The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1903 The situation in the fairyland

Fairyland civilization.

Qingyang Realm.

As a cultivation world with extremely profound historical heritage and development background, the prosperity of Qingyang Realm is not much different from those famous large-scale cultivation worlds.

This was once the most important transit world for exchanges between the Fairyland Civilization and the Wizarding Civilization.

The reason why exchanges with the wizarding civilization have gradually decreased in recent years is because of the internal problems of the fairyland civilization itself.

The various forces and the Taoist Court of Saints are attracted to each other, and there are also faint signs of Buddhism leaving the fairyland.

All in all, if there is no external threat coming or the stimulation of some special pressure.

In recent years, the fairyland civilization that has developed and expanded to a certain extent may first usher in a civil war!

After all, this is a powerful civilization with only three powers: Buddhism, Taoism, and Demons. If they are separated, each of them will be close to rivaling the top civilization in the early stages of the other. 🅆

Among them, the Taoist sect is the strongest, followed by the Buddhist sect, and the demon clan is the weakest.

In addition to these three parties, there are many factions within the fairyland civilization, as well as some individual sage courts.

Such as the Dragon Clan, Phoenix Clan, Qilin Clan, Wu Clan, Blood Sea Asura Clan, etc., all of them are powerful!

There are also the Great Immortal Zhen Yuanzi, the ancestor of the Earth Immortal, and the Shushan Sword Sect, etc., all of which are very popular in the fairyland civilization.

In fact, it is said that a civil war will break out in the fairyland, but it is unlikely in the short term.

Because Buddha, Taoism, demons, various saints, Taoist courts, and various fairy courts are all too deeply involved.

Even the immortal realm experts from different Taoist courts and races, upon closer inspection, they are all inextricably linked to each other.

Take the Seven Great Saints as an example. They are famous top experts among the demon clan in the Immortal Realm, but each of them has different forces involved behind them.

The Great Sage Bull Demon King Pingtian has a close relationship with the Jie Jiao in the Taoist sect.

The great sage Jiao Demon King who has overturned the sea is constantly involved with the ancient dragon clan.

The Great Sage Huntian, the Golden-winged Dapeng, has a close relationship with the Phoenix Clan.

The Great Sage The Lion and the Camel King has something to do with Buddhism.


The Ventilated Monkey King communicates frequently with the Wa Palace.

The great sage who drives away gods, King Yu Tao, has an obscure relationship with the ancient witch clan.

The Monkey King has more connections. He has close ties with Buddhism, Taoism, and the demon clan, and he also has some connections with the Blood Sea Asura clan.

In his early years, I heard that this great sage forced his way through the underworld of reincarnation in the prehistoric world. I don't know why.

But in the end, we didn't see those powerful wizards who were responsible for maintaining the normal operation of the reincarnation underworld doing anything to him.

More importantly, this so-called "most powerful saint" has a deep connection with the wizard civilization.

This is true even for the Seven Saints who have always had their own way of doing things, respected the king of the land, and dared to challenge the major immortal courts.

One can imagine how complicated the situation of other forces and individuals must be.

Under such circumstances, if a civil war breaks out in the fairyland civilization in the short term, how can it be fought? How to fight again?

When it comes to war, it's almost always one's own people fighting their own people.

Even Buddhism and Taoism, which have had the most intense conflict in the past ten thousand years.

Some of the top experts among them, and even saint-level beings, might have learned from the same school back then!

Respecting teachers and caring for fellow disciples is also a long-standing fine tradition in the fairyland civilization.

Therefore, the fairyland civilization has always maintained this extremely complex and stable state.

The term "Seven Great Sages" is actually somewhat inaccurate.

To be precise, the current Immortal Realm civilization has eight great saints.

The last one is called the Great Sage Motian, who is said to be a bull demon named Li Qingshan.

His strength is second only to the Monkey King, and is said to be stronger than the Monkey King, the Monkey King.

It may be because they are both bull demons. According to rumors, among the several great sages, the Great Sage Demonic Sky has the best relationship with the Great Sage Pingtian.

There are also rumors that the Great Sage Motian and the Great Sage Qitian have the best relationship.

But what the specific situation is, ordinary middle and bottom creatures have no idea at all.

Because the eight great saints are all master-level experts, standing at the pinnacle and overlooking the top existence of all living beings.

In the fairyland civilization, dominant creatures are often revered as "saints".

This is an era where saints stand side by side!

The fairyland civilization has developed to a period of prosperity unprecedented in its past.

And this prosperity is continuing and has a trend of becoming more prosperous!

For the immortal monks, this may also be the best era.

The most famous Taoist palace in Qingyang Realm is Tianyi Palace.

This is a holy alchemy sect that is very famous throughout the Immortal Realm.

Not to mention the foundation-building, golden elixir, and Nascent Soul monks below the fourth level, even the immortals above the fourth level frequently come here.

It is said that there were saint-level experts who came to Tianyi Palace to seek elixirs.

I just don’t know if it’s true. Anyway, it’s difficult for the bottom creatures to have access to it.

The contemporary palace lord of Tianyi Palace is respectfully called "Palace Lord Yunmeng".

This is a Daluo Jinxian-level monk, corresponding to the sixth level of star power.

Palace Master Yunmeng treats people very well. Ever since he took over the position of Palace Master 200,000 years ago, he has worked hard to develop Tianyi Palace.

A good person once wrote a book to select the "Top Ten Fairies in the Immortal Realm", and the Yunmeng Palace Master was selected to be among the list.

However, the person who wrote the book was said to be a Xuanxian-level monk, but later he disappeared without a trace, and his life and death were unknown.

(ps: Xuanxian is level 5, Celestial Immortal is level 4, and quasi-sage corresponds to level 6 peak.)

Some people speculate that the unlucky guy was directly wiped out by a female cultivator who was not on the list, or by some forces.

After all, he is just a mysterious immortal.

He is also worthy of being selected as one of the "Ten Immortals"


Great Fairy"?

But the book written by that guy has been passed down through various channels.

Putting aside some subjective factors, from an objective point of view, the book written by that guy still makes some sense.

At least the top ten fairies in the Immortal Realm written in his book are indeed all like fishes and geese, and the moon is shy of flowers. They are generally very popular and highly respected by the general public.

Today, as the master of Tianyi Palace, Palace Master Yunmeng received a group of visitors from a distant wizard civilization.

Qingyang Realm has had intermittent contact with the wizarding civilization over the years.

Especially for the prosperity of Qingyang Realm, in addition to the background blessing of alchemy holy places such as Tianyi Palace, this cultivation world also plays a large role as an important communication hub between wizard civilization and fairyland civilization.

At least Palace Master Yunmeng can talk to many powerful people in the wizarding civilization, and even true spirits and master-level beings.

Among the group of wizards and civilized visitors who came to Qingyang Realm today, several were acquaintances of Palace Master Yunmeng.

To say they are "visitors" is not quite correct.

Because this time they represent the wizard civilization and come to the fairyland to ask for help.

To be precise, it should be called an envoy.

The leader of this envoy, named Tomov, is a sixth-level dark magician from the Western Islands.

The envoy he led was assigned by Ms. Bev to meet with the Duobao Tianzun, the White-browed Sage, and the Antarctic Immortal Emperor of the fairyland civilization.

These beings, without exception, are all famous master-level powerhouses in the Immortal Realm Civilization.

The master-level powerhouses that the Wizarding Civilization seeks help from the Fairyland Civilization are certainly not just two or three.

But after winning over these powerful men, the sects they represent and other powerful men with interests will probably follow suit.

From the broad division of force components, the wizard civilization is mainly seeking help from the Taoist forces of the fairyland civilization.

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