The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1842 Harvest and Price

After the meat ball master Prati left, the deep and repressive momentum that Nigel had maintained began to plummet.

"Ahem." Two more mouthfuls of elemental black blood overflowed from the corners of Nigel's mouth.

After being beaten by the Endless Light of the Gallente Federation, he is still able to persist until now, and has maintained a high-intensity battle against the Seventh Pharaoh.

I have to say, this is a miracle.

If it were a true spirit-level magician from the wizarding civilization, he might not be able to achieve the level of Nigel.

"After all, I am getting old. After fighting at this level, my body can no longer support it." Nigel said with a sigh, and then turned his attention back to his gains from this battle.

Although in this battle, Nigel paid a large amount of soul essence as a reward, and he also suffered extremely serious trauma.

But the benefits are still good!

An eighth-level arm is a good top-grade material in itself, not to mention a world-class secret treasure and a specimen of the corpse of the dominant monster king.

After breaking open the palm of the eighth-level arm, Nigel picked up the world-class secret treasure and looked at it for a few times, then threw it to Volta.

"Nice thing, but I can't use it anymore."

"See if you like it. If you don't like it, you can trade it to others. A mid-level world-class secret treasure can be exchanged for a lot of good things, Jie Jie Jie." Nigel said to Volta.

At this time, Volta also gradually lifted his fighting state.

After the helmet and mask dissipated, Volta seemed to be a blue-haired bloody man.

He took the gray-black Pearl of Law and looked at it for a long time, then put it into his chest armor.

The red light in his eyes gradually dissipated, and Volta also spent a lot of money in this battle.

His injuries were no less serious than Nigel's.

Volta was really unlucky this time. The seventh pharaoh of the Hades Empire obviously came for Nigel, and Volta suffered an unreasonable disaster.

However, the final result of the battle satisfied Volta.



This famous fighting maniac in the wizarding world actually had a smile on his lips at this time.

It seems that he is still recalling the hearty battle just now.

Nigel ignored Volta's fighting intoxication. After he came near the Fang Evil Dragon, he stepped forward and took a look at the monster king, Frem, who was still trampled by the Fang Evil Dragon.

Large amounts of smelly blood gush out from Frame's neck, heart and spine.

These three places were the most severely injured parts of Frame's body.

If Nigel and others leave, I wonder if there will be any lucky person in the surrounding battlefields who will be extremely lucky to collect a little dominator blood.

There is quite a lot of Lord's blood scattered on this battlefield, and most of it comes from the King of Monsters, Flame.

After touching Frame's heart for a long time, Nigel Jiejie smiled and said: "This big guy's vitality is really strong."

"Obviously the soul of the Lord has been exhausted, but the heart is still so energetic!"

"If I use it as the main material to create a new corpse-refining synthetic beast, hum hum… I will have a new work coming out."

At this point, Nigel couldn't help coughing twice, wiped the elemental blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, patted the paw of the Fang Evil Dragon next to him who was also seriously injured, and said: "Don't worry, I won't forget it. It’s yours.”

"My synthetic beast refining experiment only requires its bones, heart and other parts."

"When the time comes, all the flesh and blood of those masters will be yours to devour."

"Just don't think its meat is too sour." Nigel said with a smile.

When the fanged evil dragon heard this, it looked up to the sky and howled again.

With certain devouring laws, it dominates flesh and blood and is undoubtedly an excellent tonic for strength improvement and state recovery.

Then, Nigel turned to Volta and added: "The dominant core of this monster king also belongs to you. This battle is all thanks to you two, Jie Jie Jie."

Volta had no comment on this.

Over the past 100,000 years, he has become more and more low-key.

Only in the battle of life and death will he show some of his true intentions.

"It's time for us to get out of here."

"Including asking your Black Knight Legion to withdraw with us."

"The Gallente Federation's search fleet will arrive here soon."

"Jie Jie Jie, I don't want to fight any more now. I just want to go back to the Black Tower in the Black Domain to rest for a while." Nigel said after packing and collecting the body specimens of the monster king Frem in front of him.

Volta's knight helmet reappeared. After pulling down his mask, he jumped on the back of the fanged evil dragon and finally replied to Nigel: "Me too."

The battlefield where Rogge and others are.

Guided by the light of the Holy Book of Ming He, three master-level life forms left here one after another.

A king of monsters that looked like a scorpion finally fell permanently to this foreign land of a distant wizard civilization under the attack of Rogge and others regardless of the cost.

The price paid by Rogge and others was not small.

His mammoth composite beast had been completely dismantled into parts.

It is estimated that in the end only some materials can be recycled and reused.

The body of the Scorpion King was one of Rogge's biggest gains from this battle.

With this thing, although he lost a mammoth synthetic beast, it won't be long before he may have another scorpion synthetic beast.

Of the dozen or so sixth-level or sixth-level peak creatures summoned by Rogge, only three are still alive and standing in the starry sky.

They are: Black Warrior Emperor,


The Epiphany of Despair, and a mid-level sixth-level creature called the Death Worm.

At this time, half of the Black Warrior Emperor's body had been twisted and deformed.

Is this the power of domination?

The Black Warrior Emperor, who felt the height of power at the seventh level, stepped onto the summoning teleportation array tremblingly after receiving the reward from Rogge.

"I once again represent the wizarding civilization and invite the Black Warrior world to join our Wizards Alliance. You should think about it carefully after you go back." Rogge, who was excitedly playing with the corpse of the Scorpion King, said to the Black Warrior Emperor who was about to leave without raising his head.

The Black Warrior Emperor, who was wrapped in black armor, nodded to Rogge, and then disappeared into the halo of the teleportation array with a large amount of trophies he had gained in this battle, which even contained part of the Lord's blood.

Rogge also had the same win-win attitude towards Despair.

It's just that this special rule-based life form is not very interested in joining the Wizards Alliance because it has no ties to the mother plane behind it.

Finally, comes the Death Worm.

Rogge actually raised his head with interest this time and muttered, "Both the Black Warrior Emperor and the Episoma of Despair have the potential to attack the Overlord. Although this battle cost them most of their lives."

"But for both of them, this battle is also a precious record in their lives that is difficult to experience again. Not all sixth-level peak creatures can escape unscathed after facing the master."

"And who are you? Can you survive until now?" Rogge curiously looked at the death worm with less than one-tenth of its body left.

"Yesterday Xiaodou came to Xi'an to attend a classmate's wedding. She has already asked for leave in book circles and public accounts. I believe many book friends have seen it~

Because I didn’t save the manuscript, I stopped updating for a day. I’m very sorry!

From today onwards, normal updates will resume. I will continue to update what should be updated. After taking a look at the monthly tickets, Xiaodou seems to owe a lot of QAQ.

There are two more updates tonight~”

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