The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1907 The Taoist Sect Leader

Ms. Bev, the leader of wizard civilization, first went to the Taoist sect for help instead of asking the warm-hearted dragon clan for help. This was because she had deep considerations.

Because as the real leader of the current fairyland civilization, it is still the Taoist sect.

Just as Ms. Bev currently represents all aspects of wizarding civilization.

The Dao Sect is equivalent to the face of the Immortal Realm.

Even though the development momentum of Buddhism in recent years has been getting better and better, it has a tendency to gradually compete with Taoism.

Moreover, the demon clan has also come from behind, relying on its huge race and population base, as well as some special demon bloodlines, to regain its former glory.

But what wizard civilization recognizes most is the Taoist sect.

In the fairyland civilization, there is also a saying that Buddha is the Tao.

In other words, Buddhism originally developed out of Taoism.

Many Buddhas and monks in Buddhism were originally members of the Taoist sect.

Including those master-level Buddhas or Bodhisattvas, maybe they were originally brothers and sisters with the Taoist saints...

The three Taoist saints that Ms. Bev turned to for help basically represent the three most original branches of the Taoist sect.

The white-browed saint represents the Taoist sect. He founded the Shushan Sword Sect and is said to be a registered disciple of Laozi.

The Nanji Immortal Emperor represents the Taoist Chan Sect and is a direct disciple of the Yuanshi Tianzun of the Chan Sect. He is very good at managing the Immortal Court.

Duobao Tianzun represents the Taoist Jie Jiao sect. He was the former disciple of the Tongtian Sect, and is also the leader of the Jie Jiao clan today.

Asking for help from these three saints also indirectly expresses the respect of the wizard civilization for the Taoism of the Immortal Realm.

Zhulong also knew how much influence the three saints represented in the fairyland civilization.

So his joke didn't last long, and he followed Tomov's words and got over it.

The fifth-level magician Harlin hurriedly passed through the teleportation circle in Qingyang Realm and returned to the wizarding civilization.

Before leaving, he


Between the dragon beast's claws, a pure white dragon ball was received.

The function of this dragon ball is a bit like the crystal ball in the wizarding world.

It probably records the combat power brought about by the Immortal Dragon Clan's full deployment this time.

In addition to saving Bai Xing and others, Bi Yan also hopes that Beif and the wizard civilization can arrange a suitable war zone for their dragon clan.

Compared to Suan Ni's fiery and impatient personality, Suan Ni, who has mastered the power of the thick earth attribute laws, is indeed much calmer when doing things.

Because of the large-scale dispatch of the Immortal Dragon Clan, it is estimated that the mission plan of Tomov and others will also be affected to a certain extent.

Although what Zhulong said just now was mostly in jest, there was something he said that was quite right - it was enough to have such a powerful foreign aid from the Dragon Clan, so there was no need for others.

The wizard civilization also has to consider whether the influx of a large number of foreign aid and powerful combat forces will have an impact on the pattern of the civilized battlefield and its own interests.

If nothing unexpected happens, Tomov and others will stay in Qingyang Realm for a while longer.

He needs to wait for the latest instructions from Ms. Bev and others.

Before the fifth-level magician Harin left, the Jiao Demon King, who had never spoken in Qingyang Realm, suddenly said: "In addition to our dragon army, the other two of the eight great saints of our demon clan, and more brothers , and may also participate in the war assistance of the wizard civilization in the future."

Level 5 magician Harlin and Tomov looked at each other.

After Tomov nodded slightly, the fifth-level magician finally stepped onto the teleportation array and left.

While the Fairyland Dragon Clan was communicating with the powerful wizards and civilizations, Fairy Yunmeng, the current palace master of Tianyi Palace, came to the side of the old palace master Dongfang Bai.

"Master, I didn't do anything good this time and disturbed your meditation." Palace Master Yunmeng said with some self-blame.


In the palace complex below, the fire caused by the explosion of the alchemy furnace is now gradually under control.

The monks from Tianyigong seem to be very professional in this area.

And among the dragons in the sky, there were also several dragon beasts that had reached the realm of Daluo Jinxian and Quasi-Saint, and they enthusiastically helped.

Dongfang Bai heard this and shook his head.

"It's none of your business. Matters involving war cooperation between two top civilizations are difficult for even saint-level beings to deal with alone, let alone you."

"And I have seen your performance over the years."

"You've actually done a good job." Dongfang Bai sighed.

The little girl with two braids has now grown into the "Palace Master Yunmeng" who is famous in the fairyland civilization. Dongfang Bai is quite emotional.

Looking at the fair-skinned and beautiful female cultivator in front of him, Dongfang Bai couldn't help but think of his daughter.

So his emotion deepened.

Dongfang Bai's daughter is called Dong Nichang, the previous palace lord of Tianyi Palace, and the master of Fairy Yunmeng in front of her.

Back then, Dongfang Bai went to the depths of the Immortal Realm for meditation. Especially after receiving the true biography of Taishang Zhenren Laozi, he achieved great success in the field of alchemy.

And laid a solid foundation for his later promotion to the realm of saint.

But when Dongfang Bai returned from the depths of the fairyland, he found that his daughter was missing...

All that is left is a little girl with braids, struggling to maintain the normal operation of Tianyi Palace.

At that time, Dongfang Bai also asked Fairy Yunmeng where her master had gone.

Fairy Yunmeng said that after the master left with a group of people, he never came back.

Later, Dongfang Bai, who had reached the realm of a saint, gradually vaguely guessed where his daughter had gone because he studied under Lao Tzu and had a deeper understanding of the astral realm.



Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh.

Looking at Fairy Yunmeng in front of him, Dongfang Bairuo felt something and couldn't help but said: "As the Dragon Clan of the Fairyland joins the war train of the wizard civilization, the stability that our Fairyland has maintained for tens of thousands of years will also be broken."

"The major Taoist tribunals of saints and the celestial tribunals of all parties will inevitably end up one after another after this."

"Even the demon clan and Buddhism will not settle down."

"At this time when the tide is about to rise, when changes and storms are coming, your strength is still a bit weak, including in the field of alchemy. If possible, it is best to strengthen it again."

"I have several furnaces of seven-marked purple gold elixirs that have been refined. You can go get them later and see if you can try to hit the quasi-sage in a short time."

"Master!" Palace Master Yunmeng's eyes flashed with emotion.

"What's the success rate of your Sixth Transformation Golden Pill?" Dongfang Bai held up his right hand and asked immediately.

"Probably only 30%." Palace Master Yunmeng lowered his head and replied.

The 30% rate of elixir formation is actually quite high!

After all, this is an elixir that can have a great recovery effect on Daluo Jinxian and quasi-saint level experts.

No wonder Tianyi Palace has a special status in the fairyland civilization.

While saint-level powerhouses rarely took action, Palace Master Yunmeng was able to defeat most of the well-known powerhouses in the Immortal Realm with her alchemy skills.

And there are people who can refine saint-level elixirs, and Tianyigong is not without them.

The Dongfang Bai in front of him is just a ready-made living person.

Dongfang Bai then said: "Then in the next period of time, in addition to practicing Taoism, you will also start to study and refine the seven-turn golden elixir with me."

Palace Master Yunmeng nodded respectfully and said, "Yes."

Looking at the female cultivator who was growing up in front of him, Dongfang Bai couldn't help but said, "I have always regarded you as my daughter."

"Master..." Palace Master Yunmeng said with a moved expression.

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