The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1921: Moving to the world of gods (additional update)

Marduk is indeed a pervert.

But sometimes, you have to admit that this guy is a "genius".

During those years of purges and constant threats of erasure, Marduk did not overly enjoy the authority of his Lord God, but was still learning and growing.

Diligence can make up for weakness, and this has been perfectly proven in Marduk!

Otherwise, why can this guy master such a complex and numerous legal authority and clerical power now? 🄲

And his personal strength has also reached the awesome peak level of level seven!

He's just not that talented, not that he's not a genius.

In terms of the development history of the world of gods, the time span for its promotion to a large-scale world civilization is probably longer than that of the wizarding civilization and the Gallente Federation.

The profound and long history of inheritance has also made the world of divine beings so "messed up" by Marduk.

But the number of creatures above Level 4 in this world, after more than 300,000 years of recuperation, is still quite a lot!

At least more than the average large-world members in the Wizards' Alliance, and should be comparable to the number of gods in the Titan World.

The difference is that there is not even a single sixth-level peak creature in the divine world, but there are some ordinary sixth-level creatures.

The star realm is so vast that it is full of wonders. The birth of such a wonder as Marduk in the divine world can only be regarded as unlucky for the ancient gods born in the history of this plane.

This actually highlights one of the major shortcomings of the system of belief in gods—gods are too selfish.

This is also true for many member planes in the Wizards Alliance.

The wizarding civilization exploits the alliance plane so much, and those creatures above level four in the alliance plane are not fools. Of course they can see the problem after a long time.

But why didn't they resist?

One is that they cannot resist, and the other is that they themselves are one of the vested interests of the Wizards Alliance system.

What is harmed is the interests of the plane and all living beings, not the interests of the gods themselves.

That is to say, the leaders of a few planes such as the Titan World, the Elf World, and the Purple Crystal World can still stick to their true intentions and take the development of the planes as their own responsibility.

Most of the other alliance planes are as black as crows in the world.

They are essentially the same as Marduk, but not as extreme as Marduk.


For example, the God of Beastmen may not want to have another dominant Beast God appear and share power with him.

The center of the divine world.

Main temple.

The majestic and tall buildings demonstrate the inviolable majesty of the main god Marduk.

This is the highest altitude place in the world of gods.

As for the original second peak of the divine world, it was bulldozed by Marduk as early as 400,000 years ago.

The current second peak is not even one-fifth of the height of the temple where he is.

In the world of divine descendants, being in this temple is a truly panoramic view of everything.

And in the square of the main temple, there is an extremely huge blue crystal square barrier that stands still.

This is Marduk's "ark".

The Ark is not unique to the world of gods.

There is also an ark in the Gallente Federation, which is the master civilization of the divine world.

It's just that the ark was a complete dominator-level war fortress, and it had faced off against the legions of the Titan world.

The ark in the world of gods is just a "tool".

And it uses far more special means of the power of faith than the Gallente Federation technology.

It is impossible for Marduk to allow something with a combat power comparable to that of a Juggernaut to appear under his rule.

He fears he will be overthrown.

Only this pure tool could be used by Marduk.

"The flames of war are about to ignite throughout the entire world of gods. In this kind of war, it is difficult for us to be alone." Outside the main temple, Marduk looked at his majestic ark and suddenly felt something.

Around him, a group of fanatical believers who believed in Marduk bowed their heads respectfully and listened to God's prophecy.

Among them was even a late-level sixth-level god, the God of Thunder and Fire, who also showed great obedience and humility.

This God of Thunder and Fire is also the one with the highest concentration of Marduk bloodline power among the direct descendants of Marduk.

Hair in Marduk

In the history of development, he has also killed prophetic gods, absorbed their godhood, and also made certain achievements in the field of clergy such as prophecy.

Therefore, Marduk's sigh at this time may be that he really had a premonition of something.

"Contact Marshal Schmanin of the Gallente Federation, we need enough reinforcements and war supplies." Marduk ordered.

"Yes." The God of Thunder and Fire replied respectfully.

Finally, he glanced at the Ark in front of him.

The power of faith in the entire Divine Star Territory is converging on the ark in front of them in some special way.

Marduk couldn't help but feel anxious in his heart. He wanted the Ark to transform into a complete state faster.


The front line of the Tianming Empire Legion.

After breaking through three waves of interception and blocking fronts in the world of gods, the Vanguard Army of the Dawn Empire finally met with the representatives of the wizard civilization in a small star field called the Kerim Star Field.

This strong supporter of the wizard civilization does not have a special status like the demons of the Kada Star Thieves Group that he met by chance before.

She has an upright and positive identity, her name is Bepen, she comes from the Belen Empire, and she is a sixth-level knight.

Knight Bepon is not beautiful, and knights do not rely on their looks to make a living.

Among the female knights that Thain has come into contact with, except for Lenna, she is really beautiful after losing weight.

Including his wife Natalya, or his mother-in-law Xia Ya, they cannot be regarded as "beautiful people" in the strict sense. They can only be said to have "healthy beauty".

And this female knight named Bei Pen is not just a healthy beauty, but should be called a masculine beauty...

The muscles on her body looked very strong.

And probably for the convenience of training, Knight Bepen tied her hair into a rough look like two hemp ropes.

In short, Thain always felt awkward looking at her, and he almost didn't want to have any physical contact with this female knight.

Knight Bepen brought the latest instructions from the top of the wizarding civilization.

The order was given by Ms. Bev.

After overall consideration, Bev suggested that the Tianming Empire Legion does not need to directly participate in the attack on the Gallente Federation itself.


The war on earth currently only needs to deal with the world of gods.

Among the large world civilizations, the strength of the divine world is pretty good.

The wizarding civilization is still unclear about the nonsense in the world of gods. It is just that the world of gods has a seventh-level peak master, more than 1,600 planes with complete rules, and nearly a thousand gods. The overall strength was estimated.

Among the four large-scale world horses under the Gallente Federation, the comprehensive strength ranking of the Divine World currently seems to be ranked second, second only to the Tris Civilization, and between the Shi'ak Empire and the Apocalypse World. superior.

"Considering that the local masters of the Goddess World are still in their own star domain, and in the subsequent war, the Goddess World Legion will return to the mother star domain, and the Gallente Federation may also send certain support legions to arrive."

"So in addition to those hidden forces, our wizard world, the Beren Empire, will also assign legions to support the Tianming Empire as appropriate."

"If your civilization feels that it is still not enough, our General Haishan from the Belen Empire said that he can also arrive in person." The female knight of Bepen said.

"For this battle, our wizard civilization will be responsible for all military supplies, logistical supplies, etc. of the Tianming Empire."

"And we will also fully open the wizard alliance market with the Tianming Empire to express our gratitude to the Tianming Empire for lending a helping hand to our wizard civilization during this critical period."

"Including all harvests during the Divine World War, all belong to the Tianming Empire."

"Our wizard civilization can only trade and will not share any of your war profits."

"Of course, if it is the income from our wizard civilization army, it is not included in the above content." Knight Bepen said with a smile.

Although she looks like a muscular female knight, Knight Bepon still has a bit of feminine delicacy.

No wonder the wizarding civilization sent her to contact the Tianming Empire Legion instead of sending a magician.

Moving to the world battlefield of the Gods instead of directly intervening in the Gallente Federation star field war was indeed somewhat beyond the expectations of the Tianming Empire.

But soon, the prime minister, who represented the will of the Emperor of Tianming Empire, replied to the female knight Bei Pen: "Yes."

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