The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1840 Talking about money

The relationship between wizard civilization and the fairyland has always been good.

In particular, some of the saints maintain stable contact almost all year round.

But in the final analysis, the relationship between the wizard civilization and the fairyland is the interaction between the two civilizations.

It is impossible to rashly intervene in a civilized war led by the other party just because of the likes and dislikes of some strong individuals.

It is true that we have a friendly relationship, but we must also discuss the interests that should be discussed.

The turmoil and internal conflicts of the fairyland civilization in recent years have made the wizard civilization less connected with them.

Because the powerful wizard civilization doesn’t want to take sides.

Before the Fairyland Civilization reunites with one voice, the Wizarding Civilization actually does not want to have too deep intersection with the Fairyland too early.

Taking sides means that while making friends with some strong people, you will offend other people.

The current situation in the Immortal Realm is too complicated.

But the current situation has forced the wizarding civilization to find some help as soon as possible.

The civilized war with the Gallente Federation must not turn into a stalemate.

Once the wizarding civilization is unable to maintain its destructive situation due to various factors, it must look for changes from other aspects.

Even if it means sharing some of the fruits of victory in civilized wars with the fairyland civilization.

Klopp naturally heard Bev's voice.

The three masters she mentioned are all powerful men from the fairyland who have close ties with the wizarding civilization.

And the power they each control is considerable.

In addition to these three, the wizard civilization is actually more closely related to other masters of the fairyland civilization.

But sometimes the human relationship is too good, and other problems will accompany it.

The hardest thing to repay is the favor.

Sometimes Bev, as a leader of civilization, also


I think it’s best to talk about money.

And based on the friendship between the wizard civilization and those immortal domain masters who are very well connected, when the Antarctic Immortal Emperor and others take action, other forces may, needless to say, take the initiative to help.

As Bev’s confidant, Klopp has a deep understanding of many major policy decisions.

He couldn't help but ask again: "Do you want to contact the Wanquan World Group and the martial arts civilization?"

Klopp has asked this question before.

Bev replied this time: "In fact, the Wanquan World Group has not completely disconnected from us. The descendants of the Quanzu will naturally come if they hear about the civilized war situation on our side."

"As for the martial arts civilization..." Bev pondered for a moment and then said, "Then send someone to contact them. We now need to unite all the forces that can be united."

Bev's instructions made Klopp bow his head and resign.

He will be busier than ever in the coming period.

When it comes to sending envoys to foreign civilizations, Klopp already has several options in mind.

After Knight Klop resigned and left, Bev looked around at the eroded Domination battlefield and couldn't help but let out a sigh again.

Anadarko Sector Frontier.

The fierce battle is coming to an end here.

As a stronger being than the Eighth Pharaoh, the Seventh Pharaoh really has two skills.

In addition to a dominant monster king as a thug, the real core of the Seventh Pharaoh's trump card is a ray of light emitted from his unsealed chest.

Avgomon has three eyes in total. The eye in his chest was later repaired.

It is made by combining the power of Yafugomon's unique law - the light of consciousness, a beam of power that can even affect the master.

With the help of these trump cards and the desperate fight of Flame, the king of the sharp-horned black-scale monster, the Seventh Pharaoh finally successfully escaped from the battlefield of the Anadarko Star Territory at the cost of losing an arm.

The pitch-black black hole in space combines with the white law beam brought by the Holy Book of Hades.

When the seventh pharaoh struggled to escape from the battlefield with his heavily wounded body, he used his three eyes to fiercely say to the masters present: "I will definitely come back!"

"Especially you guys, I won't let anyone go!" The vicious curse of the seventh pharaoh Yafugomen, even if it was covered by the power of space, made many masters present feel like they were carrying a ray of light on their backs.

After the Holy King Liuyun let out a clear chirp, he directed a white energy hurricane towards the Seventh Pharaoh, but unfortunately it did not have any impact on the Seventh Pharaoh. 🅆

Regarding the vicious words of the seventh pharaoh Yafugomon before he left, the Liuyun Saint King, who has the strength of the late seventh level, is the one who is most afraid of it.

It's a pity that in the previous battle, due to concerns, he only provided more auxiliary blessings. Now it is a bit late for Liuyun Saint King to keep Yafugomon.

Instead of doing some useless work like Liuyun Saint King, Nigel's skinny palm now firmly grasped the severed arm.

This amputated arm was the "gift" left to him by Avgomon.

Oh, by the way, this gift should be considered a buy one get one free, because in the palm of Avgomon's broken arm, there is also a gray-black law bead that reaches the level of a medium-high-grade world-class secret treasure.

In the previous battle, the Seventh Pharaoh received a good strength bonus because of this world-class secret treasure.

Facing the first


The Seven Pharaohs said harsh words before leaving. Nigel exhaled from his nostrils with disdain. He sneered: "Jiejie, Jiejie, then I welcome you to come next time."

"Next time you come over, remember to take care of your arms."

"If you still have more, remember to bring more world-class secret treasures or specimens of the dominant monster king. I won't have too many, hehehe!" Nigel said with a gloomy sneer.

His eyes also glanced at the sharp-horned black-scaled monster king, Frem, who was trampled under the feet of the fanged evil dragon and had almost no life fluctuations.

As Nigel sneered, Volta, who was on the back of the fang evil dragon, raised his dragon spear.

At this time, the knight armor on Volta's body was already covered with wounds and scratches.

But under the knight's mask, Volta's blood-red eyes were still bright.

With almost crazy eyes, he stared in the direction where the Seventh Pharaoh escaped.

The fanged evil dragon under his feet was also roaring.

Even if large amounts of dragon blood and carrion were constantly falling off from the body wounds of the fang evil dragon, they could not stop the desire of the master and servant to fight and kill.

"Damn madman from the Wizarding World!" He cursed at the end, and the figure of the Seventh Pharaoh gradually disappeared.

After the breath of the Seventh Pharaoh completely disappeared, it was time for the Iron Armor Master, Flowing Cloud Saint King, and Meat Ball Master to leave as the summoned masters.

At this time, the Iron Armor Master was sitting on the huge hind legs of the monster king, Flame, adjusting his breath and recovering.

In the previous master battle, this iron-armored master with the lowest strength was actually the one who fought most seriously.

After Nigel handed him the remaining balance of the pre-promised payment, he also gave him a friendly gift of a special potion that kept emitting strange black bubbles.

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