The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1920 Marduk

After the first wave of confrontation with the world of gods, Gongsun Wudi sent someone to report the results of the battle to the emperor.

Not long after, Emperor Tianming ordered the march to continue.

Within its own civilization, the Kada Star Pirates Group was in rebellion at the same time, and the Tianming Empire's army was crossing the border.

It is undoubtedly a tragedy for the world of gods.

Fortunately, the Tianming Empire has not yet shown any tendency to move towards the center of the divine world.

Otherwise, the pressure on the creatures of the divine world will be even greater.

During the subsequent march of the Tianming Empire, the divine world creatures suffered a big loss for the first time. Although they also arranged blocking lines, they obviously became much more "cunning".

There will not be too many direct close-quarters contacts with the Tianming Empire Legion every time.

Basically, as soon as the long-range fire control weapons supported by the Gallente Federation on the forward position were released, those god-level experts slipped away early.

Only a few legions of believers were left behind as cannon fodder.

As a result, the Tianming Empire's vanguard army's gains after this were also greatly reduced.

On the contrary, more and more Gallente Federation ships and technological equipment have been captured.

The Tianming Empire seems to have not encountered many technological civilizations around its original main star field.

Thain noticed that many low-level soldiers of the Tianming Empire were very curious about these technological artifacts owned by the federation.

But the real enthusiasm is only at the bottom.

Those generals of the Tianming Empire who were level four and above were increasingly dissatisfied with the harvest of small fish and shrimps.

Many powerful people in the Tianming Empire have an eager desire to fight and pursue.

But their vanguard general, Gongsun Wudi, has always been able to hold his breath.

Even Emperor Tianming, who was sitting in the center behind, did not receive any other orders.

As a result, no matter how eager those Tianming warriors are to fight, they have to conscientiously suppress their impetuous hearts.

After that, Thain did not participate in the war randomly. He was more stable than those powerful people in the Tianming Empire.

During the previous battle, Thain had to carefully study and solve the problems encountered when integrating with the Fumila Machinery in the laboratory.

Including those specimen materials from the world of gods, it is also a good pastime to pass the time.

The center of the Divine Star Territory is the Divine World.



Before coming into contact with the Gallente Federation, a large-scale world civilization that existed for an extremely long time, the God-born world had been in a state of self-enclosure and reincarnation with the fall of the old gods and the rise of the new gods.

The situation in the world of gods is not the same as that in Faerûn.

There is no strong legal restriction or blockade outside the world of gods.

Although there is indeed a strange circle of regular star stones surrounding the parent star field of the Goddess world. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, some of the ancient gods of the Goddess world also named it the "Boundary Sealing Stone." .

But this is not a reason to block the expansion and development of the divine world!

The main reason why the world of gods is in this state of self-digestion and stagnant growth is the world's most powerful god, Marduk, also known as the "main god".

Marduk is an interesting dominator-level being.

In the sincere prayers of the believers, he seems to be omniscient and omnipotent, controlling all the power in the world. He is the Lord of all things.

In fact, Marduk is indeed a chief god who possesses the power of extremely complex laws and the position of priest.

Over the long years, and constant exploration in the fields of faith and divine power, the power of the dominating laws controlled by Marduk has gradually evolved from the thunderstorm law at the beginning to the river law, the vitality law, the violent law, the earth law, the hurricane law, etc. Other fields shift and spread.

Even in recent years, he has followed the Gallente Federation and developed his own opinions on the laws of technology.

He combined the power of science and technology with the power of the law of faith that he was good at, and created the first secret treasure in the world of gods - "The Ark".

The Ark is an incomplete world-class secret treasure, but its current grade is already a mid-level world-class secret treasure.

More than one scientist from the Gallente Federation who participated in the Ark Project believes that building a complete Ark is enough to reach the ranks of high-level world-class secret treasures recognized by the star world!

Of course, Marduk, the god-born ruler, also thinks so.

It's a pity that the war with the wizard civilization suddenly broke out, which seriously delayed the completion plan of the Ark.

It was also impossible for the Gallente Federation to rely on a world-class secret treasure and a space battleship owned by its affiliated civilization.

, just change your overall civilization decision.

Judging from the situation introduced so far, the dominant powerhouse Marduk seems to be very wise, and he has indeed reached a height that is beyond the reach of more than 99% of existences.

Switching to the Wizards Alliance, which is full of talents, none of those powerful alliance masters have learned as much as Marduk.

But in fact, Marduk is a star master who is extremely unsure of himself.

When he first became the Lord God, Marduk also indulged in the glory he had achieved.

He is the pioneer of the entire world, the founder who leads the world of gods to a large-scale civilization.

Billions of living beings worship him, love him, and revere him.

This feeling of being worshiped by hundreds of millions of creatures made Marduk intoxicated. 🅆

But not long after, Marduk, who recovered from the emptiness and infinite pleasure, discovered with horror that he was not the most genius.

He is indeed the first being in the divine world to reach level seven, but there are too many "potentials" behind him and around him, who may surpass him at any time.

The long-standing system of belief in gods in the world of gods makes the creatures in this world rarely have too strong a sense of identification with the entire world after reaching a certain height, and their personal personalities tend to be selfish.

After all, God is the only one, and if another god appears, he will inevitably compete with himself for authority and believers.

Because of interests, or because of the sudden insecurity, or because of the hostility caused by one's own average talent.

Two thousand years after Marduk became the master, he successively killed other powerful men of the same god system who had experienced the "War of the Ancient Gods" with him.

He personally killed his right-hand man, Vogalu, who had reached the peak level of level six at that time and had the title of "God of War Heroes".

He also personally took off the head of his wife, Venagu, who had also reached the peak level of the sixth level at that time and had the title of "Goddess of the Sea".

A bloodbath first broke out in Marduk's own pantheon.

Immediately afterwards, he bulldozed all the gods that might be a threat in the world of gods at that time.

It was a catastrophe of the gods that was completely buried in history.

Except for the planar will of the divine world and Marduk himself, I am afraid no one else knows about it.


All records have been destroyed and erased.

At that time, he was killing his right-hand man, Vogaru.

Marduk, who devoured the godhead of Vogalu, after absorbing the power to decipher his laws, not only did he not regret his cruel actions, but he was somewhat grateful.

Because Marduk discovered that Vogalu, who had the power of the priesthood such as "war" and "bravery", indeed surpassed himself, who had the thunderstorm priesthood, in terms of potential and future strength.

After killing his wife, Marduk also found out from his wife's memory that although his wife Venagu had never betrayed him.

But she subconsciously liked Vogalu, and she also liked Vogalu at first, but later due to various changes, she came together with Marduk.

This belated emotion and discovery reduced Marduk's guilt for backstabbing his brothers and killing his wife.

As a result, he became even more unscrupulous after that.

Round after round, the gods were purged by Marduk.

Later, he felt it was not enough and still felt insecure because "humans" can become "gods".

So Marduk expanded the scope of cleaning to the entire world!

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, the world of gods was not called this name.

The reason why it was later changed to this name is because the gods, who are currently the dominant race in the world, actually contain certain blood factors of Marduk in their bodies, just more or less.

All other creatures were cleansed or classified as second-class races.

After more than 100,000 years of this unrestricted cleaning, Marduk decided that enough was enough.

So he suspended this thankless practice and began to artificially drive the world of gods to change gods every 50,000 years.

Carefully observe the invasions of major pantheons that have occurred in the world of the gods in the past 300,000 years. Every time, there is the shadow of the main god Marduk behind them.

Only the god who truly obeys Marduk can survive in the world of gods.

Judging from historical performance, Marduk is undoubtedly a pervert.

His twisted character is more extreme and aggressive than the magicians in the wizarding world.

"There is another chapter to be added, at about two o'clock"

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