The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1895 The War of Rong Yue

The navel of the world of Rongyue is located - the Mountain of Nine Abyss.

This is the birthplace of the Rongyue world race and civilization.

Countless gray-white mountains gather here.

This area does not seem to have much greenery and vitality, but it gave birth to the ancestors of almost all native creatures in the Rongyue world.

In the gap between the mountains and the cliffs, the grass grows vigorously, representing the tenacity and unyielding side of the creatures in the Rongyue world.

The rivers rushing through the gaps between the mountains represent the heroic qualities of this world's creatures swallowing up the wilderness.

This is a medium-sized world civilization that is incomparable with nature and follows primitive survival methods.

But since the iron hooves of the Tianming Empire's army came here, everything has changed.

The top of the Nine Abyss.

Guardian Bai Ma Ronglu looked at the blue sky with a mostly melancholy expression.

As a fifth-level creature that masters the origin of plant laws and has extremely abundant blood energy in his body, Bai Ma Ronglu still has a very eye-catching circular scar on his lower back.

These were the injuries caused to it by the strongest member of the Tianming Empire Legion.

Just one blow severely damaged Baima Ronglu.

It even smelled the breath of death at that moment.

But the strong man from the Tianming Empire didn't seem to have any intention of killing Bai Ma Ronglu, so he escaped back.

So far, he has stayed around the navel of the plane fearfully.

In fact, with the strength of the Tianming Empire, it can completely level the Jiuyuan Mountain.

But they did not do this, but only kept targeting the King of Shanyue and Rongdi Dihuan who were still resisting.

As Gongsun Wubai said to Thane, destruction is not the goal, profit is.

A ruined Rong Yue world is not what the Tianming Empire wants.

"Guardian, what are you looking at?" A four-legged creature with spikes on its back said


Super creature, he approached Baima Ronglu and asked respectfully.

This level four creature also had extremely heavy injuries on its hind legs, with traces of blood oozing out from it.

In fact, at this time, there were almost no strong people in the entire Rongyue world who were not injured.

The guardian Bai Ma Ronglu did not answer. It was still looking at the sky, and a sad atmosphere lingered between the empty world.

After a moment, the spiked level 4 creature continued: "Lord Guardian, Caiyu Feidie may be dying..."

Caiyu Feidie is also a native fourth-level creature in the Rongyue world that has arrived near the navel of the plane. She was once an extremely lively existence and brought joy to many creatures in the Rongyue world.

At present, the creatures above level 4 in the Rongyue world are roughly divided into two groups.

One faction is extremely strong and brave.

They followed the King of Shanyue and Rongdi Dihuang, stubbornly resisting the attack of the Tianming Empire's army, and have not given up to this day.

The other faction, led by the guardian Bai Ma Ronglu, gathered near the navel of the plane, resisting the Tianming Empire's army, hoping to leave some plane seeds behind.

In fact, both groups of indigenous creatures are full of hostility and resistance to the Tianming Empire.

But the difference is that the creatures on the guardian side are generally lower in strength and have a slightly weaker will.

The words of the spiked level four creature finally brought the guardian back to his senses.

It slowly walked down from the top of the mountain and came to the side of the spiked fourth-level creature. It lowered its head, pulled out a piece of green grass from its horn, and handed it to the spiked creature.

The guardian white horse Ronglu looks like a horse, but it also seems to be a half-plant, half-flesh creature.

at its head

The horns on the top of the skull are actually an extremely lush cluster of top-level plant treasures.

This kind of velvet grass represents one of the top restorative resources in the Rongyue world.

But as the war in Rong Yue World progresses, the guardian Bai Ma Rong Lu is becoming more and more "bald".

"Give this velvet grass to..." Bai Ma Ronglu hadn't finished his words yet.

Sudden! Mountains and rivers change color!

The power of special rules sweeps through the surrounding areas of Jiuyuan Mountain!

The originally blue and traceless sky turned into a pale yellow due to the extremely panicked expressions of the native creatures near the Navel of the Plane.

At the same time, with the navel of the plane as the origin, the surrounding large areas of forest, grassland, shrubs and other vegetation show obvious signs of withering!

An aura of decay suddenly echoed across the sky.

The sudden change in rules will undoubtedly have a huge impact on the world of Rong Yue.

For the guardian himself, the impact was even more profound.

A mouthful of blood gushes out from Baima Ronglu's mouth.

Not caring about tending to the injuries inside his body, Bai Marong staggered and hurriedly turned around and jumped to the top of the mountain.

Standing on the top of the Nine Abyss and looking in all directions to the west, I saw that not only the area near the navel of the plane where the Top of the Nine Abyss is located, but also a few other directions in the world of Rong Yue, there are also such regular phenomena.

A large area of ​​decay appeared in the guardian's field of vision.

In its smart eyes, it seemed to see the suffering of trillions of creatures in the world of Rong Yue.

The wails of these creatures also lingered in his ears.

"It's over..." A drop of sticky blood dripped from the corner of the guardian's furry mouth.

This fifth-level creature, which represents the incarnation of the will of the world of Rong Yue, has an expression full of despair and self-blame at this time.



In the center of the battlefield.

The royal city of Rongyue.

The ancient, thousands-meter-tall giant city has been dilapidated in years of war.

A large number of ruins and boulder debris are scattered everywhere, silently telling how fierce this battle was.

A giant golden retriever was lying weakly on the ground.

His originally tyrannical mid-sixth level power level was now so weak that only a trace of free energy remained.

Not far from it, the late-level sixth-level Shanyue King was half kneeling on the ground. He threw out one of his black giant axes in anger.

The sharp and heavy giant ax could chop down even mountains, but it was easily knocked away by a strong man from the Tianming Empire wearing platinum armor.

In terms of combat skills and understanding of the power of law, this strong man from the Tianming Empire surpassed the King of Shangoe who could only use brute force by more than one margin.

The distinction between superior and inferior has long been made, and even life and death will soon be revealed.

After losing the blessing from the will of the plane and the power of the original rules of the plane, these two native sixth-level creatures from the Rong Yue world seemed so powerless in front of the powerful people of the Tianming Empire.

In front of the King of Shanyue, a strong man from the Tianming Empire wearing a white-gold battle armor took off his metal helmet.

It's Gongsun Wudi.

This sixth-level peak woman couldn't help but look at the sky at this moment.

Under the dim yellow sunset, the remaining blood was still there.

The lonely roar of the King of Shanyue, the weak groan of Rongdi Dihuan, and the legions of the Tianming Empire with numerous banners formed a vivid portrait of all living beings.

Gongsun Wudi is wearing battle armor, with long hair flowing.

The spear in his hand buzzed.

Her shadow grew longer and longer in the dim yellow sunlight.

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