The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1890 Gongsun Wudi

"Is this the wizard's civilized messenger, Master Thain?" the fifth-level golden-armored general asked Ximen Feixiao. What? You don’t know yet|Read COM, read the chapters without mistakes|Hurry up and Google them}

After getting Ximen Feixiao's response, General Jin Jia nodded, and then "escorted" Thain towards the world of Rong Yue where the war was still breaking out.

Ximen Feixiao did not enter it at the same time.

After sending Thane here, his mission is completed, and he needs to return to the world of Jueluo to continue leading his war.

Arriving in a war-torn plane that has nothing to do with him is also a strange experience for Thane.

On the way here, based on what he saw and heard, Thain already had a rough understanding of the situation in the Tianming Empire.

The Tianming Empire did not develop an overly advanced magic energy alchemy system like the wizarding civilization.

Although the Tianming Empire also has some warships and astral transportation tools, its overall development is relatively lagging behind.

And it seems that the Tianming Empire has not developed an overly advanced teleportation array. 🅆

On the other hand, the "Snap Dragon Army" around Thane looks extremely elite, and can already compete with the Dragon Rider Army of the Beren Empire in the wizarding world.

But this kind of elite army belongs to the minority no matter which world civilization it is in.

In fact, the total number of Xiaolong troops in the Rongyue plane should not exceed 200,000.

The combat legions that account for the greater share of the battlefield in this medium-sized plane are the ordinary standard legions of the Tianming Empire.

Instead, Thain saw another more numerous and more elite Tianming Empire legion.

The soldiers of that legion have a ferocious metal tiger head inlaid on their shoulder blades and wrists.

The word "Hu Ben" is engraved on the flag behind them.

"Are the Xiaolong Army and the Tiger Army the two most elite combat armies I have ever seen in the Tianming Empire?" Thain thought to himself.

A continuous camp soon appeared in Thain's field of vision.

Standing in the center of the camp is a huge golden tent.


Thain has already seen certain clues about the strength of the Tianming Empire's lower-level legions from their battles and the construction of fortified camps.

In addition, Thain found that the Tianming Empire seemed to worship "gold" very much?

After sending Thain to the camp, the golden armored general said goodbye and left.

He did not restrict Thain's freedom, he just asked Thain to wait here for a while, and the invincible general would come after a while.

Is the Tianming Empire really relieved about Thane?

He couldn't help but think about how much damage he would cause to the Tianming Empire if he suddenly launched an attack in the center of this camp.

Of course, it is impossible for Thain to do something misleading.

After entering this golden camp, Thain just collected some surrounding information through the Maskless Mask and made some judgments on his own.

Thane was very curious about the "invincible general" mentioned by the golden armored general.

After all, the word invincible is not something that ordinary people can use.

And when talking about the invincible general, the golden-armored general with a stiff and indifferent face actually showed some respect and obedience from the bottom of his heart.

"It seems that this invincible general is the war leader of the Tianming Empire in the Rongyue Star Territory." Thain thought to himself.

The layout of the camp is very simple and elegant, without any complicated decorations, which shows that the character of this invincible general is also decisive and direct, which is suitable for battle formations.

A special kind of spice was burned in a golden furnace in the center of the camp.

The effect of this spice is somewhat similar to the concentration potions taken by wizards and magicians in the wizarding civilization. They are both used to refresh the mind.

While Thain was observing the artifacts and decorations of the Tianming Empire, and gradually getting to know this civilization, a wave of sixth-level creatures with strong energy aura approached the tent from far to near.

This sixth-level biological wave with extremely strong aura

Dong was the sixth-level peak existence close to Piccolo's aura that Thain sensed when he was outside the plane.

The strongest person under the Lord, this is Thain's understanding of this level of creatures.

If it were in places like Faerûn, high-ranking gods such as the Lord of Bloody Purgatory, the God of Justice, and the Lady of the Night would be almost the same level of powerhouses.

Not long after, the sound of metal boots hitting the ground appeared in Thain's ears.

Thain originally thought that the man who appeared in front of him would be the same strong man from the Tianming Empire as before.

Whether it was Ximen Feixiao at the beginning or the golden-armored general later, they were all quite strong in physique, comparable to the knights in the wizarding world.

But the general of the Tianming Empire who gradually walked into the camp in front of him was a tall and graceful being.

The other person was about the same height as Thain, maybe slightly shorter than him.

But because he is supported by armor and metal boots, he looks almost as tall as him.

But what surprised Thain the most was that the breastplate of the Tianming Empire general in front of him had two extremely obvious protrusions.

Just when Thain was slightly dazed, the other party took off his helmet, and a female face full of heroic spirit and with long pale golden hair appeared in front of Thain.

"Are you a magician from the wizarding civilization?" the other party asked.

Different from the soft voice of ordinary women, this being's voice is slightly stronger.

"Yes, I am Thain, a fifth-level magician from the wizarding civilization." Thain replied.

The female general looked at Thain's face with a slight frown, as if she had discovered some clues about his formless mask.

However, she did not delve into this. After hanging her metal helmet on a shelf in a corner of the camp, the female general introduced herself: "My name is Gongsun Wudi, and I welcome Master Thain to our Tianming Empire as a guest. .”

The invincible general’s magnanimity


His direct temperament also affected Thain, who went on to say: "I am not here to be a guest of the Tianming Empire. To be precise, I am here to ask for help from the Tianming Empire."

"Oh?" Gongsun Wudi asked in a questioning tone.

Thain said: "I hope to meet His Majesty the Emperor of the Tianming Empire to discuss the war cooperation between our wizard civilization and the Tianming Empire."

"Our two civilizations have had good diplomatic and cooperative relations since ancient times."

"Our wizard civilization has never been stingy with any plane world that has helped us," Thain said.

He had no idea what the relationship between the Tianming Empire and the Wizarding Civilization was, but since the Fountain of Destruction said that, there must be some inside story that Thain was not aware of.

Thain has been walking in the star world for so many years, and he has already experienced it.

Judging from his appearance and performance alone, no one would be able to tell that this guy is actually a member of the Tianming Empire who arrived inexplicably halfway, and is not a member of the envoy specially sent by the wizard civilization.

At this time, the Invincible General tapped her metal glove on the table, seemingly considering the content of Thain's words.

Not long after, the other party raised his head and said to Thain: "There is no need to return to the imperial city for the time being. I can give you a response on behalf of the Tianming Empire."

"Huh?" Thain said in surprise.

"His Majesty, the current emperor, is my brother. I have the absolute right and identity to respond to your wizard civilization's request for help." Gongsun Wudi in front of him replied.

Although it was unexpected, Thain could still keep his composure. He took a deep breath and asked, "Then General Invincible, what do you think?"

Since she is the sister of the current emperor, the invincible general in front of her obviously also has the title of "princess".

Regarding Thain's question, Gongsun Wudi in front of him smiled and said, "First help us end the war in the Rong Yue world."

"Xiaodou saw that the monthly ticket is 1,400, and there will be an extra chapter in the afternoon~"

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