The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1841 Know how to be content

"Jie, Jie, Jie, this black potion can effectively restore your physical wounds."

"Don't worry that I will harm you. You performed well. I want to continue summoning and borrowing your power next time, hehehe." Nigel smiled.

His laughter was always harsh and chilling.

The iron-armored master lowered his head and glanced at the potion handed over by Nigel, and then said: "I don't think many otherworldly masters in the surrounding star fields would dare to drink the potion given by Master Nigel."

"But..." the iron-armored master muttered: "I believe Master Nigel will not harm me."

After saying that, the master of iron armor untied the iron armor on his face and drank the potion in his hand.

Although this potion looks liquid and bubbles constantly.

But when it was opened, it turned into a wisp of black mist and sank directly into the iron armored master's mouth and nose.

Judging from his breath, voice and state, this iron-armored master looks extremely young.

The iron-armored master's answer made Nigel's laughter stand out even more.

Then a space vortex appeared behind the Iron Armor Master, and under the pull of the summoning law, it returned to its original space coordinates.

After all, newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, and the iron-armored master does not seem to be afraid at all of the vicious threat that the Seventh Pharaoh made just before he left.

After the Iron Armor Lord left, Nigel paid the final payment to Liuyun Saint King, who was a little worried about gains and losses.

However, Nigel deducted the 200 million soul essence quota from Liuyun Saint King.

Because they didn't kill the seventh pharaoh.

Judging from the content of the summoning contract rules signed, Nigel did not break the contract.

"Jie Jie, our wizarding world follows the principle of equal value transactions. You shouldn't have any complaints about this, right?" Nigel smiled at Liuyun Saint King Jie Jie.

The character of Saint King Liuyun is not the kind of being who dares to fight to the death with Nigel.


, unless it is forced to a dead end.

After taking a look at the massive amount of soul essences piled up like a mountain that Nigel delivered, Saint King Liuyun turned his huge white wings and hid them all somewhere.

After letting out a clear chirp, Holy King Liuyun also flew towards the summoning transmission light gate and quickly disappeared.

After watching Liuyun Saint King leave with a smile, Nigel finally looked at the Meat Ball Lord.

The situation of Nigel depriving Liuyun Saint King of 200 million soul essence was seen by the Lord of Meat Balls.

So much so that this guy now has some bad premonitions in his heart.


After paying the meat ball master 1.5 billion of the best soul essence, Nigel indicated with his eyes that it could get out.

After receiving a cold glare from Nigel, the Meatball Master suddenly became a little angry.

The 500 million soul essences that were deducted were nothing, but as the "purple heart" that had been negotiated in advance, it was something that the Meatball Dominator was bound to get.

It was because of this thing that it responded to Nigel's cross-border call, even going so far as to turn against the Pharaoh of the Hades Empire.

If he only brought some soul essence back, it would be better not to come on this trip.

"Master Nigel, did you forget something?" The meat ball master couldn't help but said.

"What did I forget?" Nigel raised his eyes and looked at the Meatball Master.

At the same time, the Fang Evil Dragon and Volta on its back also quietly changed directions.

Volta's dragon spear, which was still dripping with the blood of the black master, was also vaguely aimed at the meat ball master.

Being asked coldly by Nigel, the Meat Ball Master was choked in his original position for a moment.


In fact, in terms of the quantity and quality of high-level combat power, the lineup used by Nigel and others to besiege the seventh pharaoh this time is really not much different from when Bev and others besieged the eighth pharaoh.

But the biggest factor here is the disunity of people.

Except for the iron-armored master who has an upright temperament and likes to hone his own limits, and is willing to work stupidly.

Which one of the remaining Saint King Liuyun and the meatball master in front of him is not a master of abacus?

If Liuyun Saint King and Meatball Master had tried their best to help Nigel and others retain the seventh pharaoh from the beginning.

Whether the other party can escape is really unknown!

But this kind of thugs summoned temporarily through the summoning of magic circles and the lure of benefits are unreliable in this way. 🅆

I recall that when Bev besieged the Eighth Pharaoh, in addition to her meticulous planning, almost all those who participated in the siege were local masters of the wizarding civilization.

Everyone cooperated sincerely, so that the siege could be successfully completed at a smaller cost, and even the eighth Pharaoh failed to send back the distress signal in time.

The current dominance of the melee is far worse than last time, and Nigel and others also paid a heavy price.

Facing Nigel's cold gaze, the Meatball Master wanted to fall out with him for a moment.

But considering that Nigel's strength is far beyond his own, there are two wizard civilization master-level creatures standing next to him.

The Meatball Master could only swallow this suffocating sigh.

Including that it had suffered considerable damage in the battle just now, and there were many palm prints and deep scratches on the surface of the round flesh ball.

It is really not a wise move to break out into a conflict with the deep-breathing Nigel now.

On the premise that the Minghe Empire has been provoked, if we break up with the wizard civilization again, the flesh will


The road ahead for the ball to dominate is not easy either.

Whether it is the Mingha Empire or the wizard civilization, for the meat ball master, they are behemoths that he cannot afford to offend.

Even this guy has early level eight strength.

This is the gap between the top civilization and the idle world master.

No matter how arrogant you are as the ruler of a large world, you still have to give way and bow your head in the face of the vast chariots of top civilizations.

The dull performance of the Meatball Dominator has actually proved its attitude.

Upon seeing this, Nigel's originally cold expression seemed to soften a little.

He Jiejie smiled and said: "Didn't you originally say that you only need 500 million soul essences? Look, I gave you 1.5 billion!"

"People need to know how to be content, right?"

After saying that, Nigel flew over very naturally and patted the meat ball master with his thin palm.

Is this really a true spiritual magician from the wizarding civilization who claims to be weak? !

If the meat ball master suddenly attacks Nigel at close range, it should cause him heavy damage, right?

But facing the notorious eighth-level black magician with a smile in front of him, the body of the meatball master trembled slightly, but in the end he did nothing.

It didn't even mention the "Purple Heart". After collecting the mountain of soul essence released by Nigel, the Meatball Master floated towards the location of the summoning circle.

"I hope we will have the opportunity to cooperate in the future, Prati." After calling out the real name of the meat ball master, Nigel waved his magic wand and sent away the meat ball master in front of him.

The surrounding space fluctuated and finally returned to calm.

Only the chaotic rules and corrupted battlefield environment proved that there had been a massive domination melee here before.

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