The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1891 Meteor Shower (more updates)

The war of our own civilization is not over yet, and we actually want to help other civilizations advance their wars.

It's pretty fucked up that this happened to Thane.

However, after thinking for a moment, Thain agreed to the Invincible General's request.

Because Thane had no choice.

And in the long run, the war in this medium-sized star field is coming to an end.

If Thane can really bring back a powerful world civilization army to reinforce the wizarding world, his contribution to this military world will really be nothing compared to the help of the entire Tianming Empire to the wizarding civilization.

Gongsun Wudi was also a level 6 peak expert who was quick to talk and quick to talk. She then sent Thain to the First Division of the Cavalry Army.

After hearing that Thane also had a group of star thieves, she immediately issued an order to allow the God of Dusk and others to arrive in the world of Rong Yue.

The dominant native race in the Rong Yue world is also a humanoid creature.

However, their physiques are larger. The average Rongyue people are two to three meters tall. If they are successful warriors, it is very easy to reach a height of about five meters.

When seeing these Rongyue people, Thain couldn't help but think of the Titans of the wizard civilization.

These Rongyue people can be called "little giants".

One of the biggest differences from the giants in the Titan world is that creatures in the Rongyue world generally like to have long hair on the back of their heads and fix it with special accessories. This should be a unique custom in the Rongyue world.

When it comes to using weapons, people in Rongyue generally prefer heavy weapons that are convenient and easy to carry, and many of them drive giant beasts.

The main cultivation system adopted by the creatures in the Rong Yue world is a power system called "blood energy".

This method of using power is somewhat similar to the wild orangutan family that Thain came into contact with in his early years.

It's just that the Rongyue world has not developed a belief system in gods. Compared with gods, these Rongyue world creatures seem to worship their ancestors more.

And the Rong Yue students from different tribes and countries


Things also have totems that represent their own beliefs.

Invoking the power of totems in war is also a unique fighting method in the Rongyue world.

Because he joined the Tianming Empire's battle sequence midway, Gongsun Wudi did not assign any hard combat tasks to Thain, as if Thain only needed to perform as he pleased.

If they just take advantage of the situation and casually get through this war, the wizarding civilization represented by Thane may leave a bad impression on the contemporary powerful people of the Tianming Empire.

So Thane decided to go all out!

The cavalry army that Thain was in was considered to be one of the more elite combat armies of the Tianming Empire. There was not much difference between it and the Xiaolong Army and the Tiger Army.

Moreover, the cavalry troops are all cavalry, and the mounts these warriors ride on are all cavalry beasts wearing heavy black armor.

The total number of this cavalry army is approximately 20,000.

Like the wizard civilization, the Tianming Empire seems to be accustomed to using creatures above level one as its regular troops.

As for the cannon fodder units, Thain also saw many servants of various races, as well as some slave creatures imprisoned in animal pens.

The generals of the Tianming Empire had no right to assign Thain, and Thain was too lazy to command the cavalry army that was not under his control.

After arriving at the target war zone, Thain released 200,000 angel legions directly from the Rubik's Cube.

At the same time, about 300,000 green source seeds were spread on the land of the military world by Thain.

The sudden appearance of the Angel Legion not only startled the creatures in the Rong Yue world on the opposite side, but also surprised the Tianming Empire Legion on their side.

Immediately afterwards, the plant giant monster army climbed up and broke free from the ground, which also brought a lot of commotion to the surrounding battlefield.

In terms of strength, it is obvious that the mechanical angels who have been strengthened over the years are stronger. Almost every angel is stronger.

All of them have reached level one or above in combat power.

As for the plant giants catalyzed by the green source seeds given to him by Master Sain Lu Lianman, their strength level is not that good. There are only a handful of plant giants that have reached level one or above, and the vast majority are It's just cannon fodder with a huge body and brute strength.

But that's enough!

After the angels and plant trolls under his command were reorganized and assembled, Thain's long-awaited magical attack was coming to an end.

It's not a good thing for Thain to be too conspicuous when he first arrives.

Therefore, he did not choose to release any magic that was too powerful, but just chose a small forbidden spell that was relatively easy to use.

Forbidden spells, this special attack technique that represents the peak use of elemental power, should have never been seen by most creatures in the Tianming Empire and the natives of the Rongyue world before.

The small forbidden spell that Thain chose to release was called "Meteor and Fire Shower".

This is a spell model often used by level 4 or above fire magicians in the wizarding world.

As the master of the Ashes Tower, Thain will naturally make adaptive adjustments to this forbidden spell template.

For example, in the use of elemental flames, Thane used the "ash fire" that he was best at.

In addition, in the details such as the spells released by some forbidden spells and the proportion of elemental levers leveraged, there are all Thain's own imprints.

"Boom!" A large area of ​​meteorite light gradually appeared in the sky above the battlefield in front of Thain.

When he was only in the demigod realm, Thain still needed to adjust the surrounding battlefield environment to promote the smooth release of his forbidden magic.

But as he has now been promoted to level five, and his understanding of the power of elements and the secrets of mastering magic has improved, the release of such small and micro forbidden spells has become much easier.

A large number of giant meteorites burning with billowing ash flames began to gather in the sky.

The blow of the forbidden magic has not yet come, but what it has


The power it possesses, as well as the violent tide of elements surging on the surrounding battlefield, are enough to make most living beings tremble.

In the face of this doomsday crisis, the creatures in the Rongyue world opposite Thane were the first to be unable to hold back.

Since the Tianming Empire's war advanced to the Rongyue world, the native creatures in this medium-sized plane could only defend the city, or rely on some special terrain and plane nodes to resist with difficulty.

The area that the forbidden spell in front of Thane is about to cover is a large city built by creatures from the Rong Yue world, and the number of Rong Yue world creatures involved may be in the tens of millions.

Even the coverage area of ​​the forbidden curse far exceeds the area of ​​​​that city.

Large areas will be destroyed by the ashes of Thane and the strikes of forbidden curses.

The two fourth- and fifth-level creatures in the world couldn't bear the sense of crisis and oppression with the knife on their necks, so they jumped out of the city.

These two Rongyue creatures were originally heading straight for Thain.

But the eight-winged angel Fumila who appeared from behind Thain became an insurmountable mountain in front of them.

The chanting tone of the forbidden curse gradually reached its end.

Ash meteorites exuding astonishing elemental fluctuations began to rain down from the sky overwhelmingly.

A meteor shower appeared in the sky of Rong Yue world.

It's just that these meteorites burning with gray flames rolling down from the sky represent not only beauty, but also despair and death.

Not far from the battlefield where Thain is.

Gongsun Wudi, the sixth-level peak expert, walked outside the camp, holding the metal helmet in his arms, and looked up at the dense meteor shower streaking across the sky not far away.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

A meteor shower streaked across the sky.

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