The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1906 Weapon Refining Achievements

Facing Dongfang Bai's statement, Suanni, currently the most senior member of the Dragon Beast family, nodded. {What? You don’t know yet|Read COM, read the chapters without mistakes|Hurry up and Google them}

He is Ba Xia's elder brother and ranks fifth in the family.

The boss is Lao Liu.

In terms of strength, Suan Ni at this time is probably slightly lower than Ba ​​Xia.

However, Suanni is a genuine fire dragon beast.

In their family, apart from the second eldest child, Suan Ni is the most aggressive. 🄲

In recent years, Suanni has caused many disturbances in the fairyland.

However, usually others take the initiative to provoke Suanni, and Suanni rarely causes trouble.

He is also a dominant dragon beast who knows how to measure.

The Immortal Dragon Clan family has a huge business, and can still afford the expenses of the teleportation array alone.

Moreover, the weapon refining system developed by the Immortal Realm Civilization is better than the alchemy system of the Wizard Civilization.

After all, the fairyland civilization had an extremely mature craft of making acquired spiritual treasures a long time ago.

The founder of the Chan Cult, Yuanshi Tianzun, the number of major spiritual treasures he has refined over hundreds of thousands of years is probably over a hundred!

In other words, the total number of world-class secret treasures flowing out from the hands of the Immortal Saint Yuanshi Tianzun has reached hundreds.

What an exaggeration!

In the Wizards Alliance, there is a god of fire and craftsmanship in the Titan world, who is extremely good at making artifacts. He has also created many world-class secret treasures and is famous in all the major planes of the Wizards Alliance.

But even the total number of world-class secret treasures produced by this god of fire and craftsman is probably only a fraction of that of the founder of the Immortal Domain Interpretation Sect.

This is the gap!

Of course, Hephaestus, the god of fire and craftsman, and Yuanshi Tianzun, the founder of the Immortal Domain, are not on the same level at all.

The former is only a sixth-level god in the Titan world, and it is said that his lifespan is coming to an end in recent years, and few new artifacts have been released.

The latter is the founder of the three major sects of Immortal Civilization and Taoism. He is considered the top saint-level powerhouse in the eighth-level realm, and there are many saints under his command.


A human disciple, a person who truly stands at the top of the pyramid in the fairyland civilization.

The origin of the weapon refining technique of the Immortal Realm Civilization can almost be traced back to Yuanshi Tianzun.

The outstanding and prosperous weapon refining system means that the fairyland civilization does not lack special fairy weapons that can be used to load legions on a large scale.

Well-known world-class secret treasures such as "Mountains and Rivers Sheji Pictures", "Mountains and Seas Scrolls" and "Qiankun Pagoda" are like thunder in the fairyland.

However, most of the world-class secret treasures of that level are already owned, and the production process is extremely difficult.

But there is absolutely no shortage of imitation models of immortal weapons and magic weapons.

It is indeed difficult to find a space magic weapon that can carry hundreds or tens of millions of legions.

But if you only need to install hundreds of thousands or tens of thousands of magic weapons for a legion, it is really not difficult given the wealth of the Dragon Clan.

No matter how bad it is, there should be a small magic weapon for thousands of people, right?

Some demon clans in the fairyland who dominate the mountains may only have the strength of the Nascent Soul stage, (ps: astral power level three.) They can easily win over and release thousands of little demons with a flick of the demon wind.

It is not impossible to transport troops across star regions and civilizations in this batch loading method.

It's just a little troublesome.

In comparison, the Minghe Empire did not have an outstanding weapon refining system like the Immortal Civilization.

It's not that the Minghe Empire is not strong, but that the focus of its civilization development is not at all.

If you ask the fairyland civilization to hear about self-sealing techniques or master-level monster king modulation techniques, they will probably be confused.

Including the detection of law fields such as death and darkness, the civilization of the fairyland is far inferior to the Minghe Empire.

In the Immortal Realm, most monks who play with dead bodies and dark forces will be labeled as "evil cultivators" or "devil cultivators".

This type of monk does not do well in the fairyland civilization.

After all, it is our duty to subjugate demons.

This is the most popular slogan among many righteous monks.

Different civilizations, with their distinctive and differentiated development, also constitute such a prosperous and dazzling star world.

Of course, no matter how developed the weapon refining system of the Immortal Realm Civilization is, no matter how well it transfers legions through manned space equipment, the final cost of the teleportation array must be an astronomical figure for the Dragon Clan.

With the Dragon Clan's urinary nature, they are definitely not willing to bear the responsibility themselves.

I happened to hear Dongfang Bai talking about whether he had said hello to the Wizarding World in advance.

The youngest member of the Dragon Beast Family, Xiang Xi, looked down at his head and said, "Hey, isn't there a wizard-civilized creature in the Qingyang Realm?"

Fu Xi has been in the wizarding world for a long time. In terms of familiarity with the wizard world, Fu Xi is second only to Ba Xia.

And because he has been helping wizard civilization suppress Haiyan for many years, Fu Xi also has a lot of attention and gifts from the will of the wizard world.

So when Tomov and other magicians appeared in Qingyang Realm, Negative Xi quickly sensed their presence.

Tomov and others were sent to the fairyland civilization to ask for help. They were obviously people who knew all aspects of the fairyland, at least they would be familiar with them in advance.

As a magician from the Western Islands, Tomov knew Negative exactly.

He then flew into the sky with a wry smile on his face.

In the sky, these five master-level dragon beasts, each showing their huge true form, gave a mage salute to express their respect, and then said: "I was sent by Ms. Bev and Knight Klopp. The magician Tomov came to the fairyland for help."

"It's an honor to meet several tyrannical masters who have friendly relations with our wizarding civilization."

"However, this time Ms. Bev gave us priority to visit the three existences of Duobao Tianzun, Baimei Sage, and Antarctic Immortal Emperor."

"Although specialized personnel have been sent to contact the Dragon Clan, our wizard civilization is probably not ready to receive so many Dragon Clan legions yet.


. "Magic Tomov said a little bit.

The situation is really beyond expectations!

It is estimated that Bev did not think ahead of time that Bai Xing and other dragon beasts would be captured by the Pluto Empire Legion.

It was even more unexpected that the Dragon Clan of the Immortal Realm would directly mobilize in large numbers under such circumstances.

Although Tomov doesn't know yet how much power the Immortal Dragon Clan has brought.

But seeing that there are five masters appearing, I think the legion strength invested will be quite a lot!

On the civilized battlefields of the Wizarding Civilization and the Gallente Federation, the star field battlefield where a master sits is at least a medium-sized war zone, and the total number of participating legions must have exceeded 100 million.

Besides, these are still five people!

Tomov's answer obviously made the Immortal Dragon Clan a little unhappy.

Dragons are the most honorable creatures.

The extremely young Zhulong twisted his jet-black dragon body at this time and said in a joking tone: "It is enough to have our dragon clan, why do we need to find those Taoist monks."

"Are you doubting the strength of our dragon clan?" Zhulong asked with a smile.

Tomov also realized that his words just now were somewhat inappropriate, and hurriedly replied: "I don't dare!"

"It's just that the dragon army came out in full force, which is indeed beyond the expectations of our wizard civilization."

"I need to send someone back to the Wizarding Civilization as soon as possible to report this to Ms. Bev and the others." Tomov said, and looked at a fifth-level magician behind him.

This fifth-level magician also understood it instantly.

He was originally an envoy magician that the wizarding civilization was going to send to the Dragon Clan, but his main mission was not to immediately win over the Dragon Clan to send troops, but to establish a good relationship with them first, and hope that the Dragon Clan would be ready to take action at the critical moment. Just preparation.

Unexpectedly, the Dragon Clan has done everything in advance.

Just wait until it passes and get started!

This fifth-level magician named Harlem seems to be able to return to the wizarding civilization early.

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