The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1904 Dragon Clan Army

In addition to visiting these three Taoist masters.

Among the members of this envoy who were sent out, there are still people who need to contact the demon clan, dragon clan, blood sea asura clan and other forces of the fairyland civilization in the future.

This is not to say that the wizarding civilization will immediately receive assistance from the demon clan and other forces, but it is to lay a foundation first so that it will be easier to speak in the future.

Moreover, the wizard civilization does not want to bring the entire fairyland civilization onto the chariot.

After all, this is the war of the wizard civilization itself. If too many strong players from other worlds are attracted to arrive, the issue of distribution of spoils of the civilized war will also be a troublesome matter.

The wizard civilization also has to worry about whether there will be some situations where the tail is too big to lose after too many fairyland legions arrive.

Therefore, for example, the powerful Buddhists and wizard civilization did not take the initiative to contact them this time.

In fact, the wizarding world has a good relationship with Buddhism.

It's just that it's not so close to the Taoist clan and the demon clan. 🄲

But whether we want to win over Buddhism to participate in this war of civilizations depends on the subsequent war situation.

From the perspective of attribute conflict, when dealing with the Minghe Empire's legions, Buddhist strongmen should be as effective as the light elemental masters in the wizarding world in dealing with those Minghe creatures.

Such a force really shouldn't be wasted.

Palace Master Yunmeng of Tianyi Palace has dealt with Tomov, the sixth-level magician, many times.

After hearing the intention of Tomov and others, Palace Master Yunmeng pondered for a long time, and finally nodded and agreed to Tomov and others' request for a way.

Next, Tomov and others will go to the target fairyland through the major teleportation arrays set up in Qingyang Realm by Tianyi Palace.

It is no exaggeration to say that Tianyi Palace has a direct connection with more than 80% of the well-known cultivation circles in the fairyland.

However, before the Wizard Civilization Envoy could say goodbye and leave from Qingyang Realm.

Space shocks and transmission channel prompts that exploded one after another appeared around the major transmission hubs in Qingyang Realm.

due to space movement


The swing was so violent that billions of creatures in the entire Qingyang Realm felt it.

The sky changes color and the wind picks up.

In the changing tides of mountains and seas, many low-level creatures expressed fear to the people around them.

"I saw a dragon!"

"So many dragons!"


Between the clouds.

Tens of thousands of real dragons were circling and flying.

Since the use of time and space channels is inconsistent, the first to arrive in the Qingyang Realm are the most elite dragon beasts in the Immortal Realm and the ones with the purest bloodlines.

Several master-level power auras fluctuated and appeared in the sky above Qingyang Realm.

These masters have no ill intentions, they are just passing by.

At this moment, a total of five dominant dragon beasts appeared here.

They are: Suanni, Bifan, Negative Xi, Zhulong, and Jiao Demon King.

The appearance of multiple masters directly caused Dongfang Bai, the old sect leader of the previous generation, who was refining elixirs in seclusion in the deepest part of Tianyi Palace, to explode a furnace of seven-turn golden elixirs due to his excitement and external interference!

The news of the explosion of the alchemy furnace did not make Dongfang Bai lose his composure.

He immediately left the alchemy room filled with Samadhi True Fire, not even paying attention to the still burning alchemy ingredients and a furnace of spent elixirs.

To make this saint-level alchemist, who is the true foundation of Tianyi Palace and respected by everyone, lose his composure, it is obvious that the external situation has exceeded his psychology!

In the sky, the five dominant dragon beasts, as outsiders, obviously noticed this powerful native of Qingyang Realm.

The relationship between the Dragon Beast Family and Tianyigong is still good.

After all, the wealth of dragons is


Dongfang Bai and the monks from Tianyi Palace often have to go to various dragon palaces to seek materials if they want to refine some miraculous medicines.

Suan Ni has a somewhat fiery and impetuous temperament and is also the strongest among the five dragon beasts. With a pair of huge fiery red dragon eyes, he immediately saw Dongfang Bai flying out in embarrassment.

He couldn't help laughing and said: "Did we disturb your alchemy?"

"It seems to be a furnace of seven-turn golden elixir. We shouldn't have to pay for it, right?" Suanni asked.

Dongfang Bai asked with a sultry smile, which made Dongfang Bai look back.

The alchemy room where he was, as well as the surrounding buildings, were all reduced to ruins in the furnace explosion just now.

Because the True Fire of Samadhi is too overbearing, the monks in the Tianyi Palace below cannot put out the fire in a short time.

Only those monks from Tianyi Palace who are above the level of immortals have the strength to stop the spread of flames.

After all, Samadhi True Fire is one of the ten sacred fires in the Immortal Realm that has been famous since the ancient times of the Immortal Realm civilization.

So far, there are few newly born flames in the fairyland civilization that can compare with the top ten sacred fires of ancient times.

It's just a furnace of seven-turn golden elixir. Of course Dongfang Bai doesn't have to compensate for these tyrannical and tyrannical Dragon Clan in the Immortal Realm.

Over the past 100,000 years, the Dragon Clan has reversed the decline caused by the Longhan Catastrophe in ancient times.

The entire ethnic group has embarked on the road of rapid development, and even the major fairy courts can't afford to offend the Dragon Clan.

This can be seen just by looking at the several dominant-level dragon beasts that appeared in Qingyang Realm at this time, as well as the number of pure five-clawed true dragons.

And the dragon beasts that appeared at this time were only a few of the fairy dragon beasts brought by Suanni and others.

In addition to these five-clawed true dragons, there are also a large number of three-clawed true dragons, dragons, horned dragons, and horned dragons waiting to be transported behind the time and space channel.


Dragon, Panlong, Yinglong, Mirage Dragon, Kuilong, Aolong, Shaolong and so on.

The genealogy of the Dragon Clan in the Immortal Realm is diverse.

The one with the purest bloodline is the five-clawed true dragon, followed by the three-clawed true dragon.

As for the subsequent dragons, horned dragons, horned dragons, etc., they all belong to side lineages.

In the perception of the wizarding world, it is a "sub-dragon" creature.

But the sub-dragon creatures in the Immortal Realm should not be underestimated.

Wouldn’t the Great Sage Flood Dragon Demon King be promoted to the realm of a saint?

The candle dragon is a dragon type with an extremely rare population, but there are also masters born.

And those sub-dragon creatures, because their bloodline is not pure, although their fertility is difficult, it is much better than purebred true dragons.

This time, the total number of dragon beasts organized by the Immortal Dragon Clan has exceeded tens of millions!

Of course, it is impossible for all of these millions of dragon beasts to be real dragons.

Among them, dragons, horned dragons, horned dragons and other collateral dragon beasts accounted for more than 90%.

In addition, the army organized by the Immortal Domain Dragon Clan is more than this.

In the fairyland civilization, for more than 100,000 years, every dragon beast that has been promoted to the fourth level or above has the qualifications to build a dragon palace.

Since there is a dragon palace, there must be shrimp soldiers, crab generals, various water systems, and even a few terrestrial creatures as vassal subordinates.

These shrimp soldiers, crab generals and dragon palace servants can be regarded as the cannon fodder army organized by the dragon clan in the fairyland.

Add up all these legions, and the number is exaggerated!

It is not an exaggeration to say that there is an army of billions!

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