The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1892 Don’t die

War has never been about justice or evil. It only brings destruction and death.

When the forbidden spell magic of "Meteor and Fire Shower" covered the giant mountain city in the world of Rong Yue, the entire city soon turned into a sea of ​​purgatory fire.

Although the world of Rongyue is a medium-sized plane, its overall development progress is not superior.

How can there be so many special civilizations with great potential in the star world?

The vast majority of planes and civilizations are just "mediocre".

When faced with the attack of Thane's forbidden spell, in addition to the totem poles originally set up around the giant mountain city, some jointly released a pale white totem shadow to resist.

The creatures of the Rong Yue world do not show other better ways of coping.

When the defenses of the giant mountain city, which had long been attacked by the Tianming Empire's legions, were broken, the end of the Rong Yue creatures near the city was about to come!

Countless indigenous creatures watched in horror as the fiery meteorites descended from the sky until they met the end of their lives.

"Asshole, I'll kill you!" With a thundering roar, a ferocious fifth-level creature from the Rong Yue world shouldered Fumila's energy cannon and launched a desperate charge towards Thain.

For this Level 5 creature in the Rong Yue world, he is protecting his homeland.

A large area of ​​his people and compatriots was bloodbathed, which aroused the violence deep in this guy's heart.

Now even if he was asked to drag Thain to death together, this guy wouldn't frown at all.

The creatures in the Rong Yue world are generally upright in character. They will show their violent and savage side when dealing with conquered slaves and alien civilizations.

But for their own people and fellow creatures, these creatures from the Rongyue world still have a strong sense of belonging.

The war in the Tianming Empire has been going on for five hundred years, and at least until now, there has been no incident of anyone escaping from battle in the Rongyue world.

For these creatures from the Rong Yue world, even the hostile Tianming Empire would have some respect for their bravery.


The fifth-level creature from the military plane that was rushing towards Thane was also a humanoid species. The muscles on his body were bulging like bulges.

After entering the fighting state, he has a physique of hundreds of meters, and just one arm is nearly a hundred meters long.

But the guy in front of him should not only be in a "fighting state", he should be in a "mad state".

The opponent's reckless charge has proven that he has lost his mind.

And dealing with this kind of enemy is the least technical.

Moreover, during the charge of the opponent, Thain observed and analyzed his body posture and concluded that this guy's passive evolution and the way of beating his body should be "unscientific".

This is an imperfectly evolved fifth-level creature. His so-called bravery is just meaningless suicide in front of Thane.

There was no need for Thain to take action. Fumila, who was blocking the opponent, saw that many of his energy cannons had passed through him, but still failed to intercept his charging action.

Therefore, Fumila's shoulders and the mechanical muzzles on the left and right sides of the metal wings slowly contracted and stretched back.

A dazzling white lightsaber immediately appeared from Fumila's right hand.

Waving the lightsaber in front of her chest, the eight metal wings behind Fumila suddenly spread out, and she appeared in front of this level five military creature almost instantly.

The lightsaber, flashing with a cold light, struck straight at the body of the fifth-level Rong Yue creature.

Because the speed is too fast, and the fifth-level Rong Yue creature almost moves forward without looking back.

To outsiders, it felt as if this strong guy was actively ramming Fumila's lightsaber.


Faced with a mechanical angel that is far more powerful than himself, can the fifth-level Rongyue creature still survive?

There is avoidance.

A thick 100-meter-long muscle arm fell downwards from the sky under the cut of Fumila's lightsaber.

A pouring rain of blood swayed across the sky.

A large amount of scarlet blood spurted out from the severed arm of this military creature, which was enough to show how abundant this guy's blood power was.

The opponent's arm was chopped off with one blow, and Fumila was also a little surprised.

Although level 6 creatures are enough to crush level 5 creatures, the opponent is not so "vulnerable".

However, the Rongyue creature, with hot blood spurting out from its severed arm, continued to rush towards Thain without any weakening after suffering a blow from Fumila!

This is the real purpose of this guy!

Even at the cost of losing an arm, he would take revenge on Thane for the forbidden curse just now!

Fumila's reaction speed was also very fast. She quickly retracted her metal wings and returned to Thain again.

It's just that the level 5 Rong Yue creature's charged attack has already been launched.

The weapon used by this Rongyue strongman is a weapon that is exclusive to the Rongyue world, similar to a mace. The head of the club has sharp hooks and barbs.

With the remaining arm, swung with great force and combined with a special law factor, a jet-black mace fell from the sky and hit Thain directly.

If it were an ordinary fifth-level magician, this blow would cause him to vomit three liters of blood even if he didn't die.

I'm really scared, I'm scared for my life.

The level five Rongyue creature in front of him was obviously the type that "didn't care about his life".

For such a strong person, even if you are a genius from the top civilization, you will still be torn off a piece of flesh and blood by the opponent accidentally.

After a short breath, Thain, who had just released the forbidden spell level magic, was not caught off guard because the eight-winged angel Fumila intercepted and blocked this difficult opponent for him.


It was obviously too late to release the magic interception again.

When Thain saw this, he completed the transformation into the Ash Demon in an instant and waved his magic wand directly to meet him.

Thain's magic wand has also experienced countless strengthening by him.

Especially after the previous exploration of the secret realm of Aiyoulandie Civilization, Thane incorporated many rare metals.

But at this time, when he hit a level five Rong Yue creature head-on, he heard a loud "Cang!"

This magic wand, which has been with Thain for many years, actually had a small crack on its body under such a huge collision and the impact of the law!

Sure enough, the magic wand is used to release magic, not just to hit people casually.

Although Thain has strengthened the hardness of his magic wand many times, this thing is not a stick for hitting people after all.

Of course, the presence of fine cracks in Thane's magic wand also marked from the side the fact that this fifth-level military creature was in a state of madness. How powerful was the attack he just made!

Thain felt sorry for his magic wand and lamented the powerful power of the Rong Yue creature in front of him.

The crazy Rong Yue creature opposite Thane couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

His first reaction was how this thin guy suddenly transformed into such a strong and ferocious form.

The second reaction was, why is this guy so strong?

Not caring about the cracks in his magic wand, Thain then took out a huge hammer from his side, specially used for alchemy experiments.

In terms of size and weight, this alchemical hammer is not inferior to the mace in the hands of Rong Yue creatures.

While the guy was slightly dazed, Thane, holding the alchemy hammer in his hand, struck hard at the opponent's head.

At the same time, Fumila's attack from behind also came.

The offensive cooperation between master and servant reached perfection at this moment.

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