The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,787 Master’s scolding

After returning to the wizarding world, Thane temporarily put down all his experimental subjects and began to concentrate on solving Lena's problem.

Soul magic seems to be a magic that must be learned.

In the past, Natalya's soul was injured, and in the second, Lina's soul was invaded. It was so compelling that Thain had to delve deeper.

Apart from making myself more tired, there is nothing wrong with covering a wider range of knowledge systems...

In the medieval and ancient times, the "wizard profession" of wizard civilization was extremely prosperous. The wizard professionals at that time learned everything and dabbled in a little bit of everything.

If the ancient wizards can do it, why can't Thane do it?

People are forced out, so give it a try.

What I have to say is that in order to solve Natalya's problem, Thain wanted to meet a soul magician. He searched for a long time but could not contact anyone.

But recently they have appeared one after another, and none of them are from their own camp!

Lina's mentor, Mei Kelly, actually possesses the method of "stealing souls", and the target is a fourth-level magician like Lina, which shows that Mei Kelly herself has extremely high attainments in the field of soul magic.

In addition, Jerry, the fourth-level peak magician who has a grudge against Thane and Lina, has also made great achievements in the field of soul system.

According to Triris, the one who is really good at soul magic is Jerry's mentor, the sixth-level magician Tomk.

That guy is the real master of the soul system. Before reaching the peak of the sixth level, Cuilisi, who mastered the magic of green fire and the secret of body tempering, is only on par with him. It is difficult to say that he can completely defeat him.

Because there is such a big gap, it is impossible for Lina and Natalya to leave their problems to each other to solve.

There is a chance of error in the experiment. If the other party does anything and causes an accident, this is something that Thain will never accept.

And after coming back, I haven’t carried out the practice yet.


As for the test, Thain was scolded by his master first.

It can't be said that it was scolding. The master's tone was still very kind. At most, it could only be regarded as a rebuke. "Why did you contact Klopp Knight so early? We could have solved this matter at a lower cost, but at most the process was more troublesome."

"It's okay now. With the 'amnesty order' issued by Knight Klopp, your little wife was rescued directly, which saved a lot of trouble. However, the mission rewards you obtained on the front lines of the civilized battlefield have not yet been delivered. The part given to you has been completely offset." Cuilis said with a bit of hatred for iron.

She was actually thinking about Thain, but it was a pity that the resources of the Wizards Alliance were not yet available.

This world is a world full of copper odor, and even magicians who are dedicated to exploring the mysteries of truth are not exempt from this.

It costs money to do experiments, money to buy magic materials, and even more money to consume as soul slave cannon fodder on the battlefield...

Without enough resources, how can I support my rapid progress on the path of truth exploration in the future?

Triris has always had great expectations for Thane, and she has also seen Thain's calm and outstanding performance ability on the actual battlefield.

But in this incident... it was true that Thain was a little anxious and thoughtless.

Of course, Thain had to obey the scolding from his master.

The master's scolding was right, and it was also a sign of her concern for Thain.

As for what the master mentioned, about two-thirds of the subsequent alliance rewards will be offset by him. Thain really doesn't feel too sorry for this.

He is a well-fed man who doesn’t know how hungry a man is when he is hungry. The resources he has on hand are enough to spend, so he doesn’t pay much attention to the recent sum from the Wizards Alliance.

billions of dollars in rewards.

In Thane's view, two to three hundred million magic coins are simply not comparable to Lina's status in his heart.

If Lina could be saved from suffering and come out decades earlier, no matter how much money she spent, it would be worth it.

Triris has never experienced love, so she is not able to empathize with Thain's feelings.

On the other hand, Lu Lianman supported Thain in private. She seemed to understand Thain somewhat?

After Triris scolded her enough, Thain said with a calm face, "Junior is not short of resources for the time being. Speaking of which, I got another golden apple not long ago..."

Thain's words made Trilis's face expressive.

The face that was originally scolding Thain suddenly became a little unbearable.

She didn't know whether to continue scolding this disciple for his impatience or to praise him for his ability.

When Cuilisi turned to look at Lu Lianman, she found that Lu Lianman's face was also smiling, and then she said, "So you already knew about this?"

"After all, we are masters and disciples. I, the master, are still a generation apart. If there is any good thing, I should tell you first." Cuilis said with her arms folded.

At this time, Lu Lianman stepped forward and shook Cuilisi's arm coquettishly, explaining, "Teacher, you have been in seclusion to break through to the sixth level peak. Even if the disciple wants to tell you this, there is no chance."

"Originally, I wanted to give you and my senior brother another surprise, but I didn't expect that something like this happened on Thain's side, so I didn't bother to mention it to you," Lu Lianman said.

Lu Lianman's answer made Cuillis obviously feel a little better.

Looking at Thain and Lu Lianman's master and apprentice in front of her, Cuillis no longer deliberately maintained her previous stereotype. Instead, a smile appeared on her lips and said, "Then I will also tell you some good news. It belongs to Thain."


The supply of rewards for subsequent missions will stop, but the Holy Fruit that Knight Klopp said he applied for for Thain will still be delivered to Thain through the process. "

Triris couldn't help but stepped forward and pinched Thain's cheek, and said, "This is a holy fruit. I have never eaten it before. How come you always bring surprises, little guy? It seems that Knight Klopp still values ​​you very much." of."

They were also undergoing body training, but Thain couldn't help his master pinching him like this.

Triris's affectionate behavior also marked her undiminished care for Thane.

Only in this extremely harmonious teacher sect atmosphere can this happen.

Looking at the situation of his master, and then looking at the feud between Lina and her mentor Meikali, Thain couldn't help but sigh.

"After I get the holy fruit, I will ask my mentor to fuse it with the golden apple liquid to make a new potion."

"Master, you and my uncle should also try it at that time." Thain said with a smile.

Triris did not refuse at this time. When the relationship between people becomes closer, there is no need to be too polite.

"I will stay in the wizarding world for a short period of time. During this period, I will see if I can help Lena remove the soul of the black magician from her body." Triris said while touching her chin.

"Then I won't bother you anymore, Master." Thain thanked me.

With Trilis' help, the initial experiments on Lina's soul research went very smoothly.

But as subsequent experiments progress, especially when it comes to separating or destroying one of the souls, the difficulty suddenly rises.

Trilis is not a professional soul magician. She can only say that she has lived longer, has deeper knowledge, and has a more thorough understanding of the laws.

But when it comes to specific soul manipulation experiments, Trilis is not omnipotent.

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