The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1894 Law Node

Gongsun Wudi's Chinese army camp was at the very center of the Rong Yue world.

It is also the last city in this plane that has the most intense resistance.

The two sixth-level creatures in the world of Rong Yue, the King of Shan Yue and the Di Jian of Rong Di, are engaged in a trapped beast fight here.

In addition, the plane navel and guardian of the Rong Yue world seem to be nearby here.

When Thain arrived, the raging war had not stopped for a moment.

Gongsun Wudi was not the only level six creature sent by the Tianming Empire to this battlefield.

When Gongsun Wudi retreated to rest for a while, it was time for others to step up.

Not giving any respite to the creatures in the Rongyue world makes the resistance of the creatures in the Rongyue world weaker and weaker.

When Thain saw Gongsun Wudi, she was sitting in the middle of the tent listening to reports on the battlefield situation in other planes in the Rongyue Star Territory.

The Rong Yue civilization has nearly two hundred planes with complete rules, and there are already more than 170 planes, completely under the control of the Tianming Empire Legion.

In the remaining planes, the war situation is mostly good.

As long as the Tianming Empire can quickly end the war in the Rong Yue world, the resistance of the remaining resistance forces in other planes will also be greatly reduced due to the influence of this central battlefield.

After quickly handling the business at hand, Gongsun Wudi looked up at Thain.

"Master Thain has performed well on the northern battlefield in recent years." Gongsun Wudi said with a smile.

This sixth-level peak powerhouse rarely seemed to smile.

Most of the time, he maintains a calm and heroic temperament.

But when she smiled, even Thain couldn't help but be stunned.

This is indeed a unique woman. She is different from many members of the opposite sex that Thain has come into contact with before. The main difference is in temperament.

Seeing this, Thain kept a low profile and made no statement.

He was in the Rong Yue Dynasty


He went all out on the world battlefield just to help the Tianming Empire end this war faster.

Gongsun Wudi then said: "Master Thain, the kind of magic you performed on the battlefield before should be called a 'forbidden curse', right?"

"I hope you can release it again. This time the target is the navel of the world of Rong Yue."

"However, I don't want you to completely destroy the plane navel of this world."

"Rather than destroying a world, I would rather occupy this place and develop the value of this medium-sized plane."

"Destruction is not the goal, profit is." Gongsun Wudi said softly.

After hearing this, Thane thought for a moment and said in a deep voice: "The power of forbidden spells is generally very powerful, especially in the impact of some details, which I cannot easily control."

"Compared to using forbidden spells to bombard the plane navel of this medium-sized world, I am more inclined to suggest finding out where the various plane nodes of this world are, and then stimulating the plane nodes to make this world weaken in advance. Expect."

"If you have a better grasp of the power of elements and laws, you won't even cause too heavy damage to this plane afterwards." Thain replied.

He is really specialized in the arts. Gongsun Wudi is stronger than Thain, but he may not be able to surpass Thain in some professional fields.

In other words, the entire martial arts civilization's understanding of the nodes of plane laws, especially some operating laws involving the truth and mysteries, is not as thorough as the wizard civilization's research.

It just so happened that Thain had experience in labeling and analyzing plane nodes before.

This time it's just that the planes involved are larger, and the law nodes are much more complex and mysterious.

for saine

For me, this is also a good experience.

"Oh? If this is really possible, then it will be a problem for Master Thain."

"On behalf of the Tianming Empire, I will pay you a salary." Gongsun Wudi said.

Thain tasted the meaning of the word "salary", then shook his head and said: "I don't need any reward, I just hope that after the war in the military world ends, your civilization can focus on cooperation with our wizarding world. "

"This is natural." Gongsun Wudi nodded.

After leaving Gongsun Wudi, Thain's war mission in the world of Rong Yue changed again.

The plane nodes that Thain mainly marked were those located around the navel of the plane.

Because the closer the law node is to the navel of the plane, the deeper its influence on the entire plane.

The creatures in the Rong Yue world cannot guarantee their ownership near the navel of the plane, which further marks their weakness and powerlessness.

In addition to Thain's own personal bodyguard Fumila, the Tianming Empire later sent a sizable legion and many strong men above level four to provide protection around Thain.

There is still some danger here in the Navel of the Plane.

The guardian of this world has not bowed to the Tianming Empire so far.

But a guardian who is only a fifth-level life level, after receiving the blessing of the power of the plane, is strong enough to rival any sixth-level creature.

In fact, Thain didn't feel the need for anyone to protect him at first.

With the concealing ability of the Phaseless Mask and the personal protection of Fumila, it would be easy for them to escape if they encountered any abnormal situation.

In Thain's opinion, it is a good idea to carry out labeling and transformation activities of plane nodes relatively secretly.



Immediately afterwards, Thain discovered that these powerful men from the Tianming Empire were not only here to protect Thain, but were even suspected of "stealing teachers."

Thain was relieved and said nothing more.

While Thain was observing and studying the Tianming Empire, it was obvious that the Tianming Empire was also curious about newcomers from the wizarding world like Thain.

Those who are familiar with the wizarding civilization are the older generation of strong men from the Tianming Empire.

Young beings like Gongsun Wudi and those who grew up in the Tianming Empire in modern times have almost never been exposed to magicians from the wizarding civilization, so they will naturally be curious about him.

Thain did not think that just a brief contact could allow these powerful people from the Tianming Empire to understand the true meaning of wizard civilization and the essence of magic.

And when it comes to some more personal truth application techniques, Thain will also deliberately cover up.

Yuntai Mountain, this is an area marked on the map of the Tianming Empire, and it is also the location of a plane node that Thain is measuring.

The Tianming Empire seems to be quite impatient. This medium-sized plane has not been completely occupied by them, but the division of various regions and even the establishment of counties and cities seem to have been planned.

Standing on the top of Yuntai Mountain, overlooking the green land below.

Thain found that the plane self-adjustment and repair capabilities of the Rong Yue world were quite good.

It is obvious that the fierce war has been going on in this medium-sized world for hundreds of years, but at this moment, at least looking down from a high place, the area around the Navel of the Plane is still a vibrant and beautiful scene.

But as Thain inserted a magic pole at hand into the soil beneath his feet, the special magic array echoed the nodes that Thain had previously marked in other areas.

Thain knew that this quiet, beautiful and vibrant scene was going to disappear temporarily.

"Currently monthly ticket 1463"

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