The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1905: A famous teacher (additional update)

Among the dragons in the Immortal Realm, the Dragon Demon King, known as the "Great Sage of Overturning the Sea", is a very intelligent and capable dragon beast.

The mottled bloodline did not affect the Jiao Demon King's pride and ambition.

He still took one step at a time and grew to the level of dominance.

Relying on his own bloodline and the friends he has met with other great saints, the Demon King is considered to be the top being in the entire fairyland civilization, standing on the top of the clouds and stomping his feet, which can cause vibrations in some areas of the fairyland.

This time, I accepted the call of the dragon clan and went to the wizard civilization to participate in the war.

The Demon King not only brought along the blood-dappled dragons that followed him.

Even snake, insect, and turtle monsters that have no dragon blood, or whose dragon blood is very thin, or even almost non-existent, have been brought by him into massive legions!

The lower-level legions organized by the Immortal Dragon Clan this time, including all the shrimp soldiers and crab generals from the major dragon palaces, one-third of them are demon soldiers and generals under the command of the Jiao Demon King.

There is no way, the development of ordinary demon clan is much more difficult than that of dragon clan. đź…†

Only those big demons, or demon kings and demon emperors, can live a more prosperous life.

Moreover, the general combat power of demon creatures is not as strong as that of dragon creatures, and there are not so many resource planes for them to exploit.

Rushing to aid the wizarding civilization this time, the Great Saint Jiao Demon King saw an opportunity to expand his forces again.

Suan Ni, Bi Yan and other dragon beast masters didn't mind what the Jiao Demon King did.

In the past, they mainly rescued people and took revenge, and earning resources and wealth could only be said to be secondary.

Moreover, the more monster legions brought by the Dragon Demon King, the more respectable the dragon beast masters such as Suan Ni will be. This also shows from the side that the power of the dragon clan in the fairyland is powerful!

Before, we set out from the prehistoric world and gathered members of the dragon beast army in various major planes within the fairyland civilization.

The work of the Immortal Dragon Clan scared many saints, Taoist courts and sect forces who were not aware of it yet.



They thought that this group of dragon beasts was trying to catch someone.

Or maybe the Immortal Domain Dragon Clan has discovered a foreign star domain that is extremely valuable for expansion and conquest?

Of course, there are also many sage Taoist courts and special sects, even though they are separated from the wizard civilization by countless miles of time and space, they are also paying attention to the civilized war there, and they probably know that this group of fairy dragon beasts intends to go to the wizard civilization to participate in the war. of.

This time, the Demon King led his demon soldiers and generals to the Wizarding Star Territory. Before he left, he had roped in several brothers and sisters among the eight saints to participate in this matter.

Several of the great sages responded immediately, and they also clearly showed their emotions.

But those great sages did not leave immediately.

Because this also involves issues such as whether the teacher is famous.

The Immortal Dragon Clan mobilized in groups in order to save their juniors and bring justice to the Baxia family.

If the other great sages want to take action, what are their names?

It is best to wait for the wizard civilization to take the initiative to send envoys to find them, and then they will pretend to be polite.

Then he mobilized the demon army and went to the wizard civilization to "make a fortune" with great fanfare!

In the history of the development of fairyland civilization, there have been several similar experiences of fighting hand in hand with wizard civilization.

Otherwise, how did the friendly relationship between wizard civilization and fairyland civilization come about?

And if the Eight Great Sages didn't wait for the messengers from the wizard civilization to ask for help, they would take the initiative to join the battle.

Not only does it appear that the prices of these great saints are relatively low, but also their interest demands may be suppressed to a minimum by the wizard civilization.

This is something that the Great Sage Pingtian and others cannot accept.

This is also the case for other people who are paying attention to witchcraft from afar.

The general thoughts in the hearts of the saints from the fairyland who fought against the civilized war.

It is estimated that some of them have been waiting for the wizard civilization to ask for help.

But among the Eight Great Sages, the most powerful Monkey King and the second-largest Monkey King are two exceptions.

Both of them are deeply involved in wizarding civilization.

Fairyland civilization pays attention to karma and retribution.

The concepts are related to the astrology, mysticism, and recognized laws of conservation of wizard civilization.

These two most powerful saints both owe a lot of karma to the wizarding civilization.

After hearing the news about the Demon King, the two of them had already begun to raise the demon legion under their command.

It is estimated that the arrival time of these two great saints in the wizarding civilization was only a little slower than that of the dragon clan.

After all, the Dragon Clan has already mobilized.

There was a certain lag in the time when the two great saints received the news, which is probably related to the intrusions and conflicts in the Immortal Realm in recent years.

Even the powerful Great Sage cannot be completely immune to the increasingly turbulent changes in the fairyland civilization.

This participation in the Wizarding Civilization War may be an opportunity for the Fairyland Civilization to direct its conflicts outward.

For those beings who really stand at the top of the three tribes of Buddhism, Taoism, and demons, they don't want to fight a civil war.

Suan Ni asked with a smile, making Dongfang Bai roll his eyes.

They have been friends for hundreds of thousands of years. Of course Dongfang Bai will not fall out with them because of a furnace of seven-turn golden elixir.

And even if they fall out, Qingyang Realm probably won’t be able to stop so many dragon beasts…

What troubled Dongfang Bai at this time was that too many dragon armies were pouring in, which had affected the balance and stability of the entire Qingyang Realm.

Due to the power system it follows, the fairyland civilization has no planar will.

Therefore, after Suan Ni and other dragon beasts brought a large number of dragon legions,


I didn't hear the plane will of Qingyang Realm scream in pain as it couldn't bear the arrival of so many high-quality creatures.

However, as a plane with complete rules, Qingyang Realm does have its limits.

To be honest, the arrival of five dominant-level dragon beasts at the same time has already brought an impact of changing the color of the sea and sky to the Qingyang Realm.

Moreover, behind the space-time channel, Dongfang Bai could vaguely sense with his saint-level spiritual thoughts that there might be billions of combat legions waiting to be transmitted.

"Are you ready to greet the wizarding civilization?"

"It's no small matter for so many legions to cross the border."

"Moreover, the spiritual stones in our Qingyang Realm are not enough for dragon creatures like you to pass through."

"As for the cost of the inter-star teleportation array and the maintenance of the teleportation array, you dragons need to solve it yourself." Dongfang Bai said in a deep voice.

When it comes to talking about money and other matters, it is not something that juniors like Fairy Yunmeng, the current master of Tianyi Palace, can handle.

She couldn't suppress this gang of money-grubbing dragons, so Dongfang Bai had to step in.

Sure enough, after Dongfang Bai revealed that the transmission costs of these dragon beast legions had to be paid for by the dragon clan themselves.

The five dominant dragon beasts haven't said anything yet.

But a few impatient and stingy quasi-saint-level fairyland dragons couldn't help but cursed, "This old guy!"

The time and space distance between the Fairyland Civilization and the Wizarding Civilization is much further than that from the Hades Empire to the Wizarding Civilization.

Although this makes it unlikely that any substantial geopolitical conflict or war will break out between the two top civilizations.

But if one party wants to help the other party, the cost of space transmission alone is an astronomical sum.

If all this money were to be paid by the Immortal Domain Dragon Clan, they would still feel a little sad.

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