The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1893 The booming period

The battle against the level five Rong Yue creatures went quite quickly. {What? You don’t know yet|Read COM, read the chapters without mistakes|Hurry up and Google them}

This is how battles between high-level life forms above Level 4 are. If one party is trying to escape or engages in a tug-of-war, it is very likely that life and death will not be determined for more than ten years, or even decades.

But if both sides fight desperately, especially if one of them refuses to retreat, the battle can easily end.

This extremely reckless level five military creature was eventually reduced to a corpse under the combined attack of Thain and Fumila.

Except for a section of the opponent's arm that was cut off by Fumila, which was kept as a collection of Thane's specimens.

After the battle, there was not even a single intact area on the surface of the corpse of this level five military creature.

Almost all of them were injuries caused by energy beams penetrating through them, as well as burn marks after being burned by fire magic.

"This is a bloody level five creature."

"Such high-level life forms are rare in the star world." After putting away the remains of the corpses of the fifth-level Jungle creatures, Thain said to Fumila who was flying over.

Fumila was still taciturn.

In normal communication, unless Thain takes the initiative to ask her a question, Fumila will not respond to words like sighs.

However, observing Fumila's eyes and the way she looked at Thain seriously at this time, it was obvious that she heard Thain's emotion and was thinking about something in her heart.

When Thain and others ended the battle here, the outcome of another level four battle outside Jushan City on the other side had not yet been determined.

The battle going on over there was the fourth-level general of the cavalry army and another fourth-level military creature.

There is also the God of Mu Saliva doing odd jobs next to him, but this guy's combat prowess is really not worth mentioning.

The real talent of the God of Dusk Saliva is his communication and interstellar trade abilities.

When he returns to the wizarding civilization in the future, maybe this guy can become the goddess of wealth's right-hand man.

After Thain ended the battle, he did not immediately go to help the cavalry general.

as a magician


After arriving at this slightly unfamiliar battlefield, his instinctive reaction was to first observe and analyze the situation on the surrounding battlefields and the characteristics of both warring parties.

Thain, a creature from the world of Rong Yue, has previously observed that the opponent uses more of a training system similar to the power of blood.

As for the creatures in the Tianming Empire in front of them, the cultivation system they master should also be some kind of "Qi".

This kind of "qi" is somewhat similar to the fighting spirit practiced by wizards and civilized knights, and also somewhat similar to the blood energy of creatures in the Rong Yue world.

In addition to the "qi" he cultivated, Thain also discovered that these creatures of the Tianming Empire paid special attention to "skills" and "battle formation" coordination.

If we say that the creatures in the world of Rong Yue are more pure savagery and violence.

Then the performance of the creatures of the Tianming Empire in the plane war is more like an "art".

Their fighting moves are all gorgeous and complex.

And when Thain was observing the battle of the fourth-level cavalry general, Thain vaguely discovered that there seemed to be some rules contained in the opponent's moves.

Just from the different performances of both sides, we can basically conclude who will have the last laugh in this war.

The cultivation system of the Tianming Empire is obviously more complete, and the understanding of the power of laws by strong people above level 4 far exceeds that of the wild creatures in the Rong Yue world.

This is a repressive battle with unequal strength.

During this period, Thain also looked towards the battlefield in the center of the plane from time to time.

The strongest person in the Tianming Empire in this star field should be the invincible general that Thain saw before.

But in the world of Rong Yue, Thane, through the Mask of Formlessness, only felt a late-level sixth-level creature, lingering in the center of the plane.

This medium-sized plane war should not last many years.

Three years later,

The Yuangu grassland area in the north of the Rong Yue world.

A large number of Tianming Empire tents were set up here. These tents were lined up in rows and were very neat and orderly.

In contrast, the territory belonging to the creatures in the Rong Yue world was in chaos.

On the grasslands, you can often see the vigorous wild beasts raised by the indigenous creatures of the Rong Yue world, running around because they are unattended.

The dead bodies and mutilated limbs of indigenous creatures can also be seen everywhere.

The battle that took place on this grassland was almost over.

Thain's war cooperation with the Tianming Empire Legion in recent years has been very pleasant.

For those powerful people in the Tianming Empire, Thane, a "strangely dressed" man wearing a magic robe, is very low-key and silent in most cases.

Thain's performance on the battlefield, especially his large-scale long-range magic methods, made many Tianming Empire soldiers feel at ease.

Although the Tianming Empire has also developed long-range offensive war equipment.

But after Thane saw their "Wind-Breaking Crossbow", "Vulcan Cannon" and other creations.

It was found that although these Tianming Empire war artifacts also have certain civilizational characteristics, and it seems that the Tianming Empire has also developed certain magic pattern seal carving skills, they are still much behind the wizard civilization as a whole.

In comparison, the Tianming Empire's attack formations, mount cultivation, and the warriors' understanding of the rules in the field of skills were what made Thain's eyes shine.

"Master Thain, the general invites you to go to the Chinese army's camp to talk." On this day, the fourth-level general of the cavalry army walked to Thain's camp and said.

The large tent has been transformed into a simple laboratory by Thain from the inside.

After hearing the message from the fourth-level general, Thain walked out of the camp and replied: "It's General Tuoba, um, I understand."

Outside the camp is a scene of green grass. The environment of this medium-sized world is beautiful.

A black-armored general who looked like an iron tower stood outside the camp.


The fourth-level general of the Cavalry Army is named Tuoba Hong. He is a powerful and powerful fourth-level man. In the previous war, he once pierced the heart of a fourth-level creature in the Rong Yue World with one shot.

Thain also has good senses about Tuoba Hong, since he said that he usually needs to rest and doesn't like to be disturbed by others.

Every time General Tuoba Hong came to see Thain, he would notify him in advance outside the camp.

This is another characteristic of the creatures from the Tianming Empire discovered by Thane - they are all restrained and polite.

The "great general" Tuoba Hong refers to is naturally Gongsun Wudi.

Before setting out to conquer the world of Rong Yue, she was given absolute leadership on the battlefield by her brother, the current Emperor of the Tianming Empire.

Before I knew it, it had been three years since I came to Rongyue World to join the war.

Thane's understanding of the Tianming Empire has also gone one step further.

The strongest person in the Tianming Empire should be His Majesty the current Emperor, also known as the "Martial Emperor".

However, in the recent tens of thousands of years of the Tianming Empire's history, there were very few cases where the Emperor Wu went on a personal expedition.

Starting from 30,000 years ago, it was almost Gongsun Wudi who conquered the north and south, and made unparalleled achievements for the Tianming Empire.

Therefore, whether in the military or among the people, the sister of His Majesty the Emperor Wu has great prestige and popularity.

Regarding this situation, Thain judged that the emperor would not take action, not only due to the influence of the history and traditional concepts of the Tianming Empire, but also because the Tianming Empire did not seem to have encountered any significant opponents in the surrounding area for the time being.

Take Gongsun Wudi as an example. In 30,000 years, she led the Tianming Empire Legion to destroy more than ten civilizations and occupied thousands of planes with complete rules.

The vast majority of world civilizations are just small, micro worlds.

There seem to be only four medium-sized world civilizations, including the current Rong Yue world.

This is a prosperous civilization that is in a period of continuous development and rise.

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