Tianming Empire.

But Prime Minister Situ Kong considered the issue more from the standpoint of the Tianming Empire. In Situ Kong's view, the strength and prosperity of the Tianming Empire was much more important than repaying those so-called "favors."

But it's a pity that the emperor and the old military generals didn't think so.

In the end, Situ Kong did not advise the emperor to think twice before acting.

This is a good court man who knows how to be an official very well. He is also the teacher of the prince's literary skills.

When Prime Minister Situ Kong asked this question, Thain was also present, and he also looked at Knight Bepen curiously.

The Divine World War that the Tianming Empire Legion will be responsible for is different from the battlefields between the wizard civilization and the Gallente Federation in other star fields.

First of all, this is a fragmented star field battlefield.



br\u003eThe current control of the wizarding civilization is not bordering the world of the gods. On the contrary, the Gallente Federation can quickly support the world of the gods nearby.

In other words, if the wizard civilization wants to provide material assistance to the Tianming Empire through conventional channels, it must cross a Gallente Federation...

The risks, expenses, and costs involved are simply too great!

The same is true for the Beren Empire Legion if they want to participate in the Goddess World War.

Currently, the most prosperous people behind the Gallente Federation are those extremely crazy black magicians and the major star thief groups who work with their heads in their belts.

We can't let the Star Thieves Group provide material support for the Tianming Empire, right?

Of course, the Qatar Star Pirates Group will not handle this kind of transportation team work. There are other people who really provide resource support for the Tianming Empire Legion.

Knight Bepen smiled, clapped her hands, and a blue-skinned humanoid creature only half a meter tall appeared in the conference room.

This humanoid creature has two long and narrow tentacles, and a layer of fine scales on the surface of its skin.

Several wisps of blue beard appeared near his chin and lips, giving this guy an inexplicable sense of cunning.

In terms of strength, this little thing is only level five.

And he was obviously not the type who was good at fighting. Thain didn't feel the aura of a strong man in him, but just... the smell of money.

"Hello everyone, I am Bobolong, the special steward of the Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce. The logistics and resource supply of the Tianming Empire this time will be taken care of by our Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce."

"As for logistical transportation channels, you don't need to worry."

"We will provide the Tianming Empire with absolutely sufficient military supplies from the Vosdal Star Territory next door, the Yuyang World Group, the Bagliel Meteor Belt, etc."

"When necessary, even if it is necessary to forcibly break through the remote space, we can serve the Tianming Empire

It is not difficult for us to have the legion provide strategic supplies. "Bobolong smiled.

Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce originally claimed to be absolutely neutral.

It neither participated in the Wizarding Civilization War, nor did it favor the Gallente Federation.

Even if he had been slightly focused on the wizarding civilization before, he would have shown great restraint, at least on the surface, maintaining his neutral stance.

But now in this situation... obviously Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce is no longer pretending!

This kind of blatant favoritism to help wizard civilization will undoubtedly have a great impact on the reputation and reputation of the Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce. 🅆

At least the Gallente Federation will strongly condemn them.

It's just that the Federation has almost completely severed its trading ties with the Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce, so their condemnation is just a condemnation and will not have much substantive impact on the Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce.

For the Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce, the biggest impact and loss they have suffered from this approach is actually that their reputation in the surrounding star fields, especially in those world civilizations that have not participated in the war, will plummet.

This will affect how they do business in many world civilizations.

As for why the Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce did this, Thain remembered an uncle of Bixi, who seemed to be a senior executive of the Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce.

Being able to directly give Tourmaline two world-class secret treasure ribbons as gifts is not something that can be taken lightly.

The Immortal Dragon Clan has all participated in the war, and there is indeed no need for the Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce to be coy.

The reason why Chaofeng has made Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce so big is not just about making money. He likes the pleasure of wealth accumulation and wants to realize the value of his life.

But in front of wealth and relatives, Chaofeng would definitely choose his relatives.

You rode a horse and kidnapped all my nieces and nephews. Will Chaofeng still be polite to you?

The Dragon Clan of the Immortal Domain go up side by side, which seems to be a fine tradition since ancient times.


This Bobo dragon manager should have dragon blood in his body, although


It's a humanoid creature, but there's a dragon tail swinging behind it.

The strong men of the Tianming Empire seem to have a natural affinity for dragons. How could it be that the emperor has the most elite dragon army under his throne?

Prime Minister Situ Kong then talked with the Bobolong steward about many other aspects, mainly about the storage and transportation of resources.

There are a lot of things involved.

In the Tianming Empire, civilian officials coordinate logistics, and military generals rush to the front lines. The division of labor between the two sides is clear.

Gongsun Wudi, Princess Taiping of Zhenguo, although he followed the route of a military commander, Thain noticed that when the prime minister was talking to Bobo Long, Gongsun Wudi listened very attentively.


After the Tianming Empire's army determined the direction of the next battle, Thane asked him what he should do next.

The dragon girl Mel also looked over curiously. After sending the letter asking for help, she did not receive any new instructions.

The female knight Bei Peng spread her hands and replied: "Continue to act with the Tianming Empire army."

"I haven't received any notification of my return yet. I guess I will join the war with the Tianming Empire."

"But don't worry, if a stable resource transmission channel is established, it will be very easy to return to the wizarding civilization homeland even through the channels of the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce." Bei Pen said.

Thain and Mel looked at each other and finally had no choice but to accept this situation.

Without an absolutely stable channel, it would be difficult for them to rashly cross the territory of the Gallente Federation and return to the wizarding civilization, even with their strength.

As for the Vosdal Star Domain, Yuyang World Group, etc. that Bobolong mentioned before, they should have been neighboring civilizations in a neutral state, and their strength was not small.

But as the Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce begins to use the channel to transport supplies for the friendly forces of the wizard civilization, does that mean that these world civilizations have also quietly completed the move of "taking sides"?

As expected, the situation in civilized war is changing rapidly.

The war between the wizarding civilization and the Gallente Federation may undergo a fundamental change after the addition of the Fairyland.

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